Tomorrow - fly to Ibiza

Hopefully catch the sunset, then drinks in San An before heading to Hi. First time in the club since Space closed. Dropped the Mrs off for nights but not been in. Sure we will have a ball and not remember much
Friday - Pacha for Music On. First our team are playing on TV and my friend has never been to Ibiza town in 10+ visits, so planning to have some beers around town before heading to the club.
Saturday - I want to get over to Sa Trinxa in the afternoon depending on taxis, again my mate has never been

Then we are off to Amnesia for El Row, I love their parties but know its going to be mental busy. Hoepfully the balcony access helps to it eases off
Sunday - Pikes for a few beers and then we are meant to have an evening flight home.....
35 months since I stepped foot in an ibizian club

Fortunate to get away regularly but to say I'm excited would be a massive understatement. I've been going to Ibiza with my mate since he was 17 and we both like to party