There's barely 4 weeks to go and promoters are still scrambling frantically
to make sure that their venue isn't the ship that's going down
in the economic storm that will be Ibiza 09.
Vice felt it was only fair that we added our twopenneth worth to the debate...
because really, who else would tell it like it really is...
So first place for the most ludicrous rebound -
or complete disregard for loyalty in the face of vast financial temptation -
is the high camp La Troya.
She flounced out of the clutches of Martin 3 years ago decrying maltreatment,
degradation and abuse, into the strong protecting arms of sugar-papa Pepe.
Only to grow bored and spoilt in the cold palace of Space.
So what do you know?
Amnesia waves their magic wad, and hey presto, Brasilio is back in the terrace,
leaving Pepe and Juan with a empty cheque book,
and an even emptier Wednesday night.
Thanks for the memories honeys!
Sugar-daddies should know better.
Award for the fastest sinking ship then,
really must go to Space.
No sooner had La Troya spread their wings,
than Matinee started looking for a life raft.
Anything they can do we can do better, and booyaka!
They're into Saturday's at Amnesia.
That club really will have nowhere to put its Foam Parties soon
if it keeps taking in strays at this rate.
Space on the other hand, really is living up to its name.
Maybe the supermarket rumours are true?
There'll certainly be room for an aisle or two most nights of the week,
or maybe even a small cash & carry out back.
The grandiose in-house answer to Pure Pacha, 'Be @ Space'
has replaced Tenaglia after year one,
and opted for the overwhelmingly underwhelming offering of Tom Novy.
Fritz must be chuckling in his grave.

(No, I know he didn't die, but he's certainly in ex-club-promoter heaven by now)
And as for Coxy?
Stuck on the gangplank without a cutlass?
Let's just say there's more than one other venue that received a worried call
from his management last week...
unsure of how it looks to be the last rat on the frightfully holey ship.
And yes, we know there's still We Love....Space
(and thank goodness they do, as it sure looks as no-one else will)
but a club cannot survive on one day alone.
Has it not been decreed?
Thou shalt have at least 3 functioning nights or thou shalt become El Divino?
(ibiza-voice/words by I vICe)