Weekend Plans

Heading to this one tomorrow...


Then on Saturday heading to Hatta for the weekend for some chill and hikes.

Trying to get to Dublin tomorrow support mates who moved back from Berlin and starting a new night.. not a bad first guest ..
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You can Kayak, and the new Hatta Wadi Hub has some water activities as well I believe!
We got into alot of shit there 20yrs ago .. stupid paddies went looking for the pools in an open top Wrangler jeep . Some how managed to cross the border into Oman I think..it was like we were after landing on the moon
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I have to practice for a PowerPoint presentation that I'm to deliver Monday.

It's for school. You may recall me mentioning wanting to learn Spanish when I was still planning on going to Ibiza. Well, I already took Spanish uno since that time, but now I'm in Spanish dos. And I'm the very first one on a list of many delivering their speech/presentation to the class. I'm not allowed to read from anything so I need to make notecards to memorize from.

The presentation is about los dias feriados en los estados unidos; which is probably the easiest topic out of the 50 some we had to choose from. I will discuss Martin Luther King Jr.; a figure from history that represents equal rights in the U.S., and some patriotic holidays like Memorial & Veterans days which honor the fallen and those who've served, our Thanksgiving as well; which is about being thankful but historically has to do with Pilgrims & Native Americans sharing resources upon the formers' arrival in North America.

I think it will be fun. I did a similar presentation (being from PowerPoint) in Espanol uno, so it really should be a breeze, but I'm nervous anyway; probably because I haven't started. Anyhoo… that's my weekend! :)
Chilling tonight, skiing with kids in morning and then playing footy in the afternoon. MBNO (Monthly Boys Night Out) Saturday night, Park Run with the kids Sunday morning and then 30 kids plus parents around in the afternoon for my eldest's birthday party.
Popped into the local for a pint and it's packed.. usually quite on Friday but barman said Dry January officially ended today...... Well done ye...
Daughter just txt me asking was I going to Detroit Swindle?.. she s thinking about going.. lol.. No I'm not....☹️ Green velvet and Carl Craig coming in the next few weeks