No longer active
Dates you were there: Sunday October 8 - Wednesday October 11
Where you stayed (resort/hotel): Blau Parc in San Antonio. Highly recommended. Nice, great view, very clean, quiet, and inexpensive.
Club nights visited: Sunday - Pikes, Hi Ibiza Closing. Monday - DC10 Circoloco Closing. Tuesday - Zoo Evolution.
Best night: All three were great. Pikes was very cool to see, but I went fairly early so not many people and pretty chill. Hi is a great club and the music was really great too. A very fun night!
Circoloco was definitely my favorite music night. The sound system on the DC10 terrace is unbelievably good. Inside was very cool, but too much low end when the rooms weren't full. I was really loving Circoloco until it got so crowded that I couldn't even dance. I left before midnight.
Zoo Evolution took a while to get going, but then was really fun. I met someone who was also there solo and we ended up dancing, drinking, etc together all night long. Ended up being the most amazing night ever!
Worst night: Circoloco, only because it got too crowded so early.
Best bar: Cafe del Mar at sunset.
Best place to eat: I only ate maybe two meals the whole time, and they were both lunches at the Golden Buddha (next to the hotel). Decent food. Great atmosphere.
Money spent: A lot, but worth every penny. Honestly I probably spent more on taxis than anything else. Ibiza needs Uber.
Biggest regret: Staying at Hi all night instead of leaving to see Solomon at Pacha. Also, not getting out to see Es Vedra.
Going back?: Yes! Already making plans for the Summer 2018 season.
Top tip: #1 Go watch the sunset from Cafe Mambo/Cafe del Mar at least once. You will not regret it. #2 Don't be afraid to go solo. You will definitely meet people. And possibly fall in love haha.
One more thing...I love how the clubs are much more casual than the clubs in the Las Vegas clubs where everyone tries to look like a VIP.
midnigh leavin dc10? u should at least leave 2am when garden shut..i ve stayed until the edn and yes its rzmmy like hell in terrace, not much main room
the purpose to have one clean driver , if we met u will save a lot of money, i just ask a few drinks (to balance the deal as ive done again free rides again to some i wont ibz 18, free rides are only for soulmate, best mates, u count in one arm)
free zoo project backtage with cheap price at vip bars,private party, afterparty only for new soulmates, free guestlist in many clubs...
the best option was to leave hi to heart closing
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