The Passion of Christ


Well-Known Member
Anyone see this last night?

One of my house mates who 'believes' was watching it when I got in. Shocking gory stuff.

For the record, I did of course, point out that even if some of that stuff did happen, it proves Christians beliefs only as much as those held by us FSMists. One day I'll learn to leave it be. :lol:

Still couldn't get my pal to explain why he believes.

Him: "Your looking at the physical and trying to apply logic. You need to look at the spiritual"

Me: "But it was made up to control people and you only believe it because you were inddoctrinated when you were too young to know better"

Him: "You just have to have faith.."

Me (a la Tim to Gareth): " And that wins you the argument does it? Great...."

It astounds me, it really does....
as Alan Partridge would say "this country!!!" :rolleyes:

p.s agree with you buckers....religion.....bag o'shite!!!
jjinit said:
as Alan Partridge would say "this country!!!" :rolleyes:

p.s agree with you buckers....religion.....bag o'sh*te!!!

Agreed. But I can't see how anyone of reasonable intelligence can make the conceptual leap from the possibility of a creator to saying, yup, there you go this is God and this is how it all works. And that's not meant to offfend, I know all sorts of people, many much brighter than me, who in all other aspects of their life are completely logical in their beliefs, yet they believe something which in many cases is proven to be untrue.
yeah, religion really makes no sense to me. Neither does the universe and our own brains, but for me it's just a bit silly to be like 'oh, ok, we were obviously created by something higher and we're not supposed to understand anything'

I don't see how, when people see the pope and cardinals and religious figures and stuff and the kinds of things they write, some of which is fairly awful/bigoted, can possibly have faith that a book written by these guys predecessors had divine inspiration!
Buckley said:
Agreed. But I can't see how anyone of reasonable intelligence can make the conceptual leap from the possibility of a creator to saying, yup, there you go this is God and this is how it all works. And that's not meant to offfend, I know all sorts of people, many much brighter than me, who in all other aspects of their life are completely logical in their beliefs, yet they believe something which in many cases is proven to be untrue.

I think the mistake is to try to understand the religious thing in a rational level ;)
Buckley said:
Me: "But it was made up to control people and you only believe it because you were inddoctrinated when you were too young to know better"

buckers you got it.

i was raised a catholic, as all proper irish people are (as told by my grandma), but the olny reason i actually believed in the whole thing was because i was told to and like you say indoctrinated so that I believed in the religion.

by the time i was about 11 i had become far too inquisitive and soon I was more interested in history/facts than opinions and propaganda.

now I'm glad that I don't consider myself Catholic anymore as it is one of the most hypocritical and somewhat sinister religions. at university, i realised that I actually take more from the teachings of sikhism and buddhism than I do from Christianity, in terms of morals/values/how to live your life.
*Waits for Rickaroo to jump on this post... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I watched that Opus Dei thingy last night hoping to hear some deep dark secrets - waste of time......... nothing one didnt already know.... disappointing.... :evil:
puppylover said:
*Waits for Rickaroo to jump on this post... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I watched that Opus Dei thingy last night hoping to hear some deep dark secrets - waste of time......... nothing one didnt already know.... disappointing.... :evil:

my friends parents are Opus Dei, they don't talk to him any more after he came out to them as gay, and he was thrown out of home. Been a complete struggle for him as they refuse to pay his tuition fees so he's had to pay them himself, meaning uni has been a complete nightmare.

Any religion where your beliefs allow you to justify not speaking to your own child is completely disgusting in my opinion. Makes me so angry :x :x :x :x :x
silvia said:
I think the mistake is to try to understand the religious thing in a rational level ;)

sil you are exactly correct but unfortunately many christians (catholics especially) do not realise this. to them the word of god is as written in the bible and is on a rational level - for them Jesus existed and performed these miracles and the evidence is the bible.

i agree with you that religion is something beyond the rational and consequently this makes it a matter of opinions. No one can prove if God exists or not. No one can prove whether Jesus was resurrected on the third day. Therefore, I respect it when people have their own belief in this truth (??) but sadly, most believers are incapable of respecting the opinions of other non-believers (mainly as their task is always to try and seek converts to the religion).

interestingly, most believers do not attempt to convert people who believe in other religions. for example, most Christians, Jews and Muslims (3 abrahamic religions) for the most part respect that their faith/religion is different and leave it as that, like "this is what i believe, that is what you believe - fine". this is problematic because all those 3 religions directly contradict each other and in fact supersede each other.
The "Old" religion (which predates any new fangled marketing concepts or "religions" :rolleyes: by about a zillion years) is a contradiction in terms really because it's not really a religion - more a spiritual practice adopted by ancient Shamans, Aboriginees, Pagans, Native Indians etc. It's based on nature, acknowledges the female deity, views these deities as forces that can manifest in our lives in whatever form - so it's therefore something that we can all take on to form our own doctrine without the need for stoooopid guilt ridden texts.

They all have one philosophy - like this one known as the Wiccan Rede (closely linked to Paganism)...

"An it harm none do what thou will"

Translated - "Do what the funk you want in life as long as it's not with intention of gaining power over or harming another."

...Isn't that the only philosophy we need really? It's easier to remember than the ten commandments and speaks volumes!

The new testament is a pile of c*ck written by man - it's just a few blokes giving a "modern" viewpoint on the old testament which means fook all because times changed and it isn't modern any more! ;)
Robder said:
The new testament is a pile of c*ck written by man - it's just a few blokes giving a "modern" viewpoint on the old testament which means fook all because times changed and it isn't modern any more! ;)

agree and disagree.........i actually think the bible (new testament) in particular is a crucial and critical historical document in terms of us understanding the world we live in today. the impact of the writings in the new testament on the way society exists is massive. a modern comparison (bad one admittely) would be the US constitution in terms of the way that has shaped US history.

i agree rob that most of the new testament is drivel and its not the words themselves that are significant but the meaning behind them.

e.g. jesus is not the son of god but merely a religious freak around 2000 years ago that caused a bit of a stir and was conviently used by early christians as a conduit to controlling the peasant masses. :eek:
naddyz said:
puppylover said:
*Waits for Rickaroo to jump on this post... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I watched that Opus Dei thingy last night hoping to hear some deep dark secrets - waste of time......... nothing one didnt already know.... disappointing.... :evil:

my friends parents are Opus Dei, they don't talk to him any more after he came out to them as gay, and he was thrown out of home. Been a complete struggle for him as they refuse to pay his tuition fees so he's had to pay them himself, meaning uni has been a complete nightmare.

Any religion where your beliefs allow you to justify not speaking to your own child is completely disgusting in my opinion. Makes me so angry :x :x :x :x :x

I know some people that are from the Opus Dei, also know people who's parents are from the Opus but they sons are not from the Opus.
I used to like a lot a boy that was from the Opus, very nice guy I had a lot of afinity in some issues but he had some ideas that from my point of view wasn't nice ideas cause he used to say he didn't mind people thinking or doing certain things, but at the same time he would not liked that I did them or someone of his family did them cause he used to think that they were inmoral in a certain way, so he used to think that most of people in the world were inmoral, or were commiting sins all the time. It's a pity that such a nice person , cause he really was, so educated, intelligent and considerated had such a irrational ideas. I used to see him everyweek and I though we were just friends ( even so I liked him) cause we just talked all the time, but then I started to know his ideas and see what his friends and him though about me, as if I were something more then just a friend, he was dating me but we just talked and talked :lol: :lol: the idea was to keep talking till marriage ;) :lol: :lol:
grego said:
e.g. jesus is not the son of god but merely a religious freak around 2000 years ago that caused a bit of a stir and was conviently used by early christians as a conduit to controlling the peasant masses. :eek:

Exactly! So surely we're agreeing aren't we?
Of course it's a relevant text because society has been influenced by it - but in terms of a guilt driven, man made and so called 'spiritual' practice it doesn't hold much value!
Sure - Jesus was probably a great bloke - a rebellious rabbai with loads of great stuff to say about life but the translation of this has been used in the wrong way.
Maybe we'll write a new modern testament with Bob Geldof at the helm next time? Who knows?...But I don't see much difference really.
Worshipping someone or something takes the responsibility away from an individual after all.