Weekend Plans

are yous going to vlog it? be good to see how it plays out
No camera rule now in most places ? they are scared in case it looks shit...oh how times have changed

A lot of our vlogs are iPhone anyway and they can't stop me taking that in lol.
There's always been a no camera rule at Zoo as far as I remember. I remember taking one the first time I went and having to check it in at a little hut. I can't even remember whether I picked it back up again!
Four day weekend. Try and talk myself into doing me shrooms. ? Really need to give the garden a good going over, but it's a bit of a swamp due to all the rain recently. Ground needs to be much less wet before I can take the mower to the grass.
Week away here, but in Northwalesland rather than anywhere too exotic. Bumbling around, bbq, that sort of crap

Some might argue it's exotic.

Currently en route to a weekend in Shoreditch instead of Ibiza ... Tapas tonight and a rooftop bar to sizzle in tomorrow ...

Oooo. Tapas in Shoreditch?! Let me know what it's like, always interested in Tapas bars in London :)