Weekend Plans

Tastes changing sir!?? He can be pretty relentless even for me. You checked out Speedy J? similar style

Seems they have shifted quite heavily in the last six months. Will be seeing Chris Liebing again that's for sure. Will check out Speedy J.
Pretty much since Nature One last year, my music tastes have left the modern sound of trance. Hah.
Got tickets for the Hacienda night at Albert hall in Manchester tomoz. Currently full of the flu so hoping i improve a little so i can get my arse there
Got tickets for the Hacienda night at Albert hall in Manchester tomoz. Currently full of the flu so hoping i improve a little so i can get my arse there

Hope you're well in time for it!

As for me; Playing Ministry on Friday, but a quiet weekend overall. Pre timewarp and all that!
Went all out last weekend for Sven on Friday, not even sure what time I stopped on Saturday.

Super tempted to go see Mind Against/ Man Power tonight but I'm taking my mum out for a meal tomorrow afternoon, so it's probably for the best I don't go!
quiet weekend ahead because next weekend it's TIME WARP time :):twisted::cool:
It's on my list for next year. Just too much on this year! Good job I didn't book it as my other half is taking me away on a surprise holiday next Thursday... the joys of turning 30!
Went all out last weekend for Sven on Friday, not even sure what time I stopped on Saturday.

Super tempted to go see Mind Against/ Man Power tonight but I'm taking my mum out for a meal tomorrow afternoon, so it's probably for the best I don't go!
Love man power
Change your plans and take her to da klub :)
53 years young. She does love to party. Her and my old man are staying in Es Canar in September, trying to convince them to see Solomun +live if the dates work out.
53 years young. She does love to party. Her and my old man are staying in Es Canar in September, trying to convince them to see Solomun +live if the dates work out.
Wow, they'd love it there. Fingers crossed man.
We took the wife's Aunty to Bora Bora in 2012 for FBS she was 68 at the time. Next day teatime we were back again