
I'll join you, although I am just a social smoker :twisted: My last one was 2 weekends away! I just can't not smoke when I go out! :twisted: I enjoy it too damn much!

me too:x , altho luckily i don't really go out that often.:D

even if you don't take any out or buy any, there are just too many being constantly offered to you and waved in front of your face. and lets be honest, when you go out you haven't got a scoobie wtf is going on, let alone consciously deciding not to smoke. ;) :p
I first read it years ago when I was on 20 a day and it really hit home. I know he's annoying and repetitive, but it worked on me - I'm quite suggestible. :lol:

I was completely evil weed-free until I went to Ibiza in 2003 and started having a couple of drags off my friends' fags in clubs. It was a very fast and slippery slope back on to 20 a day. I was going out a lot and smoking ridiculous amounts over a weekend, then getting to Monday morning feeling like I couldn't breathe. So I think it was January 2005 when I decided I would make the decision to never smoke again and really stick to it. I re-read Alan, then employed will power. :lol: I can't be a social smoker - if I smoke at all, I want to smoke all day every day.
But I have willpower on patches (well 3 days willpower as it stands :confused: :lol: ) I just wanted to smash his patronising face in and smoke more after I read the book :lol:
Patches aren't willpower! They're chemical replacement therapy! :lol:

I hate patronizing preaching too. I'm avoiding this book like the plague.

I've come to the conclusion that, despite all the bad things associated with it, smoking is fun. I like it. If I'm prepared to face the health risks, why should I give it up? Quitting is for quitters! :twisted:
Patches aren't willpower! They're chemical replacement therapy! :lol:

I hate patronizing preaching too. I'm avoiding this book like the plague.

I've come to the conclusion that, despite all the bad things associated with it, smoking is fun. I like it. If I'm prepared to face the health risks, why should I give it up? Quitting is for quitters! :twisted:

I've come to the conclusion at the grand old age of 30 I don't want to end up with lung cancer, seeing the suffering Tom's Gran went thru over the final few months of her life was enough to put anyone off smoking forever.

My life is too precious to me ;)
Exactly! Life is too precious to deny yourself things you like ;)

Cancer deaths are horrible, agreed. But I'm much more interested in the enjoyability of life than the longevity.

I like(d :confused: ) smoking lots but it doesn't make my life THAT more enjoyable. Lots of things in life give me way more pleasure and fortunately I don't have to/want to give up any of those ;)
I can't be a social smoker - if I smoke at all, I want to smoke all day every day.

I can't be a social smoker and I have zero willpower. I don't want to smoke forever :confused: :confused: :confused: hoping that allen carr works, or I'll pay for hypnosis that worked for someone here at work

Mainly I'm just fed up with bloody coughing all the time and getting sore throats after nights out.

I do love it though :confused: :spank: :lol:
I like(d :confused: ) smoking lots but it doesn't make my life THAT more enjoyable. Lots of things in life give me way more pleasure and fortunately I don't have to/want to give up any of those ;)
Some of those things probably aren't much better for you, healthwise!
I can't be a social smoker and I have zero willpower. I don't want to smoke forever :confused: :confused: :confused:

When I stopped on patches before I thought I'd try being a social smoker and before you know it a few on a night out has crept back up onto a 20 a day habit again :rolleyes:
When I stopped on patches before I thought I'd try being a social smoker and before you know it a few on a night out has crept back up onto a 20 a day habit again :rolleyes:

that's what I'm worried about :eek:

I have no will power over anything when I'm out. Maybe I should just cut all smokers out of my life and go and live on a island :eek: :lol: