Weekend Plans

I am actually fully happy with the decision and know I am doing the best thing for both of us in the long run. I would have carried on pretending, he would be even more hurt then he is now.

Its just such a mess with property involved. Why didnt we rent first :spank:

I swear when I meet 'the one' we're still gonna have our separate houses. :lol:

Maybe speak to a solicitor? How long do you think it'll take to sell? Do you expect to make a profit? Does he have anywhere to go? How many bedrooms in the place?
I swear when I meet 'the one' we're still gonna have our separate houses. :lol:

Maybe speak to a solicitor? How long do you think it'll take to sell? Do you expect to make a profit? Does he have anywhere to go? How many bedrooms in the place?

It could take months. I dont think we will make much on it either. I just want to be free of it to get on with my life. I am not trying to get out of paying but I dont see why I should be moved out to go to nowhere whilst paying for him to live there.

Its got 2 beds, its a converted victorian house, we basially have the 1st floor with a balcony.
Thanks dude!

Currently fuming as Ive been told to move out and pay half the mortgage. Yes its a joint mortgage but Im effectively paying for him to be there living it up whilst I have nothing? Doesnt seem fair somehow......

Any ideas anybody? Maybe this should be a different thread :confused:
Doesn't matter so much if you live there or not.

You're paying into the home's equity, so you'll still have your share of that value (although you're also paying interest so pray growth in property values keep up... which it probably won't for the time being)

The question is if you've got another place to stay that won't cost you money and/or you can still afford.

Also, what's your exit strategy? Will he pay you for your share of the downpayment & mortgage payments? (adjusted for inflation and/or change in property value, of course). Or are you looking to sell?
It could take months. I dont think we will make much on it either. I just want to be free of it to get on with my life. I am not trying to get out of paying but I dont see why I should be moved out to go to nowhere whilst paying for him to live there.

Its got 2 beds, its a converted victorian house, we basially have the 1st floor with a balcony.

Could he pay the mortgage on his own? Would it be possible to take the other room till you sell if needs must? :eek:
Doesn't matter so much if you live there or not.

You're paying into the home's equity, so you'll still have your share of that value (although you're also paying interest so pray growth in property values keep up... which it probably won't for the time being)

The question is if you've got another place to stay that won't cost you money and/or you can still afford.

Also, what's your exit strategy? Will he pay you for your share of the downpayment & mortgage payments? (adjusted for inflation and/or change in property value, of course). Or are you looking to sell?

We are looking to sell yes, its being valued by a few estate agents this weekend.

The problem is I dont have anywhere to stay, I can stay with my parents for about a month but not any longer, 1 its not fair on them and 2 they dont really have the space.

I thought I could afford to pay my mortgage still and rent a small place but after working it out I really cant.
Sorry to hear of your split Emma :(

Why dont you both try and rent out the other room to cover your share of the mortgage? Or rent out the entire flat?

Not ideal obviously but could be a short term solution?
Sorry to hear of your split Emma :(

Why dont you both try and rent out the other room to cover your share of the mortgage? Or rent out the entire flat?

Not ideal obviously but could be a short term solution?

Ive said to him that he should rent the room out as he wants to stay in the flat. I dont have a problem with him staying there but I need to be able to find a place of my own. Even if its smaller and cheaper I am ok with that.

I dont think we can rent it out due to a clause in our mortgage. So its best to just sell really.
sorry to hear about your split Emma. Bad times in the short term.

I did the same thing a couple of years ago....we had been together ages and it wasn't right and hadn't been for ages. I could have carried on pretending but it would have been worse in the long term...so i broke up with her. Best thing I ever did, I am now with someone else and our happiest i have ever been.

I ended up moving out and continuing to pay whilst things got sorted. I ended up buying her out and moving back in a few months later. I was lucky as I could stay with parents for that time.....Hope you get that side of things sorted - you have done the hard bit now, just keep remembering that.

in other news, my weekend plans.....not a lot. Then IBIZA on Tue!
sorry to hear about your split Emma. Bad times in the short term.

I did the same thing a couple of years ago....we had been together ages and it wasn't right and hadn't been for ages. I could have carried on pretending but it would have been worse in the long term...so i broke up with her. Best thing I ever did, I am now with someone else and our happiest i have ever been.

I ended up moving out and continuing to pay whilst things got sorted. I ended up buying her out and moving back in a few months later. I was lucky as I could stay with parents for that time.....Hope you get that side of things sorted - you have done the hard bit now, just keep remembering that.

in other news, my weekend plans.....not a lot. Then IBIZA on Tue!

Thank you! Great to know its not just me.....family members have thought I have lost the plot as to why would I want to throw everything away but I just cant pretend. I know people would have tried to carry on but my heart was just not in it the last few months.
Thank you! Great to know its not just me.....family members have thought I have lost the plot as to why would I want to throw everything away but I just cant pretend. I know people would have tried to carry on but my heart was just not in it the last few months.

I did try and carry on, for a lot longer than a few months. But then finally i grew a pair of balls and made the right decision.....(not that i am saying you have balls obviously!:eek:)
Thank you! Great to know its not just me.....family members have thought I have lost the plot as to why would I want to throw everything away but I just cant pretend. I know people would have tried to carry on but my heart was just not in it the last few months.

Same thing happened to me ages ago! You are not on your own. I was lucky in that we could carry on living together in separate rooms while she got the money together to buy me out.

Thats was 8 - 9 years ago and im fair happier now!
Now i'm jealous for it's been a very long time since i've tasted a good old english traditional Sunday roast with Yorkshire Pudding & lashings of gravy. As much as i like visiting Ibiza or other parts of the World (including my Country now) i've never really enjoyed such dinners served up when once in awhile having a Sunday lunch in a british run establishment.

Go to Pikes Hotel on Sunday!
Hello, i've just come back from hol. Went to Devon thanks, and South Wales. Did some deep sea fishing, lots of kip and national trust properties.

Exact opposite of last years trip, but 6 weeks till baby oclock touch wood so got to be a good boy.

This weekend I am off to a wedding in Newcastle, see an old friend and have some general day time drinkies/wedding fun8).

you having a baby ?????? awesome news - congrats my dear 8)

Where is your wedding do in Newcastle?
It could take months. I dont think we will make much on it either. I just want to be free of it to get on with my life. I am not trying to get out of paying but I dont see why I should be moved out to go to nowhere whilst paying for him to live there.

Its got 2 beds, its a converted victorian house, we basially have the 1st floor with a balcony.

Hi Em sorry to hear your trauma!! I have been there done that three times :oops:

If you need any advice send me a PM, for my two pennysworth whoever can best afford the mortgage on their own stays and pays - renting out room if needs be to cover the mortgage.

None of my exes could afford the mortgage so it was a sort of easy decision.

If youre not living there you could look at it this way

Say mortgage is £600 a month, plus you pay rent £400 a month - total outgoings £1000 per month between you (he is responsible for your costs of "not living there" - as you are happy to stay)

Income from rented spare room £400 a month
Net expenditure £600 a month (£1000-£400 income) - £300 each

He should be paying you £100 a month as you are actually paying £400 rent......

Or, if he rents a spare room, if you are paying half the mortgage he should give you half the rental income..... prob at least £200 a month

Does my twisted logic make sense? If he doesnt like it say you are happy to stay in the spare room till the place is sold....

Hi Em sorry to hear your trauma!! I have been there done that three times :oops:

If you need any advice send me a PM, for my two pennysworth whoever can best afford the mortgage on their own stays and pays - renting out room if needs be to cover the mortgage.

None of my exes could afford the mortgage so it was a sort of easy decision.

If youre not living there you could look at it this way

Say mortgage is £600 a month, plus you pay rent £400 a month - total outgoings £1000 per month between you (he is responsible for your costs of "not living there" - as you are happy to stay)

Income from rented spare room £400 a month
Net expenditure £600 a month (£1000-£400 income) - £300 each

He should be paying you £100 a month as you are actually paying £400 rent......

Or, if he rents a spare room, if you are paying half the mortgage he should give you half the rental income..... prob at least £200 a month

Does my twisted logic make sense? If he doesnt like it say you are happy to stay in the spare room till the place is sold....


PMing you now xxx
Hi Em sorry to hear your trauma!! I have been there done that three times :oops:

If you need any advice send me a PM, for my two pennysworth whoever can best afford the mortgage on their own stays and pays - renting out room if needs be to cover the mortgage.

None of my exes could afford the mortgage so it was a sort of easy decision.

If youre not living there you could look at it this way

Say mortgage is £600 a month, plus you pay rent £400 a month - total outgoings £1000 per month between you (he is responsible for your costs of "not living there" - as you are happy to stay)

Income from rented spare room £400 a month
Net expenditure £600 a month (£1000-£400 income) - £300 each

He should be paying you £100 a month as you are actually paying £400 rent......

Or, if he rents a spare room, if you are paying half the mortgage he should give you half the rental income..... prob at least £200 a month

Does my twisted logic make sense? If he doesnt like it say you are happy to stay in the spare room till the place is sold....


To my mind, that makes perfect sense.

Emma, hope things get sorted. Let us know what happens, please. :)