So who's all up for it this year?

Up for it yes definitely. Always am. Normally im booked up by now but like mashed ive just had my first kid. The mrs doesnt have a problem with me going but im not so sure yet. Im tempted to do a bit of a smash and grab this year and just fly in for one maybe two ngts. If i do that i think i might try out amnesia and circo loco closing to see what its like. Never been attracted to the whole closing thing but i love the idea of dancing on the amnesia terrace during the day and circo loco is always a must for me
Definitely going to get amongst it this year, lately I have been easing it back on the whole scene. Getting on a bit at 38 and big nights take their toll plus I can be a bit of a fiend on the party supplies, which doesn't help.

But the sun is shining in London today, Easter is looming, flashdance came on the playlist on the tube and work is forcing all contractors to take a two week holiday. So it is all green lights. Can't wait for a cold beers in the sun, some beautiful people to ogle, a jaunt around Formentera on a bike, beaches, cheap holiday ciggies and some belting parties.

Question is do I use a week for recovery afterwards or hammer it somewhere else like Croatia or Mexico....
Just back from a few days over there, then:
23 to 30 May
5 to 15 August

Funny to think I gave Ibiza up for 5 years, from 2009 to 2014! :lol:
First time i will have been more than once in a season and i can't bloody wait.
15/5-17/5 (work)
29/6-3/7 (solo)
3/10-10/10 (mates)

Haha, no way, did you win that competition then at work!! Work will never be the same again after that 'team-building' exercise!
Haha yes I did mate. My bosses boss today said that we will be staying a villa and she was laughing at the fact i'll be rocking up at 10am still smashed while the rest of the work crew will be sat eating breakfast.
Haha, absolute class. Even funnier that you are all in a villa together.

You never know, I'm hoping it turns out the Margaret from accounts (or equivalent) is a secret hard techno lover and she rocks up after you at 10:30, piss wet through in sweat, and with a sheepish look on her face.

Fingers crossed! Make sure you do a FULL review sir.
My 20th Anniversary visit this year. Only a week this year as got BPM booked again for January. There from the 9th September.
Dirk our paths surely passed over the years :)

I have probably spoken absolute shit to you at some point x