Weekend Plans

Morbyd said:
Yes, I do try to eat at least once a day, and we've been over the sleep issue. There's often a 2 hour football viewing at some period. Hmm... guess what? I still spend about as much time in the bars and clubs as doing those 3 activities combined. Ya... totally unseasoned. Just add salt.

I rest my case.

Morbyd I haven't got a clue what you're babbling on about as per half the time, go and talk 'soccer' or something you REALLY know about :lol:
Beckiboo said:
But try going out and getting totally intoxicated, carrying on all day and then trying to go out again the next night, barely anyone can do it, only the hardcore few :eek: You cant sleep or eat after a night on the little'uns, your body normally only gets back to normal a few days later.

The key to anyone lasting on a night out is sleeping and eating, if you've done both of them then a night's clubbing is easy, if your body is weak from lack of both of them it's much harder to get out again!
True... it is partly a matter of how you party. I'm always less than sober when clubbing, but perhaps not quite as wacked out as others might get. I eat one meal a day on weekends and, as has been discussed earlier, sleep around 5-6 hours in between sessions. I'm lucky in that I can sleep in just about any state :eek:

I prefer doing two 12-hour sessions with a 12 hour break in between than one 24 hour session and 12 hours of recovery. You get more out of your clubbing that way, IMH,BC,O
Barbie said:
Morbyd I haven't got a clue what you're babbling on about as per half the time, go and talk 'soccer' or something you REALLY know about :lol:
I'd gladly talk football with you, Babs.. I'll even explain to you the offside rule, if you'd like ;)
But do you take stuff to enhance your night? Because I believe it's a lot harder to carry on clubbing if you do, rather than if you just club on a natural then go home and get a "normal" sleep afterwards.

What goes up must come down as they say and once you're down there's no getting up! :lol:
what, morbyd knows stuff about "soccer"??:p

there is always something that amazes me every day here on spotlight!:lol:
Morbyd said:
I'd gladly talk football with you, Babs.. I'll even explain to you the offside rule, if you'd like ;)

Morbyd believe me I was going to football games in the days when you didn't even know what 'proper' football was :lol:
Barbie said:
Morbyd believe me I was going to football games in the days when you didn't even know what 'proper' football was :lol:
Actually, I went to my first "soccer" game when you were still in diapers, missy :spank:
Morbyd said:
Actually, I went to my first "soccer" game when you were still in diapers, missy :spank:

Everyone knows Americans can't play football so it can't have been that good a game, no wonder it put you off for a good few years til you jumped on the Chelsea bandwagon late in life :lol:

And please don't waste your time quoting your interesting facts and figures about when America were higher placed in FIFA ratings than England and when America did better in the World Cup than England cos I've heard it all before :lol: ;)
Barbie said:
And please don't waste your time quoting your interesting facts and figures about when America were higher placed in FIFA ratings than England and when America did better in the World Cup than England cos I've heard it all before :lol: ;)
OK.. I won't repeat it. I know it's hard for you to hear. Truth hurts ;)
Morbyd, you're like a boring version of Drew. Irrationally proud of your myopic opinions.

Welcome to the factordome:

1) You clearly don't party hard, because you can sleep, and go out the next day, ipso facto, if I've got my latin right. I'd hate to be that way inclined that I knew I was going to bed after one club on a Saturday.

2) Clubs on Friday are no good. Any pro knows it's about saving yourself for "the (one) Weeknd event", which is the Saturday night out. How else do you catch up with nonclubbing friends? It's no competition to say how many times one can visit club 13 or fabrique on a weekend.

3) Clubbing, like your football reports/opinions, always sound as if it's what it "should" sound like. e.g., you "soccer" dreports sound like you've transcribed them from a columnist or "soccer" pundit. No-one I know talks about football i the way you do.

You profess to be this "double header" becsause you sound like you're trying to be Johnny Igoclubbingmorethanyou (who's good firends with Johnny Iknowmoreaboutfootballmorethanyou, yet your arguements fall at the first hurdle.

I'd say your inability to find fault with anything you do, nor to aplly any sort of external logic or reasoning infers me to think you're quit a boring person to be around. To sum it up, I think of you as one of those twunts (and apologies for the overt rug reference) who refuses to share their drugs with other people because, quite frankly "why should you: they havent paid for them".

Now, get ready to o.d. on the rolleyes smilie, and sarcastically agree with me, because you have run out of arguements a la "capitalism is lovely and faultless", circa December 05

Oh, and critice me for the rant. I care.
jjinit said:
get her to move down man....or move to Nottingham, save a bundle in train fares and........no more horrible Sundays dreading "that time" ;)

Believe you me were working on it, but she needs to finish uni first. ;)
****ing Hell I was pissing myself at this funny post full of good humoured banter, until that....

Poor Morbyd, Keep on rocking son!!

Party on Vladnik style (i heard that on Friends and thought it sounded good)

This is what happens when The Weekend Thread starts too early.
x-amount said:
Oh, and critice me for the rant. I care.
Wouldn't give you the satisfaction. Go tell it to "your crew", since they're obviously content to put up with your crap ;)
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Mother of Jesus!! All this started cos I said i was taking a break this weekend..
F**k that then, I think i'll be going to Ministry now!! ;)