New York City - Help / Advice / Tips

I usually notice difference between english and american. And this summer I was in serious trouble to understand a german guy speaking in a very poor english. Thanks god Pep has the same poor english level and they understood each other with no problem :lol:

I guess American "is a dirty English accent"...

(dirty is just to say that it's not the "pure english" spoken in UK.
I don't wanna hurt any American on the board....;););))
I did consider an answer such as

'By hearing? Well, as it's London, the English won't be saying anything as they don't know you, although you may get a smile here or there from Northeners who have been in the capital for less than 6 months. Americans? They'll be the ones saying '....and large fries please buddy...'

but then I thought that someone might take me seriously and besides, Grego's bound to cover that angle, though perhaps a little less eloquently.

:lol: :p

I've been living in London 7 years and still have a smile for people. :D
I guess American "is a dirty English accent"...

(dirty is just to say that it's not the "pure english" spoken in UK.
I don't wanna hurt any American on the board....;););))

Maybe a way to explain is the differnce between Spanish and Mexican accents?
Me too, I always make conversation with strangers on the tube and in shops as we do up north :oops: :lol: Tom tries to drag me away in a headlock :lol:

:lol: :lol: Ben always mutters out of the side of his mouth "no eye contact, no eye contact" and that's without me saying a word to anyone :eek:
Really? Why?
what's the problem with eye contact?
:eek: :eek: :eek:

He says it when we are on tube or somewhere and someone looks a bit odd. He thinks if I make eye contact they will start to talk to me :lol:

I have to say I do struggle because if someone is odd I can't help staring at them :eek:
:lol: :lol: Ben always mutters out of the side of his mouth "no eye contact, no eye contact" and that's without me saying a word to anyone :eek:

Salt of the earth that Ben, always trying to warn strangers about you Karen:lol:
I can hear it in the accent lots, but also (maybe I am wrong) Mexicans don't pronounce C's Th's.

Does that make sense? :confused:

Sout americans usually sound like ther are singing, while us spaniards just talk plain. I can recognise a bit few sout american accents, like Argentina and CHile ones
Also, there's lots of differences in vocabulary, specially in slang. In spanish COGER means TO TAKE, while if you say COGER in Argentina you are saying TO F*CK :eek: :lol:
what is the main difference?

in dialect, pronunciation, accent, etc
Basically, the same as the REAL difference between US and British speech ;)

The Mexicans speak much more slowly too... at a speed that you can understand!

grego said:
you can distinguish americans from english, cos americans are fat, shout a lot, think the world revolves around them and are shocked by european liberalism.
Are you sure you haven't left out any sterotypes there? :lol:

sandi said:
I've been living in London 7 years and still have a smile for people. :D
In the US, it's the opposite. Southerners tend to be the smiley, friendly people while Northerners tend to be more reserved. I was just in Florida visiting the parents and every time I've been down there I'm truly taken aback by random people saying hello on the street. I've no idea how to react to them! I keep looking around thinking, "what, me? what did I do? what's wrong with you people?" :lol:
The biggest drain on your money here will be your accomodations. NYC has lost A LOT of it's hotel rooms in the past 3 years, due to condo conversions. Basically, developers have found it cheaper to buy hotels, renovate them and then sell them at a tremendous profit as a condo apartment. This has caused hotel rates to climb quite high. Fortunately, you are coming in February, which is low season so prices should be lower than any other time of year.

I recommend trying to stay in either Chelsea, Greenwich Village, West Village, Gramercy, Flatiron or Union Square areas. Do not stay in Downtown Financial district (near World Trade Center) - this area is completely dead at night, once all the bankers go home. Do not stay in Midtown - the prices for food & hotels are astronomical.

Here are some affordable choices for accomodation:
Chelsea Hostel: Excellent location and is supposedly the best hostel in the city.

Colonial House Inn: Also located in Chelsea. My god-brother stayed here a few months ago and it's a great find. It's located in a very charming townhouse and is decorated very nicely. The rooms are a bit small, but it's a very comfortable hotel. Highly recommended.

Chelsea Lodge: Another great option in Chelsea. The owners renovated a townhouse and created a very cute budget hotel. The rooms in here are also small, but you will be spending most of your time outside anyway. This hotel is another hidden NYC gem that is off the radar screen for most tourists.

In general, TripAdvisor is a great site for looking up hotels.

As for shopping, there is NO SALES TAX (VAT) on any item of clothing that is less than $110. Above $110, and they charge 8.25% tax, which is still a lot cheaper than the bandit rates those European governments levy. So be like all the other Brits who come here and leave for the airport with 10 shopping bags :lol:

In terms of activities, I strongly urge you to visit our museums. They are all excellent. The MoMA was just re-opened last year after a $500 million renovation. The Met is great for classical and antiquity pieces. The Guggenheim always has a great special exhibit. And the Cooper-Hewitt just opened their modern design triennial this month. It will still be here when you arrive. Also be sure to check out all the small independent galleries in Chelsea. Your hotel should have a Chelsea Gallery Walking Tour Map for free.

In terms of clubs, the sole resource you should advise is - it is NYC's premier website for nightlife listings. Most clubs in NYC are very cheesey - horrible music and even worse crowds. Stay away from Crobar, that place is on a downturn and have lost a lot of their better bookings. If you want a big club experience, I would recommend Pacha; they pull solid international "big name" talent.

Where NYC clubbing really shines is in the small to medium sized club scene. A MUST is Francois K's monday night party at Cielo. After 3 years since the dissolution of Body and Soul, it is still one of the best nights in the city. Henrik Schwarz (Innervisions, Sonar Kollective) will be DJ'ing with Francois on February 26 - I will be there. Also check out the other nights at Cielo - they get the best bookings in the city, imo

Also look up the listings for Club Love and Sullivan Room - they get great DJ's and have very talented locals residents. They are both very close to each other in the NYU/Greenwich Village area.

If you're looking for more soulful, deep, classic New York house sounds, be sure to check out Timmy Regisford's Club Shelter. The party runs from Saturday night until 12 noon on Sunday :eek: Another good deep house party is 718 Sessions at Club Deep, with DJ Danny Krivit (formely of Body and Soul). They don't have a website, so you'll need to email to get more info on line-ups (or just regularly check the Rhythmism calendar)

Ok, that's enough from me for now. If you want info on restaurants, bars or any other niche scenes, just let me know! But definitely check out Rhythmism - it's one of the best resources for everything cool in NYC :D It's basically a bunch of local NYC'ers talking about the best parties, restaurants and clubs in the city!
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Thank you! :)

Im going to go later on in the year now when I can go for longer and hopefully with someone. I want to do loads of things now and cant do it all in feb :( which is a shame as the flights are so cheap!

thanks again x
...In terms of clubs, the sole resource you should advise is -
it is NYC's premier website for nightlife listings...
is there another ny-nitelife-website around ( i don´t like this one :) ) ??

somebody knows if the building of the former DANCETERIA still exists
and/or what´s going on there today ?

and NELLS - i know it closed some years ago. is a new club in the old place ?

the former LIMELIGHT, then AVALON - closed, too. but is the church empty now
or shoppingmall or something else ?

and whats in the TUNNEL-building today ?
is there another ny-nitelife-website around ( i don´t like this one :) ) ??

somebody knows if the building of the former DANCETERIA still exists
and/or what´s going on there today ?

and NELLS - i know it closed some years ago. is a new club in the old place ?

the former LIMELIGHT, then AVALON - closed, too. but is the church empty now
or shoppingmall or something else ?

and whats in the TUNNEL-building today ?

not sure about original Danceteria (before my time) but their other space (29th street) is now a Mosque. lol
Nell's is now called The Plumm, supposedly owned by a list of celebrities:)roll:) generic top 40-hip hop/bottle service spot, they had a good Sunday for a while but I think it's moved...
Limelight is still Avalon, still open as a nightclub (NOT a very good one), but for how long is anyone's guess, rumours abound
Tunnel is now a catering hall/events space- fashion shows, corporate events, etc. - big bland minimal space but if you ever spent a night there (or a few years:evil:) you will recognise it...