Weekend Plans

Hibernation mode is kicking in starting this weekend for me unfortunately. Boring but much needed couple months ahead

I’ve had my fair share of fun and games though so i can’t complain🤪
Hibernation mode is kicking in starting this weekend for me unfortunately. Boring but much needed couple months ahead

I’ve had my fair share of fun and games though so i can’t complain🤪
Didn’t you do enough hibernating over the Scamdemic? Life’s too short
Didn’t you do enough hibernating over the Scamdemic? Life’s too short
True but it’s its no good ending up in kitchens till silly oclock the next morning/afternoon when you go out on the drink🤣

Plus in a few weeks time im having some ‘surgery’ done which will require me to stay at home anyway so i best get used to it
saturday - not one, but TWO birthday parties to attend! gonna take a bit of juggling to get this done properly
sunday - since the weather forecast isn't looking good anyway, likely a hangover cure day at home after saturday! plus, very likely a tiny bit of âme at pacha followed by the romanians and RV at amnesia after that
saturday - not one, but TWO birthday parties to attend! gonna take a bit of juggling to get this done properly
sunday - since the weather forecast isn't looking good anyway, likely a hangover cure day at home after saturday! plus, very likely a tiny bit of âme at pacha followed by the romanians and RV at amnesia after that
Pyramid looking dreamy this week
We have been early at our favorite restaurant in town tonight, talking non stop about our plans for ibiza next week 🙂
We are already more booked for our 3 weeks on the island than for the rest of the year here 😅
Hikes, dinners, clubs, restaurants, birthdays, and a lot of hangovers on the menu.
Tomorrow until Sunday doing the catsitters for a friend 😸, last weekend before the madness 🥳