Weekend Plans

Morbyd said:
Ferd.. don't tell me a strapping young man like you needs a break after a double header... I do 2 nights practially every weekend and am still standing :spank:
(though, admittedly, I engage in afterparty action usually only once a week)

But you embrace this sleep business at 6am, that's not a 'proper' night out/double header, get in training old man :lol: ;)
:lol: touche!

True, though it depends on the weekend. Average sleep period is probably 7am-1pm (or 9am-2pm if afterparty attended) followed by a resumption of activities ;)

A man needs his beauty sleep... and it's still 2 nights of mass consumption and shape throwing, so I think it counts!
Morbyd said:
:lol: touche!

True, though it depends on the weekend. Average sleep period is probably 7am-1pm (or 9am-2pm if afterparty attended) followed by a resumption of activities ;)

A man needs his beauty sleep... and it's still 2 nights of mass consumption and shape throwing, so I think it counts!

Lightweight, our normal wkends finish Sunday night without sleep :eek: :lol: ;)

I don't actually like doing double headers in this country, I never enjoy myself as much the second night unless I go all the way thru, if I go to sleep my body rejects sleep and I wake up feeling worse :twisted:
Morbyd said:
:lol: touche!

True, though it depends on the weekend. Average sleep period is probably 7am-1pm (or 9am-2pm if afterparty attended) followed by a resumption of activities ;)

A man needs his beauty sleep... and it's still 2 nights of mass consumption and shape throwing, so I think it counts!

You have no idea, you fraud!

Christ on a bike, by your standards, I was doing quintuple (that means 5, kids) headers in my uni days.

Personally, I'd feel downright embarased if I even suggested I sat down betweeen 2 nights of smashing it, let alone sleep you big jessie!

I suppose we're just spoilt with 24 hour parties in London.
x-amount said:
You have no idea, you fraud!

Christ on a bike, by your standards, I was doing quintuple (that means 5, kids) headers in my uni days.

Personally, I'd feel downright embarased if I even suggested I sat down betweeen 2 nights of smashing it, let alone sleep you big jessie!

I suppose we're just spoilt with 24 hour parties in London.

I once managed 11 nights in a row in my uni days... usually in bed by about 4am though during the week... can't believe my liver didn't just leave via my belly button while I was asleep and go somewhere nicer :lol: :lol: . That was when I was 19 and didn't get hangovers though
Barbie said:
Lightweight, our normal wkends finish Sunday night without sleep :eek: :lol: ;)

I don't actually like doing double headers in this country, I never enjoy myself as much the second night unless I go all the way thru, if I go to sleep my body rejects sleep and I wake up feeling worse :twisted:
Ya, right... you party Saturday straight through to Sunday.... but 95% of your Friday nights usually consist of just dinner in a restaurant so don't go lecturing me, missy! :spank: ;)
x-amount said:
You have no idea, you fraud!

Christ on a bike, by your standards, I was doing quintuple (that means 5, kids) headers in my uni days.

Personally, I'd feel downright embarased if I even suggested I sat down betweeen 2 nights of smashing it, let alone sleep you big jessie!

I suppose we're just spoilt with 24 hour parties in London.
Ahem... you're not the only city with 24 hour party possibilites.

And frankly, I see no shame in a kip between sessions.

I've read enough "weekend rundowns" to know that all you party-hardy Londoners are actually usually out clubbing one night a week. Some of you carry on into afterparties the next day. Few of you do two serious nights out every week like I do.

Hell, most of your clubs start kicking people out at 4 or 5 am (some of them, in preparation for afterparties, others not). Moscow clubs close at 7am, some later. Afterparty clubs are just getting hopping at 6.
Scoobie said:
Its the same as that in most London clubs ;)
I was out on in London on a Saturday in November and all the clubs around Kings Cross (Egg, Cross, Key(?)) were stopping to let people in around 4 and said they'd close in an hour.

The clubs out in the Chelsea area start closing at 2am :!:

I know Ministry & Turnmills run later, but they're exceptions. Here, 7am is the rule.
Morbyd said:
I was out on in London on a Saturday in November and all the clubs around Kings Cross (Egg, Cross, Key(?)) were stopping to let people in around 4 and said they'd close in an hour.

The clubs out in the Chelsea area start closing at 2am :!:

I know Ministry & Turnmills run later, but they're exceptions. Here, 7am is the rule.

The Egg and the Key hold afterparties from 5am through to Sunday afternoon.
Morbyd said:
I was out on in London on a Saturday in November and all the clubs around Kings Cross (Egg, Cross, Key(?)) were stopping to let people in around 4 and said they'd close in an hour.

The clubs out in the Chelsea area start closing at 2am :!:

I know Ministry & Turnmills run later, but they're exceptions. Here, 7am is the rule.

The 'clubs' in chelsea aren't clubs at all- they are glorified bars, hence the early finish.

most clubs in london have a cut off time, after which there are no new admissions- usually 3 or 4- doesn't mean they close then.

Cross usually shuts at 6. Egg and Key both have afterparties thet offically begin at 5.30 or 6 - the club is still open inside, but they stop letting people in so they can clear up a couple of the rooms before the changeover- Egg closes at 2pm and the Key at 12 I think. ;)
Morbyd said:
I was out on in London on a Saturday in November and all the clubs around Kings Cross (Egg, Cross, Key(?)) were stopping to let people in around 4 and said they'd close in an hour.

The clubs out in the Chelsea area start closing at 2am :!:

I know Ministry & Turnmills run later, but they're exceptions. Here, 7am is the rule.

Morbyd you're doing that thing again when you're talking about things that you know nothing about :rolleyes: :lol:

Ministry/The End/Fabric/Turnmills/etc are all open til at least 8am, they also have regular 11am closes.

Egg/Key/etc close around 6am cos they are then open for aftershows til late Sunday.

You might call the 'clubs' in the Chelsea area 'clubs' but they're certainly not what we call 'clubs' :lol:

Just face it old man you wouldn't last 5 mins hacking the pace in London Town :lol: ;)
Scoobie said:
The 'clubs' in chelsea aren't clubs at all- they are glorified bars, hence the early finish.

most clubs in london have a cut off time, after which there are no new admissions- usually 3 or 4- doesn't mean they close then.

Cross usually shuts at 6. Egg and Key both have afterparties thet offically begin at 5.30 or 6 - the club is still open inside, but they stop letting people in so they can clear up a couple of the rooms before the changeover- Egg closes at 2pm and the Key at 12 I think. ;)

PMSL, almost identical postings Scoobie :lol: ;)
Ah... I got the impression that you had to leave and then they'd let you back in... at Key they even told me that there was a different entrance for the after party but I didn't stick around.

The afterparties here are usually in different clubs i.e. you'll start out a night at XIII or Fabrique or Propaganda or somewhere and then finish up at Mix or Garage.

It helps that taxis are cheap, though... It'd be expensive as hell to do 3 clubs in different areas like I did last Saturday if I were in London.
Morbyd said:
Ah... I got the impression that you had to leave and then they'd let you back in... at Key they even told me that there was a different entrance for the after party but I didn't stick around.


Yeah- the building that Key is in is a bit wierd- it used to be one venue and then they split it into 2 (the other one is Canvas) so there is all sorts of entrances.

For the afterparty they make you go in round the back (I think to keep the scary looking reprebates out of the way) :lol: :lol:
Barbie said:
Just face it old man you wouldn't last 5 mins hacking the pace in London Town :lol: ;)
Ahem... I see little how my impressions (based on experience, but admittedly incomplete) of London club closing times has anything to do with how much I could hack London clubbing.:rolleyes:

And when I see your "weekend updates" include 2 nights of clubbing per weekend regularly for several years in a row (none of this whimpy "had some wine and went out to dinner" on Friday stuff), then perhaps you can complain about my little naps :spank:
Morbyd said:
Ahem... I see little how my impressions (based on experience, but admittedly incomplete) of London club closing times has anything to do with how much I could hack London clubbing.:rolleyes:

And when I see your "weekend updates" include 2 nights of clubbing per weekend regularly for several years in a row (none of this whimpy "had some wine and went out to dinner" on Friday stuff), then perhaps you can complain about my little naps :spank:

You seem spend half your wkends sleeping, eating or watching 'soccer' - hardly the work of a seasoned clubber, that's why I said you'd last 5 minutes in London Town :lol:

And as for going out clubbing on a Friday, Tom works a lot of Saturdays so that's why we rarely go out clubbing on Fridays unless there's something we really want to go to, also we like to do other things like go to nice restaurants etc instead of spending our whole wkends in clubs.
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Morbyd do you just drink when you go clubbing though? Because if you do anyone can club til 6/7am then go home for a hearty 8 hour sleep, a full breakfast and dinner then back out again, your batteries are totally recharged.

But try going out and getting totally intoxicated, carrying on all day and then trying to go out again the next night, barely anyone can do it, only the hardcore few :eek: You cant sleep or eat after a night on the little'uns, your body normally only gets back to normal a few days later.

The key to anyone lasting on a night out is sleeping and eating, if you've done both of them then a night's clubbing is easy, if your body is weak from lack of both of them it's much harder to get out again!
Barbie said:
You spend half your wkends sleeping, eating or watching 'soccer' - hardly the work of a seasoned clubber, that's why I said you'd last 5 minutes in Londond Town :lol:
Yes, I do try to eat at least once a day, and we've been over the sleep issue. There's often a 2 hour football viewing at some period. Hmm... guess what? I still spend about as much time in the bars and clubs as doing those 3 activities combined. Ya... totally unseasoned. Just add salt.
Barbie said:
And as for going out clubbing on a Friday, Tom works a lot of Saturdays so that's why we rarely go out clubbing on Fridays
I rest my case.