
It will turn into WW3 and i'd say that's possibly what certain counties in the West want as war makes money for certain individuals and creates jobs...

Somewhere at the bottom of this mess, it's still all about the money... :(
Tickles me that these Muslims are terrorists but the Christians in the states have mental health issues :rolleyes::D
I can't see this problem going away in my lifetime it's only gonna get worse :(
"religion of peace" @ work ?!

afghan shoots 50 people in gay us-nightclub ...

I think you'll find most religions don't exactly have gay rights written into them, not just the 'religion of peace'. I'm kind of thinking it's about time liberal concern switched from 'freedom to religion' to 'freedom from religion' as a priority, with hopefully positive effect on abortion rights, ownership of one's body, protection of kids from religious/cult-ish parents, etc.
1. control the guns - but that in itself is not enough.
2. attack jihadist websites like never before. identify who is at risk of brainwashing. force all mosques to adopt equal opps policies. end segregation of sexes. anyone who objects gets arrested/deported.
3. acknowledge there is a problem with how a minority interpret Islam - western liberals need to pull heads out of the sand. Champion moderate muslims like Sadiq Khan, Maajid Nawaz as alternative role models to the loons
4. pray Hillary wins - because Trump's Wild West posturing is just going to just make the problem a whole lot worse
You are as racist as those homophobic criminals! ...
interesting - posting FACTS from a newspaper is "racist" !!??
omg. better go back to wintersleep-modus.
you never posted anything interesting/useful anyway.

... just "love" these agressive muslims like you mr moha(med)
interesting - posting FACTS from a newspaper is "racist" !!??
omg. better go back to wintersleep-modus.
you never posted anything interesting/useful anyway.

... just "love" these agressive muslims like you mr moha(med)

As usual, you invented my name and my religion. Your hate is equal to none.

My point; those killings have to do with HATE and homophobia.

Just awkward, how a racist hater like you, could feel for gays.

Don't get your phone stolen AGAIN by a muslim:spank:

It's a good piece. The framing of this by some as an LGBT hate crime rather than a straight-forward act of terrorism was something I was thinking about myself. To my mind, it's pretty much a re-staging of the assault on the Bataclan, and you have to wonder whether there will be more attacks on entertainment venues to follow. :evil:
It was way more of a homophobic attack than anything else. A last ditch attempt to align with IS over the phone doesnt wash with me. He'd been going to the club for years, so may have had difficulty dealing with his own sexuality for example. By all accounts he was a very angry person

Muslims don't worship the prophet. For you to say so, means you don't know anything. Honestly sick of your Muslim bashing, there's lots of Muslims living in Ibiza and there's nothing terrorising happening.

RE: Orlando. I love how the media spins this to a radical Islamist issue. I think it was more about how the shooter was insecure about his own sexuality as there's reports of him frequenting that club and making homophobic comments. He was off his rocker and used religion as an excuse to do what he wanted to do. There's plenty of examples of non-muslims committing crazy crimes in the US but it doesn't get publicized like this as much. Are we forgetting that it was a non-Muslim on Friday who killed that star of the Voice and on Sunday a non-Muslim was stopped by cops in LA from proceeding to attack the gay pride parade there? Yes, there are passages about death I believe to gays in the Quran, but it's in other holy books as well. I'm not that religious, but I don't believe in those passages. This scene we're in embraces everyone and I believe in that.

I really don't like getting involved in these type of conversations, but your hate is unjustified and I just had to say something.
it's a strictly homophobic attack only if you view it in isolation. Now it could be that this guy was a one-off nutter with his own insecurities. But then I also think about the pattern of attacks on nightclubs over the last 10-15 years - the attack on Bali, the foiled attack on the ministry of sound, the attack on the bataclan in Paris (either directly ordered by jihadists or outsourced to local psychos) then a pattern emerges of a repudiation of liberalism by people brainwashed by islamism. Victims could be gay, straight, black, whatever - the idea of people drinking alcohol, wearing revealing tops, flirting, enjoying themselves in a 'decadent' way is seen as deeply offensive to people with a particularly literal view of Islam. The Afghan father of the Orlando killer said that he felt gay people had sinned and desrved what they got - it all adds up to a pattern of thinking imo. You get christian nutcases in the US too who going on shooting sprees and talk nonsense but that feels different, more localised and more connected to US society problems and because there is no international dimension to it, the sense that it could happen anywhere on earth. BOTH need to be confronted wherever possible but I fear the likes of ISIS a lot more.