... und richtig heftig wirds jetzt anscheinend 2008!
"...Las discotecas Space, DC-10 ..." = keine after-hours mehr !
jetzt kommts nur noch auf die definition von "afterhours" (
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afterhour) an ...
... was können die mit dieser regelung verbieten ?
partybeginn um 7uhr, 8uhr, mittags um 12 oder wann ???
damit dürfte das thema des threads ("SIND DIE WAHNSINNIG ?")
eindeutig mit "J A !!! " beantwortet sein !
aha, also partybeginn erst ab highnoon/12.00uhr mittags ...
... und fürs dc10 siehts gar nicht gut aus:
san josé will regulate the opening times to avoid afterhours next summer
"from next season the town hall wants to introduce a new by-law
to regulate the opening times of the clubs
so they can not open before 12 noon"
"they explained that dc10 only has cafe concierto licence,
a ridiculous permit that doesnt allow people to dance inside the venue.
according to them, this venue -which, along with bora bora, the other clubs
and the government usually name when talking about illegal venues-
has lots of denounces but havent been shut yet
due to the slowness of the court system"
"the existing by-law was created in 1987,
when nothing of what we have now existed,
so everything is deregulated"