tell an amazing fact about yourself........

I once got this well known celebrity so stoned he threw a whitey and nearly passed out.


It's Stephen Tompkinson who has been in Ballykissangel, Grafters and the film Brassed Off, plus loads more $hit productions including ponsing around theatres dressed like a tw@t and bragging how you first made your first million at a party where everyone thinks you're a d1ckhead. :lol:
Re: facts i am accidaent pron,

ksixty9 said:
i have been electrcuted 7 times all extreme pain full
i have be hit by a bus and 2 cars
i have fullen down a flight of stairs.
i have cut the top of my finger almost off
craked my skull open on a garded roller
burnt the skin off my arm from hand to eldow,
i got whacked in the eye with a bambo cain

Remind us to keep at least fifteen feet away from you should our paths ever cross in ibiza!
Re: facts i am accidaent pron,

ksixty9 said:
here goes.

i have been electrcuted 7 times all extreme pain full
i have be hit by a bus and 2 cars
i have fullen down a flight of stairs.
i have cut the top of my finger almost off
craked my skull open on a garded roller
burnt the skin off my arm from hand to eldow,
i got whacked in the eye with a bambo cain

but i am still going....

Are you THE ksixty9... Star of many a "Snuff film?"
my friends dont wanna come to ibiza even if i invite them to my apartment, with my car and myboat, so no cash spent at all....simply amazing
I went on a school trip when I was 10 and we played these french lads at football on the beach, we thrashed them!


We did have Alan Shearer up front to be fair!
I featured in the Waccaday annual when I was bout 6 years old.

I also got knocked over by a car when I was 15.

That's about the only thing interesting about me. :)
AT the age of 12, I was a finalist as a pianist for a talent show and it was my first tv appearance. Came in 4th...bummer.

Imaginery friend's name growing up...Samantha.
I met Madonna Face to Face, and according to her recordlabel, all thats said about her being a b*tch, IS true!?!

I´ve been injured dozens of times, twisted my knees around once, Almost lost an eye once as I got hit by a steeltube used for the purpuse of hanging clothes to dry on (auuu!), lost a finger that got glued back on (looks a bit weird but functional!) and have huge scars on the inner side of my left arm, due to severe trauma, after having danced myself into a fireplace as a tiny kid ;) but I look pretty normal!!!1
Ibiza-girlie said:
I met Madonna Face to Face, and according to her recordlabel, all thats said about her being a b*tch, IS true!?!

I´ve been injured dozens of times, twisted my knees around once, Almost lost an eye once as I got hit by a steeltube used for the purpuse of hanging clothes to dry on (auuu!), lost a finger that got glued back on (looks a bit weird but functional!) and have huge scars on the inner side of my left arm, due to severe trauma, after having danced myself into a fireplace as a tiny kid ;) but I look pretty normal!!!1

What did she do sugar?
what do you mean what did she do??? she walked by me and I said hello and so did she....tiny lady, but she looks like she could rip your head of instantly
my cousin won euorovision for lreland - Dana!

i was born double jointed so i can twist my legs and arms in ways they shouldnt!
fell when i was 6yrs old, cause being double jointed, twisted the bones in my left elbow and had to have sugery and have pins put in to hold it together!

then when i was 8 i tried to jump a flight of stairs and landed ankle first on the bottom step, right of the edge, chipped the bone in my ankle and was in plaster for weeks!

then when i was 13, one day me and my friend were messin about and somehow my finger got caught in one of the button holes in her jacket, she pulled away and my finger was twisted from the knuckel upwards, had to go to emergency were they had to break my finger first!

and lastly last year 2 weeks b4 went to ibiza, went out one night, drinkin brandy and got really drunk, fell outside a club, right on the elbow of the arm i broke when i was 6, went to hospital and found i chipped the elbow bone, had to go to physiotherapy classes for a few weeks after i came back from ibiza.......

a disaster child or wat??????

had to add this....

when we were kids i accidently chopped my sisters top half of her finger off, we had this really large and heavy back door and she stuck her finger in the hinges! had to get it sowed back on, and a crap job they did cause you have to see the state of it now, 15 yrs on!
the scar on my arm looks really cool though, about 6 inches, everyone comments on it!

it looks somethin like the measurements on a thermometer, you know wat the stitches were like in those days!