Unlikely Celebrity Caners!!

How would that prove anything? You could be logged in under two IDs and both would show online. Or is this your elaborate double bluff, to prove you don't know that and it therefore isn't you? :p

i didn't actually know that cos i'm not the master of disguise like you.

i was thinking that you could do it, if you were using a desktop PC and your laptop............or are you just pointing the finger of accusation at moi to clandestinise (??) your culpability.;) :lol:
Hey is no one impressed I met Shaun Ryder in 1998? I even posted a pic (albeit a tiny one as I couldn't work it properly!).

We thought we were the bees knees when we came back that year and told our mates although a lot of people said that it was an imposter we met!

SomehowI don't think there are many poeple who could pass as the one and only Mr Ryder!:D
Hey is no one impressed I met Shaun Ryder in 1998? I even posted a pic (albeit a tiny one as I couldn't work it properly!).

We thought we were the bees knees when we came back that year and told our mates although a lot of people said that it was an imposter we met!

SomehowI don't think there are many poeple who could pass as the one and only Mr Ryder!:D

it would be a scary experience now if you met him & bez with their new gnashers!!! :lol:
i saw this character walking down the high street at about lunchtime. he clearly hadn't been to bed :lol: looked a right state!
