Weekend plans

I went to bed early Friday night, and was up at 7am to go to boot camp at the gym, then forest match and a few non alcoholic beers after with the lads then had an Indian take away at my mums. Came home and watched Olympus has fallen in bed and got up at 7 again to go spinning this morning. Had my daughters birthday party and now with my body aching can't move :D
My mate is DJ'ing tonight but I'm too knackered to go and not get drunk, I'm having a complete break from booze at the minute while I re assess my relationship with the stuff.
Feeling good, fit, healthy and losing weight and although feels a bit boring I need to do this before I lose everything around me.
26 days till Ibiza beckons maybe I'll on it then.....as the mrs won't know :-D :-D
I went to bed early Friday night, and was up at 7am to go to boot camp at the gym, then forest match and a few non alcoholic beers after with the lads then had an Indian take away at my mums. Came home and watched Olympus has fallen in bed and got up at 7 again to go spinning this morning. Had my daughters birthday party and now with my body aching can't move :D
My mate is DJ'ing tonight but I'm too knackered to go and not get drunk, I'm having a complete break from booze at the minute while I re assess my relationship with the stuff.
Feeling good, fit, healthy and losing weight and although feels a bit boring I need to do this before I lose everything around me.
26 days till Ibiza beckons maybe I'll on it then.....as the mrs won't know :-D :-D

Stick with it - short term pain & abstinence = big time rewards. Doesn't mean anything one way or another long term but is good idea regularly to have a break and reassess how much and on what terms, why and to what end. ;) Get pumped for Cocoon opening. :D :spank:
Well im captain boring , trying to shift a few pounds so did workout yesterday then had a few vodka soda's in the sun. workout this morning and playing some tennis at 2. No plans for mischief. This time last year I'd probs be in an after party somewhere!

Great time for some sport while you're feeling good - the weather is great and the Summer so short. Loads of time for nor-T shenanigans later if you feel like it (or not, if not !) Do what you feel like doing not what you think you ought to be doing. Life's so much more straightforward like that.
Went for a round of golf on Saturday with a friend, usually takes us just over 3.5 hours at the course we played. This round took 5.5 :mad:. Ended up playing behind the lady captain and her guests, they were absolutely shocking. One woman hit the ball straight up in the air and bang, back down on her head. Don't even know how that was possible.

Ran a 39.10 10K yesterday then went out for a few beers locally with the lads and will be watching the palace v pool game tonight.
I never seem to do anything exciting on a weekend these days :eek:
Well Junk's Big Top event was a bit of a disappointment. We got there about 2pm, by 3pm they'd completely run out of beer and then everything else an hour later. They sent people out to raid the supermarkets for more but kept running out of stuff. It was a beautiful sunny day which made it perfect so we sat around just outside of the tent for the early part of the day. Laura Jones was sounding decent then we went inside for a rave when the MDMA started to kick in. Dyed Soundroom picked up the pace nicely and I thought it was an ace set, although the sound was just too quiet for an event like that. Obviously restricted by the council as the venue isn't far enough from houses. Maya Jane Coles was decent enough but then I thought Jamie Jones' set was pretty boring. We left about half an hour before the end of his set to head home to change and get ready for the afterparty. That was ok but not all that busy, not the best atmosphere so around 4am we headed to a mate's flat for an after afterparty party, rolled in about 5pm yesterday. We had an ace day/night/day but thought £4.50 a can of beer, £5 for spirit and mixer, which all ran out quickly, and £3 for water was an absolute joke. Vile comedown and a pretty light wallet after that.

Evo - quality 10k time, nice one.
^^ sounds like one of those events you file in the box marked "MEH" !

Failed totally to get out and do anything other than lie in the sun for a couple of hours on Saturday and go for a 1-hr bike ride on Friday. Business is booming again and I've had to resurrect everything and get all templates, tech docs, systems etc set up from scratch alongside turning out proposals on the first pilot cases breaking new ground in record time "tout seul".

So ... basically worked at least 18 hours a day all through Bank Holiday catching up with admin & everything I've had on hold whilst I generate sufficient fees to fund expansion of ops and to buy in some admin support to allow me at least a night (if not a day) off at some point soon. Been 7 weeks straight of this now and I'm going to step the pace down a bit this week.

The kick-start phase is always horrendous but never been under so much time pressure before due to the politics driving this and the sheer size and resources of my only competition. They have the disadvantage of being very overhead-heavy so for both bespoke and 'template' work they are extremely expensive until precedents are set.

I can work 3-6 times as fast for way less than half the price and make much bigger margins. Also have strategic commercial positions of work referral covered off. So the only limiting factor for me is number of available hours per day. It's what you call a "first-mover advantage" situation but it will not stay like this for long if fee opportunities are extended and uncertainty is removed, because the big boys will see a chunky income stream ahead which they will want to "sew up" for themselves and nick off me. If they leverage their economies of scale and ride in on the back of the precedents I'm getting set, I may be competed out of the chunky fee cases. I am therefore "cashing in" even whilst the sun is shining :eek: :D.
^^ sounds like one of those events you file in the box marked "MEH" !

Failed totally to get out and do anything other than lie in the sun for a couple of hours on Saturday and go for a 1-hr bike ride on Friday. Business is booming again and I've had to resurrect everything and get all templates, tech docs, systems etc set up from scratch alongside turning out proposals on the first pilot cases breaking new ground in record time "tout seul".

So ... basically worked at least 18 hours a day all through Bank Holiday catching up with admin & everything I've had on hold whilst I generate sufficient fees to fund expansion of ops and to buy in some admin support to allow me at least a night (if not a day) off at some point soon. Been 7 weeks straight of this now and I'm going to step the pace down a bit this week.

The kick-start phase is always horrendous but never been under so much time pressure before due to the politics driving this and the sheer size and resources of my only competition. They have the disadvantage of being very overhead-heavy so for both bespoke and 'template' work they are extremely expensive until precedents are set.

I can work 3-6 times as fast for way less than half the price and make much bigger margins. Also have strategic commercial positions of work referral covered off. So the only limiting factor for me is number of available hours per day. It's what you call a "first-mover advantage" situation but it will not stay like this for long if fee opportunities are extended and uncertainty is removed, because the big boys will see a chunky income stream ahead which they will want to "sew up" for themselves and nick off me. If they leverage their economies of scale and ride in on the back of the precedents I'm getting set, I may be competed out of the chunky fee cases. I am therefore "cashing in" even whilst the sun is shining :eek: :D.

haha you might want to explain what you do otherwise you may as well be talking japanese to alot of people!
i actually have non-baby plans this weekend!

popping into St Judes in Glasgow on saturday for Moda Black....Jaymo & Andy George and Dyed Soundorom b2b Dan Ghenacia
haha you might want to explain what you do otherwise you may as well be talking japanese to alot of people!

Oh what the heck - I currently bring warring parties together to reconcile their differences through the exchange of coin, depending on the relative strengths of their respective legal positions, one of whom is a taxpayer - three guesses who the other one is :rolleyes:
Oh what the heck - I currently bring warring parties together to reconcile their differences through the exchange of coin, depending on the relative strengths of their respective legal positions, one of whom is a taxpayer - three guesses who the other one is :rolleyes:
A shroud of mystery still lingers....
Tale of Us ...wow! Possibly one of, if not the best things I've ever experienced! They were very dark, some seriously lovely bizarre noises! Incredible set! Lightened it up towards the end.....bad kingdom, walking with elephants, turn around....was such an excellent journey! And they went 30 mins over curfew :D

Psychedelic Forrest Disco this weekend! Cant wait. Plans?
Evey T (up the page) is my wee sis :) and we were celebrating her 21st in style that weekend......Klock smashed it in the subby friday as he just about does everytime nowadays, an amazing night....
.riverside festival on the sunday was also immense with Jamie Jones probably stealing the show......
but as my sis says......Tale of Us on the sunday back in the subby!!!! ...... what can i say, being the ripe old of age of 38 now and still planning on going till 68 (at least lol) ive never witnessed anything like that....... ive seen Karm and Matteo on numerous occaisions now in ibiza mainly and i thought this years set at BPM maybe couldnt be beatin...... but this was absoloutley off the scale ..... how far can these 2 guys take us???...... and to top that they are probably the nicest 2 guys out there in the current scene as well ...
roll on sonar, awakenings and ibiza in august to see what else they can muster up
anyone who hasnt seen these guys in action yet, tick it on your "to do" list ...before you even book flights and accomadation :)
Evey T (up the page) is my wee sis :) and we were celebrating her 21st in style that weekend......Klock smashed it in the subby friday as he just about does everytime nowadays, an amazing night....
.riverside festival on the sunday was also immense with Jamie Jones probably stealing the show......
but as my sis says......Tale of Us on the sunday back in the subby!!!! ...... what can i say, being the ripe old of age of 38 now and still planning on going till 68 (at least lol) ive never witnessed anything like that....... ive seen Karm and Matteo on numerous occaisions now in ibiza mainly and i thought this years set at BPM maybe couldnt be beatin...... but this was absoloutley off the scale ..... how far can these 2 guys take us???...... and to top that they are probably the nicest 2 guys out there in the current scene as well ...
roll on sonar, awakenings and ibiza in august to see what else they can muster up
anyone who hasnt seen these guys in action yet, tick it on your "to do" list ...before you even book flights and accomadation :)

couldn't make Klock and won't make Troxler next week either :(
caught Tale of Us last year in the Sub Club and they were immense