Weekend Plans. . .


Active Member
Friday: Me & Joey going to 52 Degrees North to share a bottle of champers to celebrate me handing my notice in. Then onto Hed Kandi to get stupidly drunk for a change and dance around people's handbags.

Saturday: No Plans

Sunday: No plans altho may persuade Joey to take me to see the premier showings of Bridget Jones Diary.
Yesterday was bank holiday here so today it's like a monday to me, I'm not supposed to have plans before thursday cos I live in the mañana country :eek: :lol: :lol:

Today: going to see Barça-Milan at Camp NOu 8)
Thursday: Going to see first euroleague (basket) game at Barça's and then the usual drinks with the usual suspects
Friday: don't know
Saturday: don't know
Sunday: family do to celebrate my nephew and Pep's birthday
Friday - Bonfire night. Friend having a BBQ/fireworks party. Knowing this friend it will prob get messy :eek:

Sat - Birthday meal for friend, local ritzy torture after no doubt. :twisted:

Sun - meeting up with someone from the past, just to make sure it's in the past! ;)
Friday - Working :!: Although I will need to cross the official picket line as their is industrial strike action happening on Friday due to announcement of job cuts. I am however working and will be branded a 'Scab' :confused:

Saturday - working :evil: then going to see about my Ibiza 2005 trip. Got Friends coming round in the evening to my pad for drinks - usually ends up messy :p and if I have booked Ibiza it will be.....

Sunday - Bed :)
friday-on the guestist for fandango at turnmills i shall be going for pre drinks with nic fancuilli and anil :D :D :D i may even check the trance room out to :p
It's not the weekend yet ! The next thing we'll be having "Weekend plans for week 34 of 2005" :D
Ive not been out for 3 weeks, i need something to look forward to and get me through the week.

But week 34 2005 would be End of August so i'll probably just stay in that weekend as its normally Ibiza at beginning of Sept.
*Saffy* said:
Jesus Christ .. it's only Tuesday ! :confused:

weekend plans has been put up on a Tuesday for the past month now I think, all bar one week :D

Nothing planned as yet, not that I know of, but I know Paul was talking about inviting everyone over on Friday, as we've got a big big huge bonfire :D

Silv, I swear every week you say "this week was a bank holiday" :lol: ;)
Friday: Probably kick back and have a drink somewhere in Laguna, and call it an early night.

Saturday and Sunday: On both of these days for 8 hours each day I will be going through very intensive tactical handgun training sessions.


weloveliam@space said:
Thats one good reason to be living here, more bank bank holidays than the rest of europe 8)

Liam did you ever get that Hed Kandi Sampler? you can have mine if you still want it.