The Guardia Civil - sensible advice from someone out there

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On a similar note, those of you who consider drink/drug driving should think twice also. Due to a recent illness I was not drinking that much while in Ibiza last week. I left La Troya on Thursday morning at 7am and drove back to our villa via the Salinas roundabout (the back way out of PDB). I had 4 people in the car with me who were in various states of intoxication.
The guardia civil were in prime position on that roundabout to stop anyone coming from La Troya and pulled me over. I was breathalised and asked various questions. Everything was clear.
Very luckily and much to my surprise the car and other passengers were not searched and we were let go on our way.
In other years, I would probably have had a few drinks on me and may possibly have been over the limit.
I definitely noticed a larger police crackdown this be careful everyone.
Am I wrong but doesn't this hype about the increased police presence in the clubs happen every year at the beginning of the season :?:
Am I wrong but doesn't this hype about the increased police presence in the clubs happen every year at the beginning of the season :?:

Yes but I've never noticed undercover activity going on before (although this is a contradiction in terms isn't it? :lol:)
Yeah, I remember last year everyone coming back from the june holidays and talking about how much more police presence there was out on the island... then when I went out I didn't notice anything different than any other year.

however, every year I have seen people being so blatant about their drug taking right in the middle of the dancefloor ( like last year the 6 foot 8 guy in a yellow shirt doing something by the bar at space! :rolleyes:...hmnnnn.. I wonder why he got caught)

so I wonder if it is just a case of people getting stopped who haven't before?

Last year when I was out on my own.. and I was out driving. the police where stopping a a number of cars, but when they say it was just me in the car, they pulled me out and told me to pass on through..
dreams or no dreams, dealing is illegal and she knew it. the rewards are high, and so is the punishment. even in ibiza if you do the crime you do the time.

Agreed 100% - it's just that I just know what it is like to have your back to the wall, and so I can sympathise with her plight- of course, anyone who decides to partake in such activities should be held accountable - can't help feeling sorry for the girl though:cry:
if she's clever enough to find a supply of gear at wholesale prices and sell it on at retail for a large profit, then she has enough wit about her to find a legal job in ibiza. perhaps the long hours and low (comparative) pay influenced her decision?
Is it easy to find work out there if you're not Spanish speaking that isn't flyering or bar work in a San An dive?
I don't know if the police presents is the begining of season show or what. I have been going 2 Ibiza in June since 1998. IMO the police presents was increased both with roads stops,searches, and undercover types. I know people that do PR work and they were also telling me about how they are even fining PR for being on the street. I would not ignore what everyone is saying.
Is it easy to find work out there if you're not Spanish speaking that isn't flyering or bar work in a San An dive?

emotive language robder! if the girl couldn't speak spanish and wasn't prepared to work in san an then why on earth did she come here??? that's where and what working a season legally in ibiza is all about and we know it and she knew it. guilty, take her down!
emotive language robder! if the girl couldn't speak spanish and wasn't prepared to work in san an then why on earth did she come here??? that's where and what working a season legally in ibiza is all about and we know it and she knew it. guilty, take her down!

Oh no - it was a loaded question and had nothing to do with her actually. :lol:

I'm just sad to be back and dreaming about getting a decent job with a web agency in the balearics. :lol:

I'm too old for PR-ing let alone standing on street corners selling illicit substances. :eek::lol:

If only my company would transfer. :rolleyes:


I'm somewhere in the middle where this girl is concerned. She wasn't what I would constitute a dealer by any means - although I know many will disagree with this.

She was just a drug addled tearaway who was a bit naiive and living in the most workers on the island that crash and burn on week four when trying to work the season.

I think it's harsh to say send her her naiive and stupid yes...but the real criticism should be directed at the authorities in Ibiza for recreating a Keith Hellawell situation on the island (drug czar in the UK that tried the same tactics with London and frankly made himself look stupid). Targeting petty dealers isn't the way to solve a problem - it's just a cheap sticking plaster surface solution.

I guess an island that's so corrupt wouldn't think about the benefits of a consultative approach. :rolleyes:
what you constitute a dealer is by the by. the 60 year old judge from madrid will be dealing with that one.

i have mentioned before that the authorities have confiscated more drugs bound for ibiza this winter than in many a year. you may be surprised to learn that customs/guardia activity is higher on the island in winter than summer. this is because most of the big stuff arrives during the off season in readyness for the clubbers' arrival in summer. what you see in summer is the more visible side of guardia activity

my builder was delayed a couple of hours one morning because the guardia strip searched his van looking for stuff and my pool maintenance man still tells me the story of how the gc confiscated over 3 tons of hash from another villa he does this winter.
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Just to add one bit of info, there was also a dragnet on the road between Ibiza Town and San Rafael a week ago. They cut the 2 lanes down to one lane on a Friday night and looked in every car as it drove by. Cars with groups of young people were stopped and searched (remember, Friday night is Manumission at Privilege, not far past where the roadblock was located...)

I was driving alone so went past no problem, aside from the time wasted in an unnecessary kilometer-long traffic jam.

Can't imagine they'd do this in high season, but who knows when/where they might try it again...

They did this in the morning for the Circo Loco afterparty at Privilege on Monday 4. We were in a cab thinking, "Thank God we didn't drive!" as we went past.
Doesn't effect me either way as I don't do drugs, but surely there is a better way to tackle the problem? Can't the Spanish authorities get help form the British inteligence and find out who these drug barons are?
Doesn't effect me either way as I don't do drugs, but surely there is a better way to tackle the problem? Can't the Spanish authorities get help form the British inteligence and find out who these drug barons are?
I'm sure the Spanish have their own drug cartel intelligence, Sandi ;)
Will find out what happened to the girl who was arrested later today, fingers crossed she doesn't get too long a jail sentence as she can't afford the fine (although I guess her parents might cough up some cash) - could be up to 4 years.

Police presence was far higher this year than I've ever noticed before. Keep your wits about you.

Although saying that privilege had the dealers out in force dealing in full view - I don't think I saw any bouncers in the coco loco room or even the main room unless guarding the VIP. Space was as vigilant as ever with bouncers everywhere.
Was this girl a friend of yours? Someone who had gone out with you?

Was she the one who was caught with all the bags of things or caught buying?

(sorry for all the questions!)
Not a friend of mine...just a distant friend (or acquaintance) of someone I know.

If any friends on my network started living in Ibiza out of cars and pedalling drugs to randoms I'd have serious words.
Yeah... it is silly

I just remember you posted how the guardia were fine and treated your friend with courtesy, so i assume they did not find anything on you?
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