So.......How was it?

Ferd - you were practically dancing beside each other in the main room - they were just a bit behind you!
I really enjoyed Saturday.

Dancefloor filled up after midnight and myself and Damian had a good laugh playing b2b.
He has some amazingly upfront records (which unfortunately I couldn't steal !!!) and the 2 hours flew by in a drunken haze....

So..thanks to all who came along - it was for a good cause.



Cheers Phil - for the praise not spreading that photo! Fat boozy face or what? :lol: I was absolutely ratted by that point! :lol:
Ferd said:
What a fantastic night.. (all my mates agreed too) :D :D
One minute it was 11.30, next minute you got Buckley saying it's time to go home!!! :(

I never said that Ferd - it's never time to go home, time to move on :D
I just hope Lloyds Bank are a bit better at moving the cash on than 'chilling efficiency' of their counter staff.

Buckley: Hello, can I pay some cash into the DEC fund for the Tsunami Appeal please:

Halfwit behind counter: No, you can't do that here.

B: ? Let me rephrase: I want to pay some money into the appeal account, you know, for the Tsunami?

HBC: Can't do that here.

B: Sorry, are you trying to tell me that Lloyds has decided to be the one high street bank that refuses to take donations for this extremely high profile disaster? That someone has decided that the negative PR as a result wouldn't be a disaster in it's own right?

HBC: Not my decision ma...

B: Bollocks - get me your boss, or at least someone with more about them than you - anyone in there on work experience? A 15 year old will be a significant improvement in IQ level!

HBC (looking sheepish): Sandra, can you explain to this man that he doesn't need to be rude to me and it's not my fault we don't take money for the appeal...

Sandra(for it is she): What do you mean? Have you asked him to fill out on of the 'Appeal Paying-in Slips'?

HBC: ".................."

S: You know, these ones [motions to stack of slips on desk]

B (to HBC): Christ on a bike - do they let you out on your own? How do you cross the road?

Feel a bit sorry for him now, but sheesh!
Another top night at the Rhythm Factory. With so many familiar faces, it feels like one big super happy family there :D :D Big shout to all the folk I've met before and great to meet Nitefly (notably energetic on 2nd big night out :eek: :lol:) + Joey for the first time ;). Cheers to Mark for my favourite set of the night although I scarcely left the dancefloor all evening. Never made it to Egg but respect to the hoards who headed there. :eek: 8)
Buckley said:
I just hope Lloyds Bank are a bit better at moving the cash on than 'chilling efficiency' of their counter staff.

Buckley: Hello, can I pay some cash into the DEC fund for the Tsunami Appeal please:

Halfwit behind counter: No, you can't do that here.

B: ? Let me rephrase: I want to pay some money into the appeal account, you know, for the Tsunami?

HBC: Can't do that here.

B: Sorry, are you trying to tell me that Lloyds has decided to be the one high street bank that refuses to take donations for this extremely high profile disaster? That someone has decided that the negative PR as a result wouldn't be a disaster in it's own right?

HBC: Not my decision ma...

B: Bollocks - get me your boss, or at least someone with more about them than you - anyone in there on work experience? A 15 year old will be a significant improvement in IQ level!

HBC (looking sheepish): Sandra, can you explain to this man that he doesn't need to be rude to me and it's not my fault we don't take money for the appeal...

Sandra(for it is she): What do you mean? Have you asked him to fill out on of the 'Appeal Paying-in Slips'?

HBC: ".................."

S: You know, these ones [motions to stack of slips on desk]

B (to HBC): Christ on a bike - do they let you out on your own? How do you cross the road?

Feel a bit sorry for him now, but sheesh!

:oops: :oops: And how read was HBC's face at this point - public humiliation - should be more of it in my book..... ;)
puppylover said:
you look surprisingly fresh - early on in the evening was it?

Looks can be decieving! I'd just been doing Aftershock races with two scandinavians - never a good idea....
Kang said:
What a fantastic night - cheers Buckley ;)

It was So... nice to put names to faces and meet loads more peeps from the board - Nitefly, Mambobirdette, Lil Joey, Copperband and his mate Mark, N8 - was lovely chatting with you all. All the djs were superb - I feel like I danced all night :D

I can't believe some of you walked around for such a time and never actually got into Egg - did a cab not drop you to the door? I think I remember something about a road being closed or something and Dan directing our cab. It was brilliant in there - really, really busy and the music was fab! We left about 9.30 when my legs finally gave up :rolleyes: Roll on the next one 8)

my legs gave up after jumping over a 12ft gate :(
Firstly to all those that I met (so many names and faces)I would like to say what a great bunch of people you all are. I wasn't sure what to expect having not met anyone before but it couldn't have worked out better,everyone was so friendly and welcoming to both me and my mate Mark (yes the camp one :p ). It was truelly amazing to talk to so many people who all shared the same interest in clubbing and having a good time.
The Rythm factory was excellent with all sets offering something a little different which kept things nicely varied and the room buzzing, well organised Buckley :D and thanks to all the guys who gave their time for nothing to help a good cause to give us such a good night.
There was also something quite different about the RF which I think was the feeling of "underground" like things used to be before the big flash clubs, it was nice to go to a comparatively smaller venue and see that it's really about the people and the music and the rest falls into place.....something I found intitially very different in Egg which after wandering the streets for 30 mins then queing another 30 mins I eventually got into to be faced with a very different crowd :cry: I think it was the queing that made me feel negative about the place but also it seemed rammed full of coiffered rich boys with an agreesive attitude (the coke i guess). We nearly left after half an hour and then found some friendly faces in BBS et al (sorry can't remember all the screen names):D For some reason everything then changed and the idiots faded into the background and the music got much better and feelings of negativity changed to positivity :D We had a great time in Egg and left about 11.30 (looked around but could see anyone left to say goodbye to)
We went back to the house of 3 girls we'd met for a bit of a chillout then got the train back to Bristol at 5.30, Mark went home to bed I went to a mates 30th Bday party a got back at midnight :!:

Today I feel exhausted a little "hazy" which probably accounts for the lengthy ramblings of this post.

Thanks again guys, lets do it all again soon (but not too soon ;) )

i never did get your real name,did you make it to your sunday lunch :lol:

The sunday lunch got postponed as there was a better offer ;) and it didn't involve more endless journeys on foot,train and taxi :!:
Great night out.

cheers to buckers and the dj peeps for such a cool soiree.
Great, upfront varied set from Stu and Damien.
Another masterclass in giving it up for that second wind from Mark Sun. Great sets from the Chewmeister and Alan Helps in the second room too. Anil's set wasn't to my taste this time, a bit too deep for me, but then waddoiknow?

Hi to all: wild fool Nitefly, the non'stop groving Robo, party favourite Ferd, wide eyed Kang, bouncing BBS, the lovely Scoobies, smiling Mambobirdette and Joey, the always cool X-amount, all the SuperD crew and the nice chaps, copperband and his mates.

the egg was cool, although i was really, really,really,really,really, unsteady on my feet by 8am and wimped home. Was a bit dissapointed that not ONE of the queens in there tried to pinch my arse. Felt a bit left out to be honest!!

Mrs Russ had an absoulute ball too as did our friend Sara who I've been trying to persuade to come along to a So.. for ages. She had a great time, loved the people and the venue. I had to give her the 'i told ya' look

again please.....

the girl in the green t-shirt, dunno who she was but had a right good laugh with her....[/list]
russ said:
Was a bit dissapointed that not ONE of the queens in there tried to pinch my arse. Felt a bit left out to be honest!!


Yes, but there was a certain little lady that didn't leave you alone - was really funny Russ :lol: