Weekend Plans

My weekend consists of getting our flat valued as sadly me and the BF have split up (wont bore you all to tears with it or "bring the thread down") and try to get my life sorted out!

Seeing a few friends along the way :lol:
My weekend consists of getting our flat valued as sadly me and the BF have split up (wont bore you all to tears with it or "bring the thread down") and try to get my life sorted out!

Seeing a few friends along the way :lol:

Are you Jessie Wallace in disguise?:)
My weekend consists of getting our flat valued as sadly me and the BF have split up (wont bore you all to tears with it or "bring the thread down") and try to get my life sorted out!

Seeing a few friends along the way :lol:

Emma, so sorry to hear that.
The spotlighters are here if you need to talk.
Emma, so sorry to hear that.
The spotlighters are here if you need to talk.

Thanks dude!

Currently fuming as Ive been told to move out and pay half the mortgage. Yes its a joint mortgage but Im effectively paying for him to be there living it up whilst I have nothing? Doesnt seem fair somehow......

Any ideas anybody? Maybe this should be a different thread :confused:
Yes, not sure and not sure haha might not even bother going yet still thinking about it !!

Why wouldn't you go? I'd go on a date with anyone even half suitable (coz you never know..), or at least I would if I wasn't broke (which prob makes me ineligible anyway :rolleyes:).
Thanks dude!

Currently fuming as Ive been told to move out and pay half the mortgage. Yes its a joint mortgage but Im effectively paying for him to be there living it up whilst I have nothing? Doesnt seem fair somehow......

Any ideas anybody? Maybe this should be a different thread :confused:

Can't help you so much on that. May be worth talking to the bank, as they must have this happen.

Yes, not sure and not sure haha might not even bother going yet still thinking about it !!

You shouldn't stand people up. At least say no to him before the data if you don't want to go.
Currently fuming as Ive been told to move out and pay half the mortgage. Yes its a joint mortgage but Im effectively paying for him to be there living it up whilst I have nothing? Doesnt seem fair somehow......

Any ideas anybody?

Sounds tricky! Any particular reason why he should stay and you move out?
Yes, not sure and not sure haha might not even bother going yet still thinking about it !!

ahhhhh no you gotta go :D

what have you got to lose ?! nothing - what have u got to gain - well u just dont know yet ;)

As long as hes fit, he passes the first stage of bf material :lol:
It's a tough call. Were you to pay half the mortgage for now, would you be able to claim it back on selling the place?

I doubt it very much.

I can see what he is saying - its my decision to break up and why should he move out of his home. But I have nowhere to go. I can only go with my parents for a month and I cant afford to pay him and rent a place while its being sold.
Emma, sad to hear this but if its what you wanted then go girl - no need to be sad about it coz u clearly wanted out so well done to you for having the strength to end it - esp with the whole mortgage thing...

On that subject - F**K NO, just coz you wanted to split does not mean he has rights over anything :evil:

Obviously you are automatically gona feel in the position to move out etc and thats understandable but dont forget you and him (im guessing) were 50 / 50 on the whole moving in together so you dam well make sure it stays that way...

At the end of the day theres no point staying with someone if you are just not feeling it, its not fair on either of you...

Time to live up and enjoy the single life Em's ;) youre still sooo young :D
Emma, sad to hear this but if its what you wanted then go girl - no need to be sad about it coz u clearly wanted out so well done to you for having the strength to end it - esp with the whole mortgage thing...

On that subject - F**K NO, just coz you wanted to split does not mean he has rights over anything :evil:

Obviously you are automatically gona feel in the position to move out etc and thats understandable but dont forget you and him (im guessing) were 50 / 50 on the whole moving in together so you dam well make sure it stays that way...

At the end of the day theres no point staying with someone if you are just not feeling it, its not fair on either of you...

Time to live up and enjoy the single life Em's ;) youre still sooo young :D

I am actually fully happy with the decision and know I am doing the best thing for both of us in the long run. I would have carried on pretending, he would be even more hurt then he is now.

Its just such a mess with property involved. Why didnt we rent first :spank: