The Warehouse Project 2012

Was at the bugged out night on Friday , had a brilliant night , as has been said , the new venue is far superior to the old one, thought all 3 rooms were good, nice setup, you will get a bit of noise leakage between room 2 & 3 though.

Jimmy Edgar , eats everything, boys noize , green velvet all excellent, seen a bit of rob da bank, terrible mixing then he started playing rage against the machine....(to be honest it kinda worked as the crowd was more a young festival crowd rather than clubbing crowd IMO )
Watched a bit of kalkbrenner , not really doing it for me, went to see horse meat disco and have to say left a bit disappointed with them (was just the 2 of them), I had expected a classic style paradise garage / the loft / disco / soul / camp soundtrack, was a bit too euro disco & electro, then they played abba.....

Will say I had a near escape getting searched on way in, closest I've ever came to getting busted....bouncer was on me straight away (ironically I hadn't taken anything before I went in whilst my pals (who were flying , sailed through without a search)...very close shave, the guy was gutted he never found anything was a miracle he never found my pills to be honest. Got lucky .
Anyway, we all had a brilliant night , pity with the 4am finish, should be longer,...has anyone been to afterlife yet? We didn't go, but got told the rumoured special guests never turned up anyway (green velvet was supposed to be playing it?)
Going from bad to worse for me on the WHP front. Was meant to go last night but a works night got in the way. Next week for Armin is now sold out although there's a band I desperately want to see at Sound Control the same evening which is some consolation. It'll be very last minute if I do manage to make any this year now.

There are always loads of tickets for sale on the WHP facebook page.
There are always loads of tickets for sale on the WHP facebook page.
A few of them facebook profiles are made up people, who say meet me outside the venue, where the real ticket touts operate. Obviously they'll be plenty of genuine people as well. Just be aware.

Some friends also arranged to meet someone at the store street venue from facebook, they were led on a wild goose chase "meet ten...come to a certain pub" eventually they were given tickets, which turned out to be from the previous week!
New venue is decent but doesn't have the atmosphere of Store St. Loads of bars (seemed even more than at the Easter opening) but getting around can be a pain in the arse, not too bad once you're into middle section in between room 1 and 2/3 but the corridor that room 3 is on sometimes gets a bit mental. Room 1 is hectic but if you stick to the sides before you move in it makes it a bit easier.

Jeans/shoes can end up as bad as at a festival!

Sound system is good but almost feels like it can't quite fill the main room.
Will be sticking to slightly more intimate venues mostly I think but definitely fancy the Crosstown Rebels night.
Brilliant last night. Was mad busy whe Armin was on. Went to see Schulz who was ****ing brilliant!. Ended the night watching Paul Van Dyk who was the highlight for me. By the time he was on there seemed to be abit more room to dance. Brilliant atmosphere !

In a world of pain now after having no sleep and travellin home from Manchester
Brilliant last night. Was mad busy whe Armin was on. Went to see Schulz who was ****ing brilliant!. Ended the night watching Paul Van Dyk who was the highlight for me. By the time he was on there seemed to be abit more room to dance. Brilliant atmosphere !

In a world of pain now after having no sleep and travellin home from Manchester

Yeah, I have to say, this line up had 3 real heavyweights on the bill and from what I heard/saw all 3 didn't disappoint. Armin was worth the money alone. Also, the crowd definitely had a bit of extra wind in it's sails following the DJ Mag 'victory' the night before.

As a first time visitor, the venue didn't impress me that much. In many ways it reminded me of the basic, dirty, griminess of Nation in Liverpool, but being so big, it didn't quite have Nation's 'charm', if you can call it that. No doubt that that main room being so big means that they can get a lot of people in and, potentially, that makes for a huge huge atmosphere.

Would definitely go again if they had another line up that big.
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I had an incredible night last night! Only downside for me was that I lost all my friends and so spent the rest of the night with 'new friends' who adopted me...she also disappeared with all the money and all the drugs! So I had neither, although my new friends bought me quite a few beers!

Highlight for me was Schulz! Remember just thinking 'OMG this is the best night of my entire life!'
I had an incredible night last night! Only downside for me was that I lost all my friends and so spent the rest of the night with 'new friends' who adopted me...she also disappeared with all the money and all the drugs! So I had neither, although my new friends bought me quite a few beers!

We had to work so hard to keep our group together last night. Even getting everyone to the smoking area without losing anyone seemed like a proper mission. It's a big old place and it was rammed.
We had to work so hard to keep our group together last night. Even getting everyone to the smoking area without losing anyone seemed like a proper mission. It's a big old place and it was rammed.

Trekking round it is hard work. Not had too much trouble with losing anyone despite me wandering off on my own a few times, always managed to walk straight back to them.
Makes me appreciate Space and how easy it is to move about!
I heard some pretty bad reports from Saturday and most of my mates said they wouldn't bother going again even though we live in Manc. The queues to get in looked horrendous from pics I saw. Apparently the crowd wasn't the best either. It's therefore good to hear some better reports on here. I'm going myself on 15 December so will reserve judgement til then. Golden rule in packed places seems to be get in there and get yourself right to the front.
iinteresting that people seem to have issues with the new WHP venue, maybe i can see it from the smokers side of things as did hear that was a bit of a mssion to trail away outside (didnt effect me or the people i was with as we dont smoke),, but other than that, for me, and everyone i've spoken too in glasgows whose been, they all think new venue is a huge step up from store street...the one way system did have mixed reviews (although to be honest i dont really remember a one way system inside the place...think for the toilets?

my memory of store street was just folk roaming about doing poppers like it was 1994, of the place being a lot smaller than i thought it ws going to be, and as i've said before, an overall feeling of it being a sub par version of the arches in glasgow....the second room in store street was pretty dire as well.
I heard some pretty bad reports from Saturday and most of my mates said they wouldn't bother going again even though we live in Manc. The queues to get in looked horrendous from pics I saw. Apparently the crowd wasn't the best either. It's therefore good to hear some better reports on here. I'm going myself on 15 December so will reserve judgement til then. Golden rule in packed places seems to be get in there and get yourself right to the front.

I saw some quite bad reports from other quarters and I can totally see why someone might have had a bad night. The crowd was well up for it but was very rough around the edges. I couldn't quite believe my eyes at the time, but I swear I saw lads pissing in what were meant to be the sinks in the blokes toilets.

It was very busy and that one way system was an absolute pain the arse. I've also heard a few people criticise the soundsystem in Room 1 which to be fair, I did think was a bit bass heavy. On reflection it really didn't fill the room properly either. You had to force your way towards the front to get the full hit. You could quite easily have been stood in a corner, barely able to hear anything with sweaty blokes pushing you everywhere.

Luckily we had a good spot for most of the night and the music was amazing.
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I couldn't quite believe my eyes at the time, but I swear I saw lads pissing in what were meant to be the sinks in the blokes toilets.

I very nearly made that mistake until i noticed the taps :oops: I did see quite a few people doing it though. They do look like urinals.

I went on my own so didnt have the issue of losing / finding people. Did see quite a fair few people i knew though.

Thought it was a very decent night, didn't find the heat anywhere near as bad as when i went in easter either which was good, queues weren't that bad when i arrived just before 11.
I very nearly made that mistake until i noticed the taps :oops: I did see quite a few people doing it though. They do look like urinals.

before 11.

I was guilty of this im afraid! I went the toilet and was abit ****ed and started pissing into the sink. Somebody pointed out to me what I was doing. Then some other lad come in and I pointed out to him what he was doing. Oh well! :confused:
Those that mentioned it finishing a bit early, definitely agree, I think it should go on til at least 5 or possibly 6. Afterlife is usually alright if you want some more, but it's never been rammed when I've been. Enough to have a decent warm down though. If you're planning on going get your tickets from the merch stall as soon as you know, in case it does sell out (it sold out at the Easter opening, so guessing it would've been rammed then). You can get a free bus outside at the end too.
thought van buuren was brilliant.. stood there for the whole 3 hrs of his set and didnt move, apart from people trying to rob your space... i was stuck against the wall so there was no where for anyone to go but they stiill try... agree with a few on here regarding how busy it was.. proper rammed in room 1 but when markus shulz came on i think a lot of people went to room 2 to watch him meaning there was much more room.... the losing people is a pain in the arse, i know everyone is swizzled but it aint a festival... i blame the little fellas..:D:D all in all another good night in there and another pair of shoes ****ted up!!!!

just waiting to see what the new years eve line up will be before buying tickets.. the whp page said last week it will be anounced last week but it still hasnt said anything... anyone any idea who'll be on??
Im also eagerly anticipating the NY line up...its either gonna be that or Martinez bros at Sankeys for me :)

I think the reason I get lost so much is because Im 5"3 and my friend I was with is 5"1...we could lose each other in a bloody supermarket! I'm debating mittens with a string or handcuffs or something for next time!
What's the craic with entry times then? I'm going for the Cocoon night and wondering whether we have to get there by 10/10.30? What's the latest anyone has got there?