Weekend Plans

Just got back from a week of snowboarding and drinking ( i left saturday and then resort closed on monday), so probs chilled weekend this one maybe the gym plus muay thai boxing still on tuesday/thursdays still for now. But if we go into a propper lockdown i'll be looking at getting a set of pioneer xdj-rx2 to keep me entertained for sure - doubtful id be live videoing from facebook as I seen somebody do one yesterday with like 12 viewers and I found it very cringey... may record some mixes though. Yet, hopefully it doesnt come to lockdown and I plan to keep on working through it until it settles down.
We sampled a swedger each last and went out for a walk around 1:00am freezing cold so we were all wrapped up. Walk to the pier,up onto cliff Rd that brings you over to another cove and back home through the woods..no music and not a sound only our heightened sences picking up all kinds of things..
Mrs and the Wac PAC do this when they go away on weekends..as much as I slag them off.. it was Fckn brilliant... #stsysafepeople
Should be in Miami this weekend for Ultra Music Festival and Miami Music Week. Had a full five days planned, and locals down there say the Miami weather has been perfect.

Instead I'm sitting home, streaming tunes, and reading what you lot are up to. ? But safe and sound with plenty of food and still able to get out for a walk, so being grateful that life is being easier for us than it could be (and is for many). ✌❤
ibiza is one week into lockdown and we've got at least three more to go (likely way more). my missus and I actually started one week earlier already, because we had gotten in touch with someone that had come straight from milan (but we only knew that detail when it was too late) and we had plans to visit my missus's parents.

the inlaws visit didn't happen because of the lockdown and we are fine. in two weeks of confinement I've been out three times to buy food. apart from that, I've only left the house to bring out the rubbish. we are glad we have a terrace so we can sit outside but I do miss going for a walk
I've noticed here that more people are out walking and running, we're not on total lockdown but I think it's coming. I don't go walking the dog on the beach but from near our house it does look pretty busy down there..
#lockdown week 2.
Since last Monday 12am when it started , I just went out twice for food.
Now I can stay home for 5 or 6 weeks, I never saw my fridge like this?.
We decided to have an healthy lockdown, we enjoyed our last bottle of wine this weekend,and I also decided to stop smoking. ?
My last cigarette was 48h ago, it's really hard, but I'm OK.
Luckily we have a nice garden, we can stay outside a, lot with things to do.
There is a lot of covid19 cases in my region, so we really avoid to go outside now we have some reserves.
The big question is, who will kill the other first between me and my wife?