the club owners..........

nooooo ! !

from the ibiza sun:

Controversial Cabau
The funeral was held on Tuesday of the controversial businessman, Xavier Cabau. Cabau, who once owned several hotels and nightclubs including Pisces Park, Don Quijote and Central Park, as well as the discotheques, Idea and Extasis, was found dead on 30th August in his house in Puig den Valls. The cause of death has still not been established, but police have ruled out the involvement of any third parties and confirmed that the most likely cause was a huge brain haemorrhage.
Cabau was a controversial figure who has continually appeared in the papers for the wrong reasons. He was born in Barcelona in 1954 but moved to the island at a young age with his father, who built a chain of hotels which his son would later inherit. From a young age he worked with his father, and later on became involved in nightclubs. He first appeared in the papers after his staff at Angels nightclub went on a hunger strike, after he announced that the club would be closing. After five days, the workers abandoned the strike after their health took a serious decline.
A more consequential accusation was soon to follow, when the Belgian newspaper, Le Soir, revealed that the businessman was being accused of abusing his two children of nine and 13 years old, fruit of a relationship with a Belgian woman, Dominique Lebrun. The accusations came from another ex-partner of Cabau, Dutch woman, Richarda van Kasbergen, who claimed that he had also violently abused her and several other ex-girlfriends. She had, in the meantime, fled to Holland with their four children and the children of Lebrun, who in 1989 had died of cancer. The case was dismissed in court after a lack of evidence, although a police officer was sent to jail for "offering" to destroy the evidence for the defendant, in return for three million pesetas.
In 1995 he was again arrested, after stabbing two Colombian tourists who had been waiting for some friends in the building where Cabau lived,. The two were both taken to hospital but later recovered from their injuries. He stayed in prison for a total of five months, only leaving after having paid a considerable amount of bail.
In 2002 he had planned to open Angels nightclub again, but was refused permission at the last moment, a decision he regarded as revenge for things which had happened years earlier. Cabau had asked for permission to open a commercial centre in Santa Eulalia, a decision that was denied by the then mayor, Vicente Guasch. Cabau refused to accept the decision, and in 1997 the Supreme Court ruled not only that the decision to deny the centre was wrong, but also that the urban plan the Town Hall had been elaborating over the last few years was in fact illegal. This incident caused huge embarrassment for the Town Hall at the time, and was something that those involved never forgot.
Cabau was in the process of putting together plans to reopen the disco Idea, which has remained in ruins next to es Paradis at the entrance to the town for the last 15 years.:!:
Cabau leaves 13 children from several different relationships. The most celebrated being Yolanthe Cabau van Kasbergen, who now lives in Holland and as well as being a model and actress, is also dating the most popular singer in Holland, Jan Smith.
I knew that Filippo had died this summer, but not Cabau. Blimey. He had a colourful past!

And to think that ruin may finally have been sorted out.