What do you all look like?


This is me and my the girlfriend ( Not our finest picture)
WeLuvIbiza said:
Crystal said:
It's been a while since i have posted a pic of me. And all the old ones seem to have disappeared!

So here is actually very recent. This was taken February 19, of this year.

I was out celebrating my birthday. To be quite honest with you I don't even remember taking this picture but somehow it ended up in a local magazine and internet. If you can't view it, go to this http://www.envyhouston.com/View_Photo.asp?id=746

Oh I get depressed seeing that jacket in the background....
I lost it that night. :cry:



I know this is a rather childish question, but would you like to help me commit adultery? I will replace your jacket......

I found the jacket!!!! YESSSS!

So we don't have to commit adultery afterall! :D

ok hope this works think have finally worked out how to get pic up without a link. thats me in middle (slightly burnt!) at garlands closing last summer. was great night. :D