Stabbing at Jet Apartments

Why is it nearly always British youths involved?

Makes me totally and utterly ashamed of my nationality.

Would love to see the courts make an example of the scum involved in incidents of this nature, even as simple as egging on their mates should be min five years.

We only tend to hear about the British trouble, people from other countries cause just as much trouble.
If there were to be a headline saying French youths have a mass brawl in Ibiza, you wouldnt bother taking a second glance at it.
We only tend to hear about the British trouble, people from other countries cause just as much trouble.
If there were to be a headline saying French youths have a mass brawl in Ibiza, you wouldnt bother taking a second glance at it.

As much as France has it's social problems with it's younger Immigrant Population i doubt very much they'd go to Ibiza for causing trouble when they can make trouble for nothing in their own Country.

Unfortunately (apologies if i'm wrong) most of Ibiza's trouble makers during the holiday season it would seem are British (sorry English) louts who cannot handle the cheap alcohol or sun.
As much as France has it's social problems with it's younger Immigrant Population i doubt very much they'd go to Ibiza for causing trouble when they can make trouble for nothing in their own Country.

Unfortunately (apologies if i'm wrong) most of Ibiza's trouble makers during the holiday season it would seem are British (sorry English) louts who cannot handle the cheap alcohol or sun.

Using France was just an example, you'll always hear more about trouble caused by people from your own nation in that countries tabloids.
I'm not saying Brits are saints as i've seen many a fight before on hols i've been on but saying they are the cause of most of the trouble i'd say was incorrect.
Where ever i've been it tends to be locals who instigate the trouble more often than not...not saying that's the case in Ibiza though.
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Maybe it's a perception thing, and entirely down to understanding threats and abusive language from ones mother tongue but I have generally found abroad in any country Bit yobs are the more prevalent.

At the end of the day regardless of where they hail from, it's not good, and lets hope justice and lengthy jail terms ensue.
As much as France has it's social problems with it's younger Immigrant Population i doubt very much they'd go to Ibiza for causing trouble when they can make trouble for nothing in their own Country.

Unfortunately (apologies if i'm wrong) most of Ibiza's trouble makers during the holiday season it would seem are British (sorry English) louts who cannot handle the cheap alcohol or sun.

CHEAP ALCOHOL!! Your having a laugh there mate!:D
I have seen things kick off from all nationalities on Holidays. The thing is as mentioned before, the country that you are from will highlight the misdeeds of your citizens. The American presence in Ibiza is small so our news coverage is small also. I have stayed in PDB all but two times in my 14 trips to Ibiza I have stayed in San Antonio and just prefer to be on the PDB side of the Island. I have walked around PDB blattered without a problem and the same with SA. I tend not to go to places where there is trouble or if something kicks off I'm out of there. I like smiley happy people.:)
Unfortunately (apologies if i'm wrong) most of Ibiza's trouble makers during the holiday season it would seem are British (sorry English) louts who cannot handle the cheap alcohol or sun.

Think, to be fair,you may be a little wrong there on the trouble-maker assumptions. Much more likely to find scuffles at Punta Arabi involve Germans (simple reason being there are more staying there ?), Italians often involved in heated interactions (with each other and those of other nationalities), and those of any nationality if they are that way inclined. PDB is cosmopolitan and (surprise surprise) there's more than one nationality involved in the recent troubles...

My observation is that scuffles seem to increase most after football matches (much as they do at home) ... hmmm ... and that has nothing more to do with cheap supermarket alcohol in the Ibizan sunshine than in often dreary old England ?!!

Have to say too that by far the most unpleasant encounters I've had on holiday have been with puffed-up w*****s high on coke in so-called VIP-type environments. Underneath all the drug-induced arrogance, I have no doubt such types are pathetic individuals (in the truest sense of the word) but nonetheless no-one likes to be assaulted by people who cannot control their behaviour - whatever their 'poison' ?

Like djjaycool, I try my best to steer clear of troublespots (although I generally prefer the North and West to the South and South East :)) - but there are times anywhere when you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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I would swap my British passport for a Spanish one at the drop of a hat.

I find nothing to be proud of being British these days unless international football thuggery is important to you.

Perceptions aside, we are a country of drunken, single parent, non entities.
I would swap my British passport for a Spanish one at the drop of a hat.

I find nothing to be proud of being British these days unless international football thuggery is important to you.

Perceptions aside, we are a country of drunken, single parent, non entities.

What has football got to with it? Am I missing something here?

Maybe Leeds is the way you discribe but your perceptions seem to come straight out of the Daily Mail or The S*n.
I would swap my British passport for a Spanish one at the drop of a hat.

I find nothing to be proud of being British these days unless international football thuggery is important to you.

Perceptions aside, we are a country of drunken, single parent, non entities.

:) - having been raised abroad I don't feel British anyway, but a UK passport sure beats some others.. it's a real shame tho' how the fabric of society in UK (in particular the erosion of a close-knit extended family that holds so many other cultures together) has been thrown away in favour of atomistic self-seeking materialism.

Being predominantly though not exclusively a Celt by 'blood', and gratefully aware of the warmth and humour of Scots and Irish cultures, I do think this is more of an issue in England. That said, in the banking and financial sectors you'll find much of the same value systems have crept in to Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dublin as they have London.

As far as 'Rule Britannia' is concerned - that's definitely something for the history books.. unless it's Last Night of the Proms :lol:

PS - Scots have always been partial to a 'wee drop' or two, and sometimes merriment turns to fisticuffs .. but when six bells are knocked out of each other up there, people generally hug and make up afterwards !! :)
What has football got to with it? Am I missing something here?

Maybe Leeds is the way you discribe but your perceptions seem to come straight out of the Daily Mail or The S*n.

Maybe you are missing the tv transmissions of virtually every World and European championship that England have been involved in over the past 30 years?

Look beyond the tabloid papers, we have the highest of everything that we should be ashamed of;

teenage pregnancy vis a vis single parents
alcohol dependency
the list is a pretty long one...

Nothing will shift my shame of my own nation, and for the record I abhor the tabloids without exception. As alluded to above, it is an English problem, the Scots can go abroad and garner respect, as do the Irish, yet the English are rightly despised.
Maybe you are missing the tv transmissions of virtually every World and European championship that England have been involved in over the past 30 years?

Look beyond the tabloid papers, we have the highest of everything that we should be ashamed of;

teenage pregnancy vis a vis single parents
alcohol dependency
the list is a pretty long one...

Nothing will shift my shame of my own nation, and for the record I abhor the tabloids without exception. As alluded to above, it is an English problem, the Scots can go abroad and garner respect, as do the Irish, yet the English are rightly despised.

I just don't get what football has got to do with a stabbing incident at the Jet Apartments.....

For the record I'm Welsh, I lived for two years in Tenerife and the worst time for violence on the island was around the 12th July between Irish and Scots (not with each other but amonst themselves) and that had nothing at all to do with football. I just find your sweeping generalisation that all fights are caused by football fans bizarre.

I have seen coverage of English football fans fighting, but they are not fighting amongst themselves, yes that's right they are fighting with people of different nationalities. Italy has a far more serious problem with football related violence than England with stabbings occuring on a weekly basis, I had friends who were stabbed in Naples last November when Liverpool played there. I was in Rome in 2001 when 16 people were stabbed...a mate of mine was threatened in Sankey's in PDB in June by Napoli fans because he an LFC tattoo...but let's just blame the English hey:rolleyes:
I have lived in USA. England, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Philippines and Spain. I have seen things kick off in all the countries, it happens more in some than others. The common things when you get down to brass tacks is Alcohol and testosterone. As far as Soccer/football matches south America was the worst violence I have witnessed in person. Western culture are much more prone to violence than eastern cultures. You will very rarely see women going at each other. About a few months ago few Los Angeles Dodgers fans (baseball) beat some San Francisco Giants fans putting one in a coma until this day.
I have lived in USA. England, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Philippines and Spain. I have seen things kick off in all the countries, it happens more in some than others. The common things when you get down to brass tacks is Alcohol and testosterone. As far as Soccer/football matches south America was the worst violence I have witnessed in person. Western culture are much more prone to violence than eastern cultures. You will very rarely see women going at each other.

Agree with the above.
I just don't get what football has got to do with a stabbing incident at the Jet Apartments.....

For the record I'm Welsh, I lived for two years in Tenerife and the worst time for violence on the island was around the 12th July between Irish and Scots (not with each other but amonst themselves) and that had nothing at all to do with football. I just find your sweeping generalisation that all fights are caused by football fans bizarre.

...but let's just blame the English hey:rolleyes:

Indeed. It's not like the Scots are known for being drunk and fighting. And it's not like the Irish would turn on each other without or without a drink is it?! Jesus.

What a load of stupid (as someone put it DAILY MAIL attitudes) I've read here. :rolleyes:
lololol... this thread has got a little heavy.

I have grown up in a tourist destination, and the one thing I can confirm is... the trouble comes from the english bars.

There are loads of Swedes, Germans, Arabs, Spanish... but if something kicks off... you can guarantee that we will be rolling our eyes 'english tourists'.

I would swap my passport for a spanish one too... at least I have residencia here...
I don't feel ashamed by the English thugs and louts when I'm abroad, or at home.

Why should I?

If people are so small minded to lump me in with the rest of them, then I'll ****ing chin the bastards.