Stabbing at Jet Apartments

Was anyone else there at the time? We were packed waiting to leave when a massive fight broke out by the pool. It's now in the news..

Hope the lad in hospital recovers.

This is very sad and I hope the police are tough. None of this surprises me. There was a distinctly confrontational and highly charged atmosphere in the vicinity of Bora Bora in particular when I was there earlier this month and I was glad to be staying far away from it at Cala d'es Moro - not my sort of thing at all and an hour or two's foray was more than enough.

Sure we can all say - well, it can happen anywhere etc etc blah blah, but I always follow my gut instincts (which seldom let me down) and can tell you there's definitely a nasty element around parts of PDB this year, homing in around Jet, which I hope the authorities are successful in driving away (and not to San Antonio, please - things are quite manageable round there thank you without dregs of society having bottle fights at swimming pools in the middle of the day coming across the other side of the island !!!).
can tell you there's definitely a nasty element around parts of PDB this year, homing in around Jet

To be honest, I think its always been there, and always worse at this time of year when there are more of us Brits out there. BUT, I do think it is rare and as you say mainly around JET. I just hope PDB does not become the new SanAn. Maybe with Sankeys opening and a Trance night at Space - this could be the start....
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Could happen anywhere. Man killed in cavo paradiso, mykonos.

A 21-year-old Italian man was killed on the island of Mykonos on Friday, during a drunken brawl that began over a bottle of vodka. Police are holding a Swiss national in connection with the death.

The incident occurred at the club 'Cavo Paradiso' at 5:00 a.m. on Friday morning, when a fight broke out in the still-packed club between Italian and Swiss tourists. During the brawl, the victim was hit on the head with an object and fatally injured.

Police said the lethal blow was struck by a 23-year-old Greek-Swiss man who is permanently resident in Switzerland, where he lives with his mother. The suspect was visiting Greece on holiday, accompanied by two Kurdish friends of Turkish nationality.

The victim is Stefano Raimondi from Cascina Mandella, who was hit over the head with either a bottle or a glass.

According to a police inquiry, the fight broke out when the Swiss man and his friends at some point lost a bottle of vodka and suspected that it had been stolen by a group of Italians partying nearby. When they challenged the Italians, the two groups soon came to blows and the 23-year-old grabbed an object from the bar and broke it over the head of the Italian, who fell down covered in blood.

The Swiss man and his companions then fled while the young Italian was rushed to the Mykonos Health Centre, where doctors pronounced him dead. When his friends were informed, they lashed out in fury within the health centre, breaking everything within reach and then also fled.

Police organised an operation and shut off all exit routes from Mykonos in order to catch the culprit and his companions, who were picked up in various locations on the island. The 23-year-old later confessed to striking the dead Italian.

According to authorities, both sides involved in the fray had consumed large quantities of alcohol.

The Mykonos Security police have ordered an autopsy that will take place on Saturday to confirm that the Italian's death was caused by the blow to the head.

The 23-year-old Swiss will be taken to the Syros first-instance court prosecutor to be charged, while authorities are also examining the degree to which his two companions were involved in the incident.
It would seem that Ibiza is hitting the news headlines offlate and all for the wrong reasons.
In the last few days (albeit not connected) both a young woman and a man have lost their lives for different reasons on the Island and now this stabbing incident:eek:

In all the years i've been going to Ibiza i've never known it get as bad as what is today thus hopefully the Spanish Authorities will get tough with the trouble makers. :evil:

Hopefully such trouble makers will have left the Island before my return in September.
To be honest, I think its always been there, and always worse at this time of year when there are more of us Brits out there. BUT, I do think it is rare and as you say mainly around JET. I just hope PDB does not become the new SanAn. Maybe with Sankeys opening and a Trance night at Space - this could be the start....

I've read some utter horse**** on here but that's right up there with the best of them.
JET Bossa is rough anyway... stayed there a couple of years back for openings, there was a stabbing then also, well, a guy got glassed. i will never stay there again...

It doesnt make a difference on the 'types of music'... its just the twitts this time of year, same here in Marbella, always more trouble in July and August... ROLL ON SEPTEMBER!!! :twisted:

PS... Still think san an sucks...
I agree with the two comments above. In July and August more things kick off because it is rammed it happens in PDB as well as SA.
Guess the security at Jet werent bothered about there being glass bottles around the pool, hopefully all hotels will now ban glass round pool, not only for this happening, but people get drunk round pools isnt good, glass getting broken, and people in bare feet is never a good combination,

I didnt know about a man dying, only heard abpout the young girl in the club
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Interesting to hear that story about Mykonos - thanks, Moha. As I posted on another thread recently, the trouble kicking off from the beach near Bora Bora was not between Brits .. we always seem to assume Brits are behind trouble abroad and it seems this is unfair !

As to San An sucking, I really can't agree with that. The fountain area is quite lovely to drive through on your way home, day and night, and the place is a proper town with some very nice people living there. Even in the early morning hours, I have never felt actually threatened even in the West End late at night in August, whereas I did round Jet in broad daylight. Not pleasant at all.

PDB has some great places to party in but it is basically a strip of hotels, bars, restaurants and tourist-oriented shops with no geographic variation and no character whatsoever (imho). You will never catch me actually staying there, however convenient it may be for the airport.... Obviously one man's meat is another's poison !!
I just wish the little chavs who think it is hard tk fight during he day **** off back to Zante and Magaluf. Especially the *****s with the really short hair round the sides and a little on top. Such a northern chavvy haircut!
I just wish the little chavs who think it is hard tk fight during he day **** off back to Zante and Magaluf. Especially the *****s with the really short hair round the sides and a little on top. Such a northern chavvy haircut!

Haha i have seen plenty of people down south and in london with haircuts like that.
I bet you've never even been further north than the M25.

You'll always get trouble where ever you go on holiday in resorts geared for younger tourists.
It's the same as any city back here in the uk.
Very true actually. Not sure why they think an army haircut looks good.

Never further north than the M25 ha ha. I must visit Watford one day.
I just wish the little chavs who think it is hard tk fight during he day **** off back to Zante and Magaluf. Especially the *****s with the really short hair round the sides and a little on top. Such a northern chavvy haircut!

oh dear... :eek:s lololol 8)

ps... know what you mean about the Jedward hair... naff as f***.
I just wish the little chavs who think it is hard tk fight during he day **** off back to Zante and Magaluf. Especially the *****s with the really short hair round the sides and a little on top. Such a northern chavvy haircut!

aren't you the character who thinks basketball shirts are an essential fashion item?
aren't you the character who thinks basketball shirts are an essential fashion item?


Regarding the general opinion of San An, i stayed there for a week last year in july and didnt see one fight, argument or any trouble whatsoever. We started the night in the westend nearly ever night aswell.
Why is it nearly always British youths involved?

Makes me totally and utterly ashamed of my nationality.

Would love to see the courts make an example of the scum involved in incidents of this nature, even as simple as egging on their mates should be min five years.