Weekend shenanigans

Olympic opening ceremony at Hudson Bar and Chris Liebing at Monasterio last night
Being dragged kicking and screaming to Steve Aoki and Laidback Luke at Space Moscow tonight (a friend's birthday... table service and all. yay)
Curling up on the sofa on Sunday!
And I just booked tickets to the Olympics next weekend :!: :cool:
let me know how space moscow is morbs! (don't need no proper review about aoki & ll though haha)
Space was actually pretty decent! I liked the layout of the main room. The 2nd room wasn't all that, and for that reason acted more like a transit zone. Good lights and sound. Lots of tables on the 2-level balcony, and quite a few empty... is this really a VIP-type crowd? No, thankfully. Crowd was generally young and into their music.

They're going for big names and not opening every week. Next up is Cafe Ole w/ David Guetta on March 8 (International Women's Day bank holiday weekend)

As expected, Luke and Aoki played a lot of crappy music. And yes, there were cakes and crowd-surfing on inflatable boats. Aoki does put on something of a show, which I suppose could be commended if the music wasn't so intolerable. Gimmicks over substance and all.
BTW, it'd work pretty well as a concert hall too.
Well, I'm off to Amsterdam tomorrow morning for ASOT 650... :D

New space looks good... Suppose the names like Guetta, etc will get the crowds in and the venue established... if nothing else.
Well, I'm off to Amsterdam tomorrow morning for ASOT 650... :D

Wish people would stop talking about Amsterdam we've just put our trip back to May as we just havent got the time.

If the weather in Ibiza stays like this then I am getting down the beach, windows wide open in the office today and we've even been downstairs to bring up a few cheeky ales.
Nothing on Friday (kind of happy I don't have valentines to worry about this year though!). Saturday doing an all day bar crawl in Liverpool for a friends birthday starting at 11am and getting the last train home. Think it may be a last man standing kind of event!
in berlin for the weekend. very curious & looking forward to finally hit some of those infamous clubs!
I had to google POF :p (I have been married for 20 years!)

Just be yourself dude.

It's not me I'm worried about. :lol:

It's a 'see how it goes' thing because she contacted me and it's been, err, a while. I'm not entirely convinced I wouldn't be better off at home playing with my x-box, but I may be surprised. :twisted:
Good luck!! Let us know how it goes!!

I'm spending my weekend doing uni assignments - roll on Monday so it's back to work for a rest!
Off to Jaded this morning for Alan Fitzpatrick. Didn't go out at all last night, so feeling fresh for it! May hit Fuse afterwards to catch tINI. If not, there's a local party going on which might be more convenient. Failing that, back home in time for Sunday roast, which is almost the most appealing option of the three!
^^^ no work tomorrow I hope? Or if do I salute you!!! Fuse is a 20min walk from my house but never made it down since moving here