Weekend Plans

Big weekend ahead, backdropped by a standoff with youngest's ableist headmaster who has permanenetly excluded him for tapping another kid on the privates and shouting 'deez nutz'.

Usual Friday business - Arsenal and pizza.

Saturday - kids to my folks in the morning, over 45s cup final in the afternoon, Fury vs Usyk in the evening

Sunday - amuse kids in the morning, then off to Arsenal, praying for a West Ham miracle
After caning the food and booze this week, on the wagon now for 4 weeks, bought a new suit for a wedding in Poland, but it’s rather snug, so getting fit for the summer.

Playing cricket tomorrow. Away day at the seaside.

Hosting a bbq on Sunday.
So....we've had some seriously crap news. My other half has just been diagnosed with skin cancer. A proper shock out of nowhere. Good news is that it seems to be treatable with surgery, but still has turned our world upside down.

Means that this weekend is resetting, telling family, cancelling and rescheduling stuff (no Glastonbury now by the looks of it, sob) and generally getting to grips with the absolute bullshit that is cancer.

Sorry, bit of a downer for a Friday morning
So....we've had some seriously crap news. My other half has just been diagnosed with skin cancer. A proper shock out of nowhere. Good news is that it seems to be treatable with surgery, but still has turned our world upside down.

Means that this weekend is resetting, telling family, cancelling and rescheduling stuff (no Glastonbury now by the looks of it, sob) and generally getting to grips with the absolute bullshit that is cancer.

Sorry, bit of a downer for a Friday morning
Sorry to hear. Hope she get well soon.
So sorry to hear your news. Hope the treatment is swift and successful. Had a similar experience in my family recently and the treatment and aftercare was excellent.
So sorry to hear your news. Hope the treatment is swift and successful. Had a similar experience in my family recently and the treatment and aftercare was excellent.
The NHS gets a lot of flak (flack?), but they have been absolutely incredible with us. From going to see the GP, biopsies, to diagnosis, CT scan, results, to the first procedure yesterday has all happened in less than a fortnight. Truly cracking work
So....we've had some seriously crap news. My other half has just been diagnosed with skin cancer. A proper shock out of nowhere. Good news is that it seems to be treatable with surgery, but still has turned our world upside down.

Means that this weekend is resetting, telling family, cancelling and rescheduling stuff (no Glastonbury now by the looks of it, sob) and generally getting to grips with the absolute bullshit that is cancer.

Sorry, bit of a downer for a Friday morning
Love and strength to you all mate. x
So....we've had some seriously crap news. My other half has just been diagnosed with skin cancer. A proper shock out of nowhere. Good news is that it seems to be treatable with surgery, but still has turned our world upside down.

Means that this weekend is resetting, telling family, cancelling and rescheduling stuff (no Glastonbury now by the looks of it, sob) and generally getting to grips with the absolute bullshit that is cancer.

Sorry, bit of a downer for a Friday morning
I’m sorry to hear this :( Sending you positive thoughts and hoping the surgery catches it all 🤞
So....we've had some seriously crap news. My other half has just been diagnosed with skin cancer. A proper shock out of nowhere. Good news is that it seems to be treatable with surgery, but still has turned our world upside down.

Means that this weekend is resetting, telling family, cancelling and rescheduling stuff (no Glastonbury now by the looks of it, sob) and generally getting to grips with the absolute bullshit that is cancer.

Sorry, bit of a downer for a Friday morning
sorry to hear that dude, i’m sure they’ll be fine👍
So....we've had some seriously crap news. My other half has just been diagnosed with skin cancer. A proper shock out of nowhere. Good news is that it seems to be treatable with surgery, but still has turned our world upside down.

Means that this weekend is resetting, telling family, cancelling and rescheduling stuff (no Glastonbury now by the looks of it, sob) and generally getting to grips with the absolute bullshit that is cancer.

Sorry, bit of a downer for a Friday morning
Good luck with it, sounds like you've caught it early and have a good path to her beating it.
So....we've had some seriously crap news. My other half has just been diagnosed with skin cancer. A proper shock out of nowhere. Good news is that it seems to be treatable with surgery, but still has turned our world upside down.

Means that this weekend is resetting, telling family, cancelling and rescheduling stuff (no Glastonbury now by the looks of it, sob) and generally getting to grips with the absolute bullshit that is cancer.

Sorry, bit of a downer for a Friday morning
So....we've had some seriously crap news. My other half has just been diagnosed with skin cancer. A proper shock out of nowhere. Good news is that it seems to be treatable with surgery, but still has turned our world upside down.
So sorry to hear this. But I understand skin cancer can be healed completely with surgery if you catch it in time, so don't panic and get treatment without wasting time. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and your other half :)