Weekend Plans

I'm meant to be going to cocoon at 338 studios in London on sat, i say meant to as I've just done a quick scout online for drinks prices and found nothing but negativity and now im wondering if we'll even get in :lol:
Getting the train back at 8am after the event finishes at 6. Could be a long night if we get refused :D:rolleyes:

Not sure on drinks prices. From what I can work out the door is a bit picky but obviously you only hear of people getting turned away. Don't be a group of chavs, try not to wear big branded clothes. They also have spotters apparently on the way from the tube to the club so try not to be pissed / laddy on the walk over.
Not sure on drinks prices. From what I can work out the door is a bit picky but obviously you only hear of people getting turned away. Don't be a group of chavs, try not to wear big branded clothes. They also have spotters apparently on the way from the tube to the club so try not to be pissed / laddy on the walk over.
I haven't been back to Studio 338 since it's reopened but from what I remember, drinks prices are fairly reasonable by London standards. Also, I've never personally had any issues myself in getting in. We aren't talking Berlin-style door pickers - as Springal has said, just don't be rowdy and pissed and you should be fine. Maybe don't go in as part of a huge group of lads but I really wouldn't worry too much. Glad it's reopened - had many a great night/morning in the old place!
Not sure on drinks prices. From what I can work out the door is a bit picky but obviously you only hear of people getting turned away. Don't be a group of chavs, try not to wear big branded clothes. They also have spotters apparently on the way from the tube to the club so try not to be pissed / laddy on the walk over.
Can I wear this?
Thry dont sell chips and gravy in london the poncy f***ers :rolleyes::lol:
Thanks for the info much appreciated.
Theres 5 of us all mid thirties non chav but do like to get on it :cool:
Thry dont sell chips and gravy in london the poncy f***ers :rolleyes::lol:
Thanks for the info much appreciated.
Theres 5 of us all mid thirties non chav but do like to get on it :cool:

You'll be fine. I do think I did see something about 'branded' clothing or big obvious labels so just be careful there.
In Dublin now,friend has *molly* capsules her brother sent from US.. Can't get a straight answer here:rolleyes: is molly mdma?
Well i was very surprised at just what a great event 338 through on for us mere mortals.
Door staff excellent and thorough searches going in.
My mate got his wallet lifted :rolleyes:
Scabby cunts tried another mates when we were dancing but id clocked the gang of them and i warned my mates to back down in case they waited for us after :lol: too old for this shite now.
Sound system was ace, sven was on form quite a melodic and filth set finished off with strings of life :cool:
Dana brought the filth for after she was ace, best I've seen her. And playing vinyl to, massive respect:)
On train back to brum now with beers and starting to feel pisssd :spank:
Lcd are playing at some castle in Dublin next year..from past experiences going to bands on come back tours I think i'll give it a miss..:oops: