Nightclub ejections!

one for me
- just before my diabetes diagnosis, was down to 8st "skeletal" - went to a club in Glasgow, due my extreme thirst (diabetes related) I was drinking like my life depended on it
- could barely walk, bouncers helped me out - i behaved tho, waited outside for my mate and was back again the following week no problem

one for a mate
- my stag weekend in ibiza, had done the friday & saturday nights out - Space on sunday in the afternoon & then to bora bora before back to space later
- drinking all day and barely any sleep so far in the weekend.
- after an hour at Space evening session, my mate goes to the toilet, proceeds to fall asleep in the cubicle - attendants notice he's been in a while, think hes indulging (he wasn't) and break the door open and escort him out!
at Sankeys Ibz 16, i ve seen a bouncer punching a young cool drugged bloke with his mate.
he was yelling , Are you fooling me? & evict him from the club
& the poor guy answer very calm No i don't & he get punched again & again :confused:
I was feeling sad for the boy & couldnt do anything as , try to calm down a bouncer :lol: im not a coward but i avoid issues in club unless people feuk around such as drugged cunts that throw my cap in amnesia closing, cox afterparty for no reason jsut to show they are the rooster of the place :rolleyes: if they know im very willing to kill them with some chinese Kung Fu (it's not me , he fell apart alone:spank: sometime some guy deserves a k.O to learn the respect :oops: as try to keep calm, when a muthaf***er throw ur cape & repeat this, all i want is not to kick his ass but steal all his money his drug & kick his ass too :D as no Mercy for people that look for trouble ) but can't because dont want to be eject by staff security.
at Sankeys Ibz 16, i ve seen a bouncer punching a young cool drugged bloke with his mate.
he was yelling , Are you fooling me? & evict him from the club
& the poor guy answer very calm No i don't & he get punched again & again :confused:
I was feeling sad for the boy & couldnt do anything as , try to calm down a bouncer :lol: im not a coward but i avoid issues in club unless people feuk around such as drugged cunts that throw my cap in amnesia closing, cox afterparty for no reason jsut to show they are the rooster of the place :rolleyes: if they know im very willing to kill them with some chinese Kung Fu (it's not me , he fell apart alone:spank: sometime some guy deserves a k.O to learn the respect :oops: as try to keep calm, when a muthaf***er throw ur cape & repeat this, all i want is not to kick his ass but steal all his money his drug & kick his ass too :D as no Mercy for people that look for trouble ) but can't because dont want to be eject by staff security.

My absolute hands-down favourite post yet.
it's why in a dancefloor , better be a pack in order to avoid issues with other rude people & look after each other.
some mate nearly had issues with french tall blokes in Dc10 room on the left that is not the main room, ive just met (Fb contact) because jumping as crazy :D & didnt pay attention to people nearby, i stand behind to prevent issues but otherwise im sure these french guys will kick his ass (there are 5 we were 3 )
but if u are alone, u get shoved by a pack of 3-4 people, thinking i didnt get their meaning..Feuckin rude cunts!:mad: even some french drugged guy did me this trick (Ushuaia closing) such as do you mind for a few mn taking my place & letting her 2 females girls & then they stay all night & didnt let me get my place, i wont be fooled again
i help him as having issues with other blokes but if i knew he will trick me i will let him in his sheet :p , at this party u find nice people too such as this metis girl kissing me o_O & gaving me a full hard drink & on the way to give me a 2nd drink too :cool:
i dont know why she gave me that drink? maybe a lolipop i gave her before :D
if alls girls were friendly than this girl, Ibiza will be HEAVEN! :spank:
ps:i should swap details but i was too messy in order to think about it :lol:
With the cape Gp you could be the super hero that saves drugged up Essex boys from getting into trouble around PDB.. :)
Your super power is you can get them safely into ANY party on the island via the paying guest List..
it was the party with the superheros stuff (i get thor , spiderwoman & indestructible cloak/cape) they gave at ushuaia..
Party guestlist have been short nowadays..
this cool ushuaia closing girl, that usa girl with roots mexican that offered me parties drinks & food, usa girl housing in ushuaia suite, if i can meet other girls like this for ibz 17 :spank: & not all the rude people shoving u on the dancefloor
ps: please , dont call me a gigolo/golddigger, i m just spending time at office :D