Space Closing 2016

2005 was the last year of the old terraza so yeah it's 10 years now the new terraza has been there
Im pretty sure the roof went on winter 2004/2005. I was there in august 2005 and never got to see old space :spank:

was it already in that winter then :confused: I thought it was only the year after. I have seen the old terrace luckily though!
Yeah, my first time at space was also august 2005, and the terrace was already covered.
I remember watching the videos of them taking the roof off, before coming over.
was it already in that winter then :confused: I thought it was only the year after. I have seen the old terrace luckily though!

Yeah my one regret is passing up space closing 2004. Mate had overdone it at amnesia closing the night before and i didnt realise the significance of it at the time.
was it already in that winter then :confused: I thought it was only the year after. I have seen the old terrace luckily though!
Same here and I remember there being a bed in the middle of the dance floor. The good old days
Afterparty at mine!!
No joke, ive already got tickets and ive re-read this entire thread! Absolutely buzzin'!!!

Bora Bora first the general consensus?