Weekend shenanigans

Read plenty of political discussions in this open forum over the years, so not sure why this one is so taboo. And to discuss sochi in purely sporting terms whilst airbrushing out the intense political backdrop is old school propaganda at its worst. Sorry but someone had to say it. Ok. Done. lets all get back to discussing paris hilton's 12 inch collection
Last night (started the weekend early!) Shoreditch is some sweaty cafe basement for at Be-At.tv gig - Stefano Ritteri's Congaloid label showcase. Was a good shindig. Bed & home by 2am.

Tonight back to shoreditch for Maceo Plex.

Tomorrow Brixton Electric for Music On London!

Top weekend ahead! :D

Maybe even Phonica records early evening on Saturday for some more Maceo
CELEBRATING! Unfortunately only one glass of wine though because can't afford to drink until I get paid the £6000 at the end of April :(
Cracking time at Superfreq last weekend. Perfect way to break a 17-month clubbing hiatus. Xo Chic stole the show but Kenny Larkin was just as good - completely unexpected and a seriously good vibe. The crowd is still so brilliant there. Polite people who really respect each other and some very hot women too :D.

Got my eye on a little foray up to Jaded tomorrow. It's a 6 hour round trip drive for me to go up to London now, so hoping to have a gander at RHS Wisley on the way home. The gardens are at their best this time of year and it always puts me in the right mood for Spring. :cool:
Cracking time at Superfreq last weekend. Perfect way to break a 17-month clubbing hiatus. Xo Chic stole the show but Kenny Larkin was just as good - completely unexpected and a seriously good vibe. The crowd is still so brilliant there. Polite people who really respect each other and some very hot women too :D.

Got my eye on a little foray up to Jaded tomorrow. It's a 6 hour round trip drive for me to go up to London now, so hoping to have a gander at RHS Wisley on the way home. The gardens are at their best this time of year and it always puts me in the right mood for Spring. :cool:
I frickin love you :)
Clubbing and horticulture in the same trip:)
Stayed in lst night , played some snooker with pals tonight and still in at mine whilst my gf is raving it up at todd terje's party down the road. Im expecting incoming invalids around 7am...
Very random weekend. Went to Rotherham beer festival Friday then onto some night at Plug in Sheffiekd afterwards. Made the drunk decision to go to Milton Keynes Saturday and gate crashed someone's 40th birthday party I've never met, ended up at a messy after party. Slept in someone's car and now off to the pub. Putting off thinking about the fact I'm in work in Manchester tomorrow morning. :D
I'm definitely feeling the effects off the weekend, my entire body is in pain. Definitely worth it though, on top of the great partying I also met a great guy whose messaged me last night and today enquiring as to how soon he can see me again :) quite refreshing he's not playing any silly games and has just come out with it :)

The journey back from Milton Keynes last night was horrendous. Arrived in Manchester at 9:36 when my train was at 9:35. Had to wait a bloody hour for the next one in a station full of extremely drunk Wigan and man city fans and near dirty tramps talking about heroin and sherry! Then when I finally got on the train the Wigan fans just started jumping around, throwing beer and singing football songs so they stopped the train and rang the police. Finally got in at 11:45! NOT A GOOD JOURNEY!
Had a decent sleep then made it up to Jaded on Sunday morning in very good time. Easy drive in and parked up on Roper Street about 3 minutes' walk from the door. No queue either. Almost didn't go because it was such a nice day but really glad I did. Kr!z was exceptional... the sort of set I'd expect to be hit with in Berlin not in London. Serious quality techno of the very highest order. Token are at the top of their game and leading the way right now. Impossible to explain but I had the same feeling and look on my face as when I've just had sex. I didn't (so far as I remember !).

Stayed till 2pm and then kicked off the shoes and made a sharp exit to Wisley through Battersea, which was great apart from some areas having too many kids being a Sunday, but you can't have everything. Finally heard John Digweed's Live in Argentina (1st CD) on the way which is cracking. Wisley was a peaceful and perfect place to wind down from a sweaty session in a club !

Headed West and back home in time for sunset and a roast dinner with no "weekend recovery" issues to handle. Can't believe how civilized it all felt. This morning clubbing thing is definitely the way to go. Got a whole afternoon in elsewhere as well and I'm never really ready at night till 5am at the earliest anyway so why bother having to stay out all night if you've got options ?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Remembering that morning when kimajy gave me and my friend Jason a ride home from Ministry of Sound. Jason shared the back seat with a bunch of plants :lol:

Haha - standard. And he had to wrap himself round a load of bags of straw mulch for the garden too whilst cracking open a tinny if I remember right ... because I had the back seats down :lol:. It's what happens when the country bumpkin comes to town ! Happy daze :)
Haha - standard. And he had to wrap himself round a load of bags of straw mulch for the garden too whilst cracking open a tinny if I remember right ... because I had the back seats down :lol:. It's what happens when the country bumpkin comes to town ! Happy daze :)
Ha! Ya, I forgot we had "road sodas", as we like to call them :)
(Jason and I share a love of beer)