Stabbing at Jet Apartments

I understand that not all english are like this, there are loads of english people who go over, have a great time... don't go out to vandalise property, beat people up, pick fights, through up everywhere, fall asleep in the street etc etc etc.

However, when this does occur its more often the english than not.

Again, not saying that all english are the same... I am english!! All the people I have been to Ibiza with were/are English... So, not 'lumping people with the rest of them'... its just the way it is.

Unfortunately, if your not immersed in it for the summer, maybe you don't see it? and just feel like victims of blame??

These things are said for a reason!!! Not just said to pick on a nation!!! 8)
it isn't just english. i've seen reports of scraps involving many different nationalities - i scan the newspapers of mallorca, ibiza and the costa blanca every day so i'm pretty well up on who's bottling whom.

last week a gang of german skinheads were arrested in playa de palma, a spanish bloke almost succeeded in biting the nose off one of his compatriates in a bar in ibiza, and a lad in benidorm was knifed to death in an argument over football.

nationality rarely seems to play a significant role in these types of incidents
it isn't just english. i've seen reports of scraps involving many different nationalities - i scan the newspapers of mallorca, ibiza and the costa blanca every day so i'm pretty well up on who's bottling whom.

last week a gang of german skinheads were arrested in playa de palma, a spanish bloke almost succeeded in biting the nose off one of his compatriates in a bar in ibiza, and a lad in benidorm was knifed to death in an argument over football.

nationality rarely seems to play a significant role in these types of incidents

aaah, this is horrible, just horrible... was it gang related?

of course all nationalities can get in scraps. we were in thailand at an elephant orphanage, washing the elephants, was a beautiful happy day... and these lads started flighting!!! i think they were from Israel if I remember rightly... but goes to show, it can be anybody and in any situation.

All I was saying is the predominant amount of trouble comes from English people. Not all... That is the reputation, and if its not so much anymore.. then maybe it is just a 'bad name' they have. anyhow... one happy Ibiza is all we all want... thats for sure! :lol:
I've no doubt that Brits account for a high proportion of the incidents and trouble on the island.

But I'm sorry, I don't subscribe to this"guilt by association".

I think it's ridiculous to feel personally "ashamed" due to those who choose to behave badly, because they come from the same country.

And by behaving badly, i don't just mean the archtypical "West End Yobbos" I also include the other groups of Brit arseholes such as the braying, bad mannered, loud mouth spoilt brats who infest the high end establishments on the island, who seem to think being cool means being rude.

I can't control how others behave and neither would I want to. I just try to be nice and friendly and in return expect the same.

(and all this talk of single mothers and northern haircuts - Jesus :rolleyes:)
I've no doubt that Brits account for a high proportion of the incidents and trouble on the island.

But I'm sorry, I don't subscribe to this"guilt by association".

I think it's ridiculous to feel personally "ashamed" due to those who choose to behave badly, because they come from the same country.

And by behaving badly, i don't just mean the archtypical "West End Yobbos" I also include the other groups of Brit arseholes such as the braying, bad mannered, loud mouth spoilt brats who infest the high end establishments on the island, who seem to think being cool means being rude.

I can't control how others behave and neither would I want to. I just try to be nice and friendly and in return expect the same.

(and all this talk of single mothers and northern haircuts - Jesus :rolleyes:)
Marbella... its crazy snobby with 'mummy and daddys money'... nightmare...
we went out the other night, and there was just NO atmosphere at all... what ever happened to having fun!!?

Anyhow... I'm off of this topic... :spank:
I've no doubt that Brits account for a high proportion of the incidents and trouble on the island

possibly, but then they are the most numerous nationality. going back to playa de palma, which is munich in the sun, you'll find the vast majority of the problems there are of teutonic origin.
I've no doubt that Brits account for a high proportion of the incidents and trouble on the island.

But I'm sorry, I don't subscribe to this"guilt by association".

I think it's ridiculous to feel personally "ashamed" due to those who choose to behave badly, because they come from the same country.

And by behaving badly, i don't just mean the archtypical "West End Yobbos" I also include the other groups of Brit arseholes such as the braying, bad mannered, loud mouth spoilt brats who infest the high end establishments on the island, who seem to think being cool means being rude.

I can't control how others behave and neither would I want to. I just try to be nice and friendly and in return expect the same.

(and all this talk of single mothers and northern haircuts - Jesus :rolleyes:)

I agree with you Mark I don't feel ashamed at the behavior of Americans. I try to show the people where I have traveled and lived that bad behavior is the exception not the rule. My mantra is when I leave I want the people to be happy that I will come back.
I agree with you Mark I don't feel ashamed at the behavior of Americans. I try to show the people where I have traveled and lived that bad behavior is the exception not the rule. My mantra is when I leave I want the people to be happy that I will come back.

I actually love it when you can show people that their preconceived notions of your nationality are off-the-mark. No nation is entirely monolithic.

I'm ashamed when I personally see Americans acting badly. But I'm not ashamed to be American because we've got good people along with the bad, as does everyone else.
Think Morbyd & djjaycool both right there - lead by example at home or abroad on the behaviour front .. if prejudice can be turned to open-mindedness that is a worthy achievement in itself.
Marbella... its crazy snobby with 'mummy and daddys money'... nightmare...
we went out the other night, and there was just NO atmosphere at all... what ever happened to having fun!!?

Anyhow... I'm off of this topic... :spank:

I lived in El Puerto de Santa Maria for 4 years and would travel to Marbella often with Spanish friends. I enjoyed my trips there.
I've alway's held the belief that one is a bigger and better person along with gaining the respect of other's by walking away from a fight rather than joining in but ofcourse sometimes a man must do what a man must do.

Anyone who has listened to the Kenny Rogers Song: Coward Of The County will understand what i mean.
I've read some utter horse**** on here but that's right up there with the best of them.

Couldn't agree more. what a narrow minded sweeping generalisation to say that the opening of sankeys and a trance night is going to mean trouble in pdb. I go to loads of trance nights in Ibiza and elsewhere and they are full of happy smiling people and i have never seen one ounce of trouble.

Just drug dealers :spank:
Manchester vs Liverpool
(easiest solution for locals):confused:

Journalistic logic really does crack me up.. as the groups were seemingly (apologies if incorrect conclusions prevously surmised from prior press reporting) from the cities that allegedly produce the gangs which control trafficking of drugs amongst Brits, and victims seem reticent to finger perpetrators, must of course be a simple case of naughty drug dealers having a barney at the Jet Apts swimming pool. So that's where they all hang out then is it ?

All can rest easy it seems - nothing to do with alcohol, football or sunshine after all. National stigmatisation duly avoided (if at the expense of Manchester & Liverpool - sorry guys you take the fall this time) .. one can only :lol:
aren't you the character who thinks basketball shirts are an essential fashion item?

Far from essential my friend. I did ask the question a while back though on the opinion of wearing one.

I have since decided to wear my extreme jeans, eclipse coat and dosse posse record bag.

See you on the dancefloor.
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Far from essential my friend. I did ask the question a while back though on the opinion of wearing one.

I have since decided to wear my extreme jeans, eclipse coat and dosse posse record bag.

See you on the dancefloor.
Being a bit ignorant I had to look up 'eclipse coat', is this another joke?

How cold do you think it's going to be in september ?!!
What a coat it is? Even though it will be obviosuly be hot, this coat is the height of fashion and needs to be worn.

I will even bring the 'spliffy' jeans out. They might be more like 3/4 jeans though as I havent worn them for a good 15 years.