See you later Adios Amigos

zarbtron said:
come on then sandi - I've never liked you, you and your name spelt with an 'i' :rolleyes:

*puts fists up*
*feels surprisingly comfortable in this position*
*makes note to take up boxing this week*
*is knocked out by sandi's high kick*

:lol: ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

*Girly slaps Nick and runs away*
Dexx said:
I used to be the moderator for a gay & lesbian message board and so far, this board is a cakewalk compared to that one... (Mind you, I've only signed up here yesterday so feel free to tell me to shut up!) The girls were the worst too! Threatening to kill each other because they were sleeping around behind girlfriend's backs and all that fun stuff. I ended up banning about 4 people a day over a couple of weeks! But that's those nasty gays and lesbians for ya... ;)

they like banning the gays on here too :eek:
Beckiboo said:
IMO This board is a hell of a lot better than some I've been on. I used to go on another board and the rows on there were absolutely unbelievable! People would actually arrange fights at the next rave/club event! I even got told by one guy on there he hoped I died of cancer!!

So believe me.... this board is like a Buddhist monk colony compared to some of them!

It's inevitable that with 20-50 regular posters not everyone is going to get on. Yes, sometimes things do get heated and some people do feel like there's a gang mentality. It's because some people on here get on well, meet up frequently etc, so they are friends aswell as board posters. TBH the cliquiness doesn't bother me, some things I join in with, some things I don't. At the end of the day I'm confident enough in the fact that when it all boils down to it, the majority of us on here don't really know eachother and at the end of our days we all go home to our respective partners, friends... our "real" lives(!) and I forget everything that's been posted. So don't let what goes on in here affect you too much ;)

I'm ok except when certain Jons forget who i am ;):D
macdonsj said:

to be fair to him - he's only met me once and there was alcohol involved.

Honestly he is the worst with names of people... I even have to remind him what his Uncle is called!
stephen said:
explain that to me please.

well I was banned for a bit and now robder has - it was just an observational comment and a throwaway one - wasn't meant to mean you actually like banning gay people from the boards!