Active Member
I have to find this man when i am over! fyi - agentundercover 8) = a scouser living in manchester, bringing the home of united down from the inside - not MI5!
...yesterday when i was there this lady comes to me and asks could you please take a picture of me with my family?![]()
i go there and guess who was a member of the family?![]()
the well known dark haired, moustached, hatted, black dressed and always with a cane gypsy that often hangs out near croissant show!!![]()
so there you have me taking a picture of the famous patriarca and his clan!!![]()
anyway - she even said muchas gracias guapo!!
so..... did you find him?I have to find this man when i am over!
so..... did you find him?![]()
Brooklyn is a very large place. In the past few years, large swaths of the borough have become gentrified, hence nicer appearing- of course, there have always been (a few) nice neighborhoods- however, there were (and still are) many areas you would not want to drive through, much less walk around on your own- I grew up in the cracked out 80s/early 90s, when things were a lot different- Even now, in the nicer/gentrified hoods, there is still a lot of crime- it is just not as widely reported due to the police/city gov't wanting to project a better image, thus increasing tourism, real estate, etc. Every weekend I hear of some gentrifying midwestern transplant getting jumped/robbed walking home late at night. Brooklyn is a great place to live/visit, but, like any other urban area you need to be careful and aware of your surroundings- prolly why I feel at home in Sa Penya