Offical Chelsea Vs Utd Thread

The penalty was by Evra on Ramires. He practically wrapped his legs around him and didn't touch the ball. It was clear cut.

And if you watch the replay of Torres' fall toward the end, he clearly got his trailing foot caught on the defender. I wouldn't have given a penalty for that and Torres wasn't looking for one either (popped right back up to his feet) so why he was carded I've no idea.

First one - definite cast iron pen. Anyone saying different would be deluded.

Second - sorry Morbs, but he blantantly tried to cheat. Could have been a pen anway because it looked like the defender's front leg might hit his leading leg, BUT he very blantantly purposely trailed his leg and tried to wrap it behind the defender's trailing leg before diving theatrically.

That's a genuine neutral view and IMO, it was pretty clear cut that that's what happened. Nothing against Torres, tbf, because they all do it.
he very blantantly purposely trailed his leg and tried to wrap it behind the defender's trailing leg before diving theatrically.
I didn't think it was THAT theatrical a fall but in hindsight you're right, it did look like he trailed that leg on purpose.

I'm surprisingly calm about the Evra-Ramires penalty. I guess we just expect it in the Champions League these days :lol:
Love the fact ol' purple nose never turns down an ITV interview... even @ HT when they have been playing badly. Such is his passionate hatred for the Beeb...
I'm surprisingly calm about the Evra-Ramires penalty. I guess we just expect it in the Champions League these days :lol:

So you should be, as an intelligent chap. Only halfwits get riled about such things. Did the ref get it wrong? Definitely. Did he favour Man U on purpose? Of course not.

The doublethink of rank and file football fans who go crazy about such things that go against them, but happily celebrate similar in their favour always amuses me.
So you should be, as an intelligent chap. Only halfwits get riled about such things. Did the ref get it wrong? Definitely. Did he favour Man U on purpose? Of course not.

The doublethink of rank and file football fans who go crazy about such things that go against them, but happily celebrate similar in their favour always amuses me.

Agree 100% always events itself out of the course of a season....
This current Chelsea team have the same appeal as a used Russian Condom at the moment.

Half them couldnt pass a ball or shoot on target last night. There was no drive or ambition in their game.

Sad to see, but its clear there are serious underlying problems between the owner and his team. They are not playing for him and I dont think Ancheloti cares anymore. This has rubbed off on the players....just pay us our wages every week and we'll plod along.

Its only a matter of time before Roman gets tired of his involvement with English Football and sells Chelsea. Its clearly not functioning like it used to. Ancheloti will be gone by the end of the season.

As for Chelsea being awarded a penalty in the final stages of a Champions League tournament..........Somebody dressed in traditional Al Quida uniform, would have to walk up to a Chelsea player standing on the penalty spot, draw a Beretta 92 from his pocket and in classic Quentin Tarrintino style, blow said players brains out all over the Referee, both linesman and the 4th official, before they may think about giving a penalty to Chelsea.
its clear there are serious underlying problems between the owner and his team. They are not playing for him
They're not supposed to play for the owner. They're supposed to play for the fans!
We weren't great last night, but we weren't THAT bad.

Its only a matter of time before Roman gets tired of his involvement with English Football and sells Chelsea.
Not going to happen, mate.

As for Chelsea being awarded a penalty in the final stages of a Champions League tournament..........Somebody dressed in traditional Al Quida uniform, would have to walk up to a Chelsea player standing on the penalty spot, draw a Beretta 92 from his pocket and in classic Quentin Tarrintino style, blow said players brains out all over the Referee, both linesman and the 4th official, before they may think about giving a penalty to Chelsea.
We weren't great last night, but we weren't THAT bad.

At Home, and playing such an important stage of a prestigious tournament, I thought they were poor. A very lackluster performance.

Ok maybe the UTD defense played well, but that still doesnt make up for the many basic errors in play.
This current Chelsea team have the same appeal as a used Russian Condom at the moment.

Half them couldnt pass a ball or shoot on target last night. There was no drive or ambition in their game.

Sad to see, but its clear there are serious underlying problems between the owner and his team. They are not playing for him and I dont think Ancheloti cares anymore. This has rubbed off on the players....just pay us our wages every week and we'll plod along.

Its only a matter of time before Roman gets tired of his involvement with English Football and sells Chelsea. Its clearly not functioning like it used to. Ancheloti will be gone by the end of the season.

As for Chelsea being awarded a penalty in the final stages of a Champions League tournament..........Somebody dressed in traditional Al Quida uniform, would have to walk up to a Chelsea player standing on the penalty spot, draw a Beretta 92 from his pocket and in classic Quentin Tarrintino style, blow said players brains out all over the Referee, both linesman and the 4th official, before they may think about giving a penalty to Chelsea.

Some nights the ball bounces better for the other team. Chelsea sucks but not as bad as you stated. The 50 mil spent that was a bargain:lol:
The 50 mil spent that was a bargain:lol:

I would put him in a crate with a bag of oranges and send him back to Liverpool with "FAULTY GOODS RETURN TO SENDER" emblazoned all over it.

"According to the Guardian, Torres and Drogba have spent 169 minutes together on the pitch and exchanged five passes. One being a kick-off."
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"According to the Guardian, Torres and Drogba have spent 169 minutes together on the pitch and exchanged five passes. One being a kick-off."

You owe me a new keyboard and half a cup of tea...


Thats one of the fundamental problems at Chelsea I think. The manager/ team are not co-operating with Romans purchases that are imposed on the team. I wonder who selected last nights team sheet, Roman or Carlo??

The exact same problem existed with a certain Ukranian Footbaler back in 2007. Jose Murihino left the club because Roman was telling him who to play.

The above Torres/Drogba fact helps as corroborating evidence for my theory.
Thats one of the fundamental problems at Chelsea I think. The manager/ team are not co-operating with Romans purchases that are imposed on the team. I wonder who selected last nights team sheet, Roman or Carlo??
I bet you there's hardly a coach in the league who, if the owner told him he would get him Torres, would have said "no thank you". Maybe now... :lol: but not in Jan.

Carlo picks the team. Always.

The exact same problem existed with a certain Ukranian Footbaler back in 2007. Jose Murihino left the club because Roman was telling him who to play.
I guarantee you that is not why he left.
I would put him in a crate with a bag of oranges and send him back to Liverpool with "FAULTY GOODS RETURN TO SENDER" emblazoned all over it.

"According to the Guardian, Torres and Drogba have spent 169 minutes together on the pitch and exchanged five passes. One being a kick-off."

Ding Ding round 2 !!!! and the breaking news is Drogba and Torres actualy passed to each other during open play at the weekend....
I actually noticed that! (was watching for it after Bez's post above :lol:)

2-1 to Chelsea tonight. Through on away goals :twisted:
Setting off for Manchester in a few hours to the game tonight.

I'm actually not to disappointed with going in to the tie 1-0 down as a lot of people have written off my beloved Chelsea already. At least now the players know what they need to do - SCORE. Something we've not been great at recently!

Have a feeling some of the bigger players will stand up and be counted tonight - just hoping we put in a good show, if we get through I'll be over the moon as Utd I think are unbeaten against English opposition in the Champions League. Our record at Old Trafford isn't too bad so we shall see what happens!

Win or lose, up the blues! :p