Nightclub ejections!

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
Some Friday afternoon fun...

So how often have you been thrown out of a club?

When was the last time?

What was your most memorable misdemeanor?
not allowed into rotters in manchester because i was wearing earings
not allowed into cindy's, st helens fancy dress party as bobby ball (oohh you've got me skin) because i looked just like a bouncer
Only ever been chucked out for being drunk and not for a while.

About the most spectacular giveaway was tripping on the stairs up from the dancefloor. :oops:

Once got thrown out as soon as I'd paid to get in. Total con, but I wasn't going to argue with the heavies...
Got thrown out of 'Carwash' at the Bunker Bar at Bagleys, because a bloke I knew was doing gear in the cubicle next to the one I was p1ssing in. The door to mine was open and I was stood up, so who knows why I was considered guilty!

Legends on old Burlington St, for p1ssing in a corridor. Not my proudest moment - I was so hammered, I thought I was in the loo.

Cheekos - 'London's top nitespot' in Archway - for falling asleep on the bar.

I once bribed my way out of a tight spot when the bouncers stormed a cubicle I was in at The Key on a Sunday morning. Lost a certain Spotlighters stash in the process tho':spank:
I was asked to leave Krysha Mira in Moscow once.
Still not sure why, actually. We'd been there for a couple of hours, were taking a break out on the rooftop terrace sipping beers, and a guard just walked up and said my mate and I had to leave, but that we were welcome to come back another day. An ejection without prejudice, I guess :lol:
I was asked to leave Krysha Mira in Moscow once.
Still not sure why, actually. We'd been there for a couple of hours, were taking a break out on the rooftop terrace sipping beers, and a guard just walked up and said my mate and I had to leave, but that we were welcome to come back another day. An ejection without prejudice, I guess :lol:

That's Russia for you...
Got banned from a bar in Manchester because I once fainted in there and had a seizure. Was told 'not to come back for a while', A while later (about 8 weeks) I went back and made a bet with the bouncer I would still be standing at 4am, I was and so ban overturned....

Banning entry due to medical conditions is surely illegal anyway? I said this to him and he told me he would use the CCTV of me breaking a blokes jaw in the smoking area if I argued about it...ooopsie forgot about that!
Got thrown out of 'Carwash' at the Bunker Bar at Bagleys, because a bloke I knew was doing gear in the cubicle next to the one I was p1ssing in. The door to mine was open and I was stood up, so who knows why I was considered guilty!

Ahh, the bouncers @ Bagleys. Got done the same way as you, stood up in a cubicle. Got the option to keep and go or hand over and stay :confused: Being a poor student, I couldn't afford the re-entry cost so took the 2nd option. :eek: Had to beg and borrow off my mates all night.
Various third-rate clubs (for inappropriately demonstrative behaviour, usually .. in my yoof) ...

along with Pacha (in my not so yoof :oops:) - for dishing out a back massage sat astride a gorgeous girl who was lying face down on one of those chaise longue type things somewhere near some stairs. I was a bit hammered and in fairness it was time to 'get a dune' so fair do's :twisted:

... oh and Ushuaia earlier this year of course - for that most memorable 'Coral moment' :).

Whenever I get ejected, there's always a woman involved somehow or other :spank:
The first, I still like to look back on and laugh, but the second was just dumb:

2 years ago I got thrown out of The Ledge, inside the Hard Rock Hotel in Biloxi, Mississippi. I was REALLY drunk, and was dancing with this girl I just met there who was even drunker than me. Well...we weren't really dancing, it was more like dry humping. And that was all good, until we lost our balance and fell on the floor. Then, bouncers are telling us both to leave.

Last year I was politely but firmly told to leave Graham Central Station in San Angelo, Texas, supposedly for drinking too much. The club was nearly empty, I was just leaning against the bar drinking. I'd had a couple of beers, and a couple of really weak Long Island Ice Teas, and they tell me that's too much and I have to leave? Never made sense to me.
Been thrown out a few times over the years, funniest moment being one where some lads tripped me up on the stairs and as I fell flat on my face 2 hench men picked me up and used my head to open the fire exit where I rolled around on the floor to see a big que of people laughing at me :lol:
Im convinced they tripped me up but I was pinballing so I may of just been drunk.
I was asked to leave Krysha Mira in Moscow once.
Still not sure why, actually. We'd been there for a couple of hours, were taking a break out on the rooftop terrace sipping beers, and a guard just walked up and said my mate and I had to leave, but that we were welcome to come back another day. An ejection without prejudice, I guess :lol:

Did you not read the title and wonder how you get sent off in a nightclub Morbs? :lol:
Thrown out of For Your Eyes Only after getting caught by door staff getting sucked off in the girls toilets.

Thrown out of the local sh*t music bar in Eastleigh for refusing to tuck the hood on my jacket in.