Weekend Plans

Thanks dude!

Currently fuming as Ive been told to move out and pay half the mortgage. Yes its a joint mortgage but Im effectively paying for him to be there living it up whilst I have nothing? Doesnt seem fair somehow......

Any ideas anybody? Maybe this should be a different thread :confused:

oh Em - so so sorry to hear this :-( Gutted for you - I thought you and Lenny would be the next Spotlight Wedding....

Huge pup hugs xxxxx
Not made plans yet - it's only Friday afternoon !!! ... but starting the weekend off with a trip to the lake in a mo for some wakeboard action. Weather's so good - if only what little breeze there is wasn't there it would be total perfection. Fire up that Malibu !!!
Em - don't move out out of guilt because you feel you've caused his hurt by admitting it won't work.

Room each is reasonable while you work it out where you both go. If he can't face seeing you, he'll have to find a solution.

Tough, but reasonable.

Be aware that perspectives change when you aren't together. He may feel it's perfectly reasonable to hold out for a better offer to sell for example. He has the space to himself, can play X-box in his pants and you're ok at your mum's, right?

I feel for you both, but this time in a year, it'll be a speck in the past.

Good luck xx
Reports, people?

Arrived at the hotel Coral Beach Es Cana late Saturday evening then went out for a couple of drinks and to see old friends. Unfortunately i over done the alchohol bit and woke up on Es Cana beach at 14:00hrs Sunday in scorching tempertures & surrounded by some gorgeous topless young women:p I didn't go out Sunday evening but will make up for lost time tonight as i'll be heading off to Ibiza town.

NB: Taxi from airport to Es Cana was only 34 euros which was good considering i was expecting it to be much higher.
Arrived at the hotel Coral Beach Es Cana late Saturday evening then went out for a couple of drinks and to see old friends. Unfortunately i over done the alchohol bit and woke up on Es Cana beach at 14:00hrs Sunday

OK - shall we have a straw poll as to how many nights/mornings we think Dave 1 will manage to sleep in his hotel room ? :lol: I managed 1 out of 3 last week. Very poor indeed at 33%.
I had a good walk yesterday - loads of mushrooms to photograph and ID, plus I stole some nuts from a squirrel.
They were scattered outside the squirrel's hole. (At least I presume it was a squirrel's hole. Do squirrels live in holes? :lol:) I expect it had forgotten about them, plus I want to try foraged beech and hazel nuts. Not had a go at getting into them yet...
Friday: Had a drive up to see the girlfriend, and managed to do the journey on half a take of full. She cooked for me, and we watched a film.

Saturday: Sadly, she worked til 4pm, so I just bummed around the house. One of her friends came over in the evening, and we watched Dr Who while eating pizza

Sunday: Went out to a café where her sister works, and ran in to her parents as we got there, so had lunch with them.
Em - don't move out out of guilt because you feel you've caused his hurt by admitting it won't work.

Room each is reasonable while you work it out where you both go. If he can't face seeing you, he'll have to find a solution.

Tough, but reasonable.

Be aware that perspectives change when you aren't together. He may feel it's perfectly reasonable to hold out for a better offer to sell for example. He has the space to himself, can play X-box in his pants and you're ok at your mum's, right?

I feel for you both, but this time in a year, it'll be a speck in the past.

Good luck xx

Thank you, that thought is getting me through - that in reality it is just a "mountain" to get over, not going to stress anymore then need be and deal with it in a mature way.

Ive been pushing to get things moving due to the point you have made - about him being able to do what he wants whilst I have no freedom at mums!!! We are making progess, had quite a good chat on Saturday about possibly buying one of the others out - he wants to keep the flat, we will make no money on it so he has told me to work out what I think would be a good enough offer to walk away and he can keep the flat.

But thanks guys really means a lot - I am doing surprisingly ok - just got this one thing to get over then I am properly free x