Weekend shenanigans

90 mins away. Going up on Saturday to meet up with few friends that are over for weekend. Don't think I'll go to that. Talks of mano playing some little secret gig on sat.
Hitting Sankeys London party later. Intrigued to see how this is gonna go down. I've never been to the venue - in any of it's incarnations - and I'm a big sceptic of this whole "let's try to replicate the Ibiza-vibe in London" thing, but looking forward to it nevertheless. Sadly will miss Sidney Charles, who I'm a huge fan of, as not arriving until gone midnight. There's plenty enough on that line-up to keep me happy though.

Last night stayed local. Martinez. Thought he was quality. But shame the night flopped. 50-75 ppl across 2 rooms. Even when they shut the 2nd room a fracas broke out and half the crowd were seemingly ejected or decided to leave as a result. Thank god for the smoke machine.
Hitting Sankeys London party later. Intrigued to see how this is gonna go down. I've never been to the venue - in any of it's incarnations - and I'm a big sceptic of this whole "let's try to replicate the Ibiza-vibe in London" thing, but looking forward to it nevertheless. Sadly will miss Sidney Charles, who I'm a huge fan of, as not arriving until gone midnight. There's plenty enough on that line-up to keep me happy though.

Last night stayed local. Martinez. Thought he was quality. But shame the night flopped. 50-75 ppl across 2 rooms. Even when they shut the 2nd room a fracas broke out and half the crowd were seemingly ejected or decided to leave as a result. Thank god for the smoke machine.

Be really interested to hear how this goes. Gutted I couldnt do this one. Also a big fan of sidney charles going to see him do his b2b with sante at magna cartar next month
Be really interested to hear how this goes. Gutted I couldnt do this one. Also a big fan of sidney charles going to see him do his b2b with sante at magna cartar next month

I will post a review of what I think. Going to Magna Carta on Easter Thursday as well. Have heard great stuff about their B2B sets. I definitely think 2014 is his year.
Weekend working to meet non-moveable deadlines till gone 5pm Sunday so missed 2 beautiful days and didn't get away until gone 6pm. Arrived at Village Underground about 9 so just as Ben Klock starting.

Mixed feelings about that place. I think maybe it was the crowd - too many 'Adam Beyer fans' and not enough true techno heads. Mixed in with a load of people who would never get into Berghain but want to know what it's all about. Sad thing is it wasn't at all what it's all about - either musically or in any other way. It was the sort of set I'd expect Klock to play at DC-10 or a Klockworks showcase, not what you hear from him in the temple which is usually MUCH tougher. Too much "pussy techno" and no way hard enough for a closing set. So not so much an 'Ostgut Ton' showcase as a watered down more accessible set for a non-German international crowd.

Klock was playing rather 'big room' for the first hour and not sure it was the right thing. It got stupidly good about 10pm before moving into what I would call 'MDMA techno territory' around half eleven and by midnight it really wasn't for me, not in any way proper techno at all. I know lots of Londoners like that stuff (MDMA techno I mean - maybe MDMA too lol) but I don't. It's not gritty enough for me in the final hour of a closing set and when I hear it starting up I go get my coat.

So a very long way for a set with an hour of complete joy but big let-downs too. Bar in there is cheap, free water too. But there was something unmistakeably "London" about the crowd (not in a good way) and although shuffler-free and eclectic the mix didn't seem to work and it took me ages to find somewhere I felt comfortable. Also too many people looking spent and not enough energy. Not at all like Berlin with a constant stream of people in and out bringing new energy over 36 hours straight. I think I may have felt better about it if I hadn't experienced the real deal, against which it was all a big let-down. Just goes to show it's the combo of the music, the venue, the door selection and the hedonism which makes Berghain what it is. You can't take an element out and expect it to work on its own in the same way. I felt ... well ... jaded ! Which is where last Sunday I had so much more fun overall at less than half the price.... and the music was better too. Kr!z would knock Ben clean out in a contest any day. Fook ... would love to see them B2B ... could be as good as Techno gets when they both up their game to the max :twisted:

Glad I went to see anyway. But I won't be rushing to repeat ....

I will post a review of what I think.

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First night out in ages on Saturday, tagged along with mates to see MK and Hannah Wants at Warehouse in Southampton as it's local. Ruined my own night really after drinking all afternoon as I had friends down from Norwich for the football, and then getting a tad carried away with the MDMA. From what I remember the venue was decent for Southampton, music was average. Stuck it out at the after party at another little club til 7:30am but was completely mashed and still feel like I'm on a comedown 36 hours later. Bleurgh.
My thoughts on Sankeys Opening & Studio 338 in general: firstly, important to point out I really enjoyed the night - despite the nags i may list. My first visit to the venue so I didn't really know what to expect. Have to say, they've done a great job in decking it out as an "Ibiza Terrace" - so it ticks the box, it does look the part. Obviously it hasn't got that Ibiza vibe, but I truly don't think is going to be replicated in London however much you try.

Acts: arrived at 2am. Caught the end of Just Be's set which didn't blow me away, and was pretty comparable to other times I'd seen him (as a solo act) but was solid enough. Surprise package of the night was Sneak. Don't rate the bloke for his "twitter beef" but he upped the tempo and got the crowd much more involved. Definitely went up in my estimation. And showed some general admiration to the crowd at the end. Was applauded off, and deservedly so. I think everybody expected the special guest to be Darius Syrossian, so no surprises that it turned out to be the case. No complaints from me as I like his style. Caught an hour of his set, before leaving for Dawn (not my call, others in the group wanted to move on - including the designated driver - I could've happily stayed 'til the end.)

Crowd: not too bad. A few idiots with a bit of Greenwich attitude, but by-and-large pleasant enough.

Sound system: very disappointing. Levels on the dancefloor were fine. Peripheral sound, especially on the platform between the terrace dancefloor & the basement room was terrible - amongst the worst I've ever heard. Biggest disgruntle of the night.

Drinks: reasonably priced for London imho. £20 for 2 double vodkas + mixer & a beer.

Layout: horrible. Logistical nightmare getting in. After the usual security checks you are funnelled into a doorframe the size of which you would expect on the front on somebody's house. This leads directly to the (packed) smoking area. So even getting into the venue was a bit of a nightmare. Complaints about the distinct lack of ladies toilets as well from the females in our group. The loft is decked out as upstairs in Sankey's Ibiza - dark, dingey & with graffiti-ed walls . Basement downstairs again similar to the Ibiza basement with the ceiling lights.

Overall verdict: would definitely give the venue another go. Think the Crew Love day party on Easter Sunday suits the terrace to a T! Sad to be prior booked on that date. Location of the venue is arguably more convenient than those in central London for us Kent lot, at least in terms of car travel.

Re: people being refused entry. Heard stories ourselves. Seems they are being as selective as their Manchester counterparts. A few ppl we met up with in Lightbox said they were turned away, including ppl who I didn't know, but had sorted tickets for through friends - so felt a little guilty. Luckily such was the demand that loads of ppl turned up without tickets , so those who were turned away had opportunity to sell their tickets on. A few people were offering us £60 each for our tickets after we parked-up as we walked from the car to the club.

Did anybody else go? Would be interested to hear if you thought similarly.
Mixed feelings about that place. I think maybe it was the crowd - too many 'Adam Beyer fans' and not enough true techno heads. Mixed in with a load of people who would never get into Berghain but want to know what it's all about. Sad thing is it wasn't at all what it's all about - either musically or in any other way. It was the sort of set I'd expect Klock to play at DC-10 or a Klockworks showcase, not what you hear from him in the temple which is usually MUCH tougher. Too much "pussy techno" and no way hard enough for a closing set. So not so much an 'Ostgut Ton' showcase as a watered down more accessible set for a non-German international crowd.

Klock was playing rather 'big room' for the first hour and not sure it was the right thing. It got stupidly good about 10pm before moving into what I would call 'MDMA techno territory' around half eleven and by midnight it really wasn't for me, not in any way proper techno at all. I know lots of Londoners like that stuff (MDMA techno I mean - maybe MDMA too lol) but I don't. It's not gritty enough for me in the final hour of a closing set and when I hear it starting up I go get my coat.

So a very long way for a set with an hour of complete joy but big let-downs too. Bar in there is cheap, free water too. But there was something unmistakeably "London" about the crowd (not in a good way) and although shuffler-free and eclectic the mix didn't seem to work and it took me ages to find somewhere I felt comfortable. Also too many people looking spent and not enough energy. Not at all like Berlin with a constant stream of people in and out bringing new energy over 36 hours straight. I think I may have felt better about it if I hadn't experienced the real deal, against which it was all a big let-down. Just goes to show it's the combo of the music, the venue, the door selection and the hedonism which makes Berghain what it is. You can't take an element out and expect it to work on its own in the same way. I felt ... well ... jaded ! Which is where last Sunday I had so much more fun overall at less than half the price.... and the music was better too. Kr!z would knock Ben clean out in a contest any day. Fook ... would love to see them B2B ... could be as good as Techno gets when they both up their game to the max :twisted:

Glad I went to see anyway. But I won't be rushing to repeat ....

One of the most pretentious reviews I've ever read on here. Well done sir.
What are people up to this weekend? Saw Jon Richardson stand-up last night. Very funny. He's an odd little man, but I recommend the show. Obviously fans of 8 out of 10 cats will know what kind of material to expect. Ended the night at Egg supporting a friend in the Loft. Still not sure if I really like the venue. And is agg to get to for me. Better options closer-by.

Cocoon tonight at Building 6. Any other spotlighters going? Heard the last one there was quality.