We're Up All Night To Get Lucky?

My boyfriend split up with me on Monday so this weekend I aim to listen to this song before going out and staying up all night in the hope of getting lucky! It's been good for my motivation and it's definitely catchy but already ridiculously overplayed on the commercial stations we listen to at work!

Good Luck Good Luck in your new life :)

It's actually being played here on one of the radio stations surprisingly enough. Here in NFLD we are usually years behind haha
I don't think anyone's expecting (or wanting) Da Funk, though ironically, despite being almost 20 years old, it feels fresher and more vital than Get Lucky. My interest in electronic music is that generally it's fast moving, exciting, possibly cutting edge. Get Lucky is the sort of thing that could draw granny on to the dancefloor; they seem to be targetting the masses in the way boring, clunky bands like Coldplay do. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed Daft Punk (mainly Homework and live album), but holding them up as the most important/best electronic dance act in the world is frankly bizarre. Just my opinion. I'll give the album a chance but the over-hype and the over-playing of Get Lucky is already grating! Maybe I'll eat my words when I actually hear it. :p

Again, Banglater has gone on record many times of late stating that he isn't trying to create modern Dance music (he even said DP haven't a clue what's going on in electronic circles at the moment as they've been locked away recording this album for 5 years!) he wanted to create a snap shot of '70s Disco! It's pretty obivous they have achieved this with the album.

You've said yourself above that electronic music is fast moving, exciting, possibly cutting edge so why review RAM with the same impression? You wouldn't review a Beatles record from a Country & Western viewpoint so why this?
Again, Banglater has gone on record many times of late stating that he isn't trying to create modern Dance music (he even said DP haven't a clue what's going on in electronic circles at the moment as they've been locked away recording this album for 5 years!) he wanted to create a snap shot of '70s Disco! It's pretty obivous they have achieved this with the album.

You've said yourself above that electronic music is fast moving, exciting, possibly cutting edge so why review RAM with the same impression? You wouldn't review a Beatles record from a Country & Western viewpoint so why this?

All I know is I don't like what I've heard of it and there are plenty of people who've heard the whole thing that say it's guff. Their Tron soundtrack was hailed as a masterpiece by some people but, bar a couple of tracks, that was bland. Sounds like people would be better off going back to the Sebastian Tellier album, Sexuality, produced by half of Daft Punk, probably the last good thing they were associated with. ;) That's a record that does deserve more exposure!

If people like RAM, fine, but I reckon I'll be doing my best to avoid it in Ibiza. :p
All I know is I don't like what I've heard of it and there are plenty of people who've heard the whole thing that say it's guff. Their Tron soundtrack was hailed as a masterpiece by some people but, bar a couple of tracks, that was bland. Sounds like people would be better off going back to the Sebastian Tellier album, Sexuality, produced by half of Daft Punk, probably the last good thing they were associated with. ;) That's a record that does deserve more exposure!

If people like RAM, fine, but I reckon I'll be doing my best to avoid it in Ibiza. :p

It's interesting that those that are calling it guff haven't listened to it all the way through or have put forward a coherent agurment that actual critques it track by track. It's the like they disliked it the moment Get Lucky was released or got to track 3 released it wasn't club music and wrote it off. It's also become a status symbol to put a downer on the album. Too much hate in this world.
It's interesting that those that are calling it guff haven't listened to it all the way through or have put forward a coherent agurment that actual critques it track by track. It's the like they disliked it the moment Get Lucky was released or got to track 3 released it wasn't club music and wrote it off. It's also become a status symbol to put a downer on the album. Too much hate in this world.

I'll mainly listen (or not) to an album depending on the quality of singles (or indeed album tracks) I hear on the radio, but sometimes on recommendation from reviewers I trust. Get Lucky is IMO an utterly shallow pop/dance tune (which I contend could have been made by any third rate producer) and the tracks I heard last night didn't appear to have any more depth. As far as electronic/dance music (whether it be for the dancefloor or headphones) goes, there are so many interesting producers around that I really can't see why Get Lucky should generate much excitement. Why do fans think it stands out? I've read official reviews and many listener reviews of RAM and opinion is generally divided into great or crap. I think dance music, indeed most music, is always on the verge of being swallowed by big, bland acts (Daft Punk now? :evil: :rolleyes:), hence why people react to ridiculous levels of hype.

And calm down, it's only opinion. :lol: Peace.
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Erm because Nile Rodgers kills it?

Just trying to have a sensible debate JV! Hence the 'Too much hate in this world' comment :)

It's not so much hatred, more a sense of meh and slight disappointment after all the hype pointing towards the best dance record ever. :rolleyes: :lol: Plenty of other tings to listen to!
JohnnyV vodka u are not talking any sense at all... This is NOT a dance album in the sense of dance today or trying to be the best dance track of all time. Read the mixmag article Thomas bang altar said the only thing they've done to stand out from dance artists of today is use real musical instruments on just about every track
It's basically background elevator music. In the American sense of the word "elevator". It's just there - likely won't offend as many people as some others and even the slowest on the uptake can hum some of the words in their head after they've heard it on repeat 50 times.

Can't conceive of it being something to claw each others' eyes out over. Except for the incongruous hype around something so basically "just there" that's made a great deal out of very little indeed...