Weekend Plans

Pissed catching up with me pal at her house tonight with a (slimming world?) curry.

Saturday - full day cleaning the gaff and getting in everything for...

sunday - Mega roast at mine with like 8people. The most ive cooked for and i def dont even have enough chairs but we'l sort it out.

Been a crazy week a work so asked for a day off and got monday so its a 3dayer for me
Yeah dunno how that works in club surroundings...its an old gallery place jazzed up a little,old brick walls ect. 12 cans miller for €8 in my local offi.#cheapnight

Miller, proper old skool high volume lager:)
Yeah not sure how that works tbh? Ive done the 4 cans to an Indian before but longer term warm drinks?

Not sure what my tipple will be tonight at the Mondays? Booze not been massively agreeing with me lately:(, I can drink plenty and not get too pissed but its the next day I really struggle
a very brief flying visit to East London yesterday to catch up with some pals in a dirty Hackney pub.

outside I saw a hipster rollerblading with ski sticks and I almost - almost - felt slightly homesick
The Happy Mondays gig was as to be expected. I enjoyed it all in all, got in there about 1030pm and they came on about 11pm for just over an hour. Graeme Park was next, K-Klass live set then Healy followed by Whitehead. Drinks prices were good at 4 quid a pint of San Mig, but they had that stupid token system in place. Venue was okay but can't help thinking that I prefer smaller venues now. Made the mistake of not wearing my earplugs as it didnt seem that loud at the time, probably the 5.5hr time exposure to blame.

Parky's mixing was a bit hit and miss. Healy needs to get back to basics really and uses CDJs as if they were vinyl, good programming but tries too hard to be clever. Whitehead was one form and his mixing has always been smooth but lost some energy at times.

We stayed right til kicking out time at 4am, there were loads of people my age and older along with a scattering of really young dudes. It was quite a diverse crowd with a lot of old style nutters adding to the atmosphere. Loads of people to chat to around the gaff.
Biggest night on the Irish clubbing calander tomorrow night with Friday being bank holiday.. bicep a are playing in my local.. and a few of us are going to Derek may in PYG Dublin..:) daughter is going to bicep.. feels like only yesterday she was crying at an aviici poster outside ushuaia.
Bangface 2017!

First time at this event. Drive over Friday and try and make it out alive on Monday.

Looking forward to Clark, Dave Clarke, The Blag Dog and The Liberators.

And of cause getting proper mashed.


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1 hr left in work,off until monday. Lunch and quick pint on way home maybe catch a race. or two..off to Dublin around 6 for Derrick May:) 2hr drive home after gig and St Patrick's day shenanigans tomorrow..:eek:
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