Weekend Plans

Having really overdone it Carnival weekend, I'm on a detox until Bestival next weekend, so this weekend:

Tonight - hope my meeting in Reading finishes earlier than scheduled 6pm, hotfoot it back to Buckley Towers and take the missus on an exciting trip to Sainsburys. DVD night in. NO BOOZE.

Saturday - Breakfast meeting with my friend who lets/manages my house for me, followed by friendly match against some local rivals. Hoping to start to get some match fitness that will last through Bestival to the week afters first competitive game. NO BOOZE at the footy club after. Glad there's no footy on telly to tempt me to stay for too long.

Sat night - pub and comedy with NO BOOZE. This will be a masive test for me. I don't think I've been in a pub without drinking since I was nine!:lol:

Sunday - missus is planning a day of culture. NO BOOZE - this may be a bigger test!:lol:
Sunday -Football then chill out having a sunday roast.

Now i'm jealous for it's been a very long time since i've tasted a good old english traditional Sunday roast with Yorkshire Pudding & lashings of gravy. As much as i like visiting Ibiza or other parts of the World (including my Country now) i've never really enjoyed such dinners served up when once in awhile having a Sunday lunch in a british run establishment.
If anyone knows of a decent place to go for a party in London on a Thursday night please do tell me.

All the way to Kingsland Road last night for a post-Ibiza pre-weekend few drinks with a friend at Russian Bar, not being able to face the Regional restrictions .. absolutely awful and dead as a dodo. Does nothing worth going to happen in Britain outside Friday and Saturday nights ? !!!!!!! :evil:

Looks like Plastic People is opening again next Thursday, that;'s normally good! http://www.plasticpeople.co.uk/

Quiet weekend for me as also preparing for Bestival Shenanigans (and praying for good weather!) See you there Buckers! :twisted:
Having really overdone it Carnival weekend, I'm on a detox until Bestival next weekend, so this weekend:

Tonight - hope my meeting in Reading finishes earlier than scheduled 6pm, hotfoot it back to Buckley Towers and take the missus on an exciting trip to Sainsburys. DVD night in. NO BOOZE.

Saturday - Breakfast meeting with my friend who lets/manages my house for me, followed by friendly match against some local rivals. Hoping to start to get some match fitness that will last through Bestival to the week afters first competitive game. NO BOOZE at the footy club after. Glad there's no footy on telly to tempt me to stay for too long.

Sat night - pub and comedy with NO BOOZE. This will be a masive test for me. I don't think I've been in a pub without drinking since I was nine!:lol:

Sunday - missus is planning a day of culture. NO BOOZE - this may be a bigger test!:lol:

You won't last :lol:
Going to electric picnic festival,interpol,pj harvey,warpaint,santigold,the rapture are on my to see list today...:D
Oooh can I come with you haha :)

Not THOSE kind of mushrooms. They're not out yet. ;)

In reality, it'll be more tramping around a wood for an hour or so on a Sunday morning (if I can be arsed getting up in time) spotting mushrooms (if I can see any) and trying to ID them from a book.

Funghi seeking fun girl?
Well tonight might be a bit dyer...

Mates 21st Birthday shing ding in town tonight and the GF informs me yesterday that she wont be drinking due to being on antibiotics then we hear today that one of our closest girl mates mum died of cancer today :( whats worse is her dad died a few years ago of cancer aswell....so tonight is gona be quite sad :(