New York City - Help / Advice / Tips

Hey Nish :D
When the missus and I went for New Years '04,

I was there at the same time Morbyd, only my missus at the time wasn't much of a clubber. We spent half the evening cramped in a pen in Times Square until we realised how stupid we were being. So we found the nearest bar and got wrecked.

I'd recommend a helicopter flight and a broadway show... and not going to Times Square on NYE.
Get a pen and write it down Nishmeister! What more detail do you need?:lol:

Hello btw mate. It's about six years since my bite at the Big Apple. Didn't go to any clubs but the bars were ok and American really do like English accents. I went with a mate who got ill so spent a lot of time on my own but made friends easily enough.

The ferry over to the Statue of Liberty is a must and the view of central park from the Empire State is quite something - this huge sprawling metropolis with what looks like a forest in the middle.

Oi that was good, honest, sound advice. :lol:
It was 8 years ago that I went (or 9????...) i was there for a week or so and my favourite thing was just walking around various neighbourhoods... i did the obligatory touristy things in a day or so... but I read up on certain neighbourhoods in Brooklyn, Queens, Harlem and a zillion other places and just walked around..

I didn't do much shopping.. I'm not much of a department store person, but I did find some nice boutique-ey type places that had some nice stuff..

I stayed in Chelsey... and really enjoyed staying in that part of town (well 8 years ago it was fun!)

Actually doing the 'touristy things' times square, statue of liberty, macy's bla bla bla... wasn't that much fun... but the walking around neighbourhoods was... I actually met people.. I was on my own so it was pretty easy.

Only think was.. at the time i was 22 and they kept ID-ing me!!.. not something i'm really used to.. i looked pretty young...and at one place they wouldn't accept my Canadian passport as 'valid identification' :spank: ah well..

Remember to tip, its part of the culture... I'm sure you will.... one thing that bugs me is people who think leaving 10$ on a 200$ bill is a nice tip.... give 20% as long as the service is good... Even here in Canada (and people joke that Canadians are bad tippers) people will usually ( if they are a half decent human being!) tip 20% and round up.

I went out to lots of different bars, pubs and clubs... I dont' even remember most of them.. they were all very different. I found some 'real' pubs in New York... but tried to find a place to dance every night of the week.. Most weekdays were pretty cheese.. but still found somewhere good on the weekend I was there.
hey nish you'll love it! I went a couple of years ago and it was amazing! Wasn't keen on the department stores but i loved soho and chinatown! I went in the prada store morbs and didn't even realise-they had no sign above the door! It makes me laugh how they think all english people are from london!:)
hey nish you'll love it! I went a couple of years ago and it was amazing! Wasn't keen on the department stores but i loved soho and chinatown! I went in the prada store morbs and didn't even realise-they had no sign above the door! It makes me laugh how they think all english people are from london!:)

its funny... most people in England just assume I'm American without even asking!:)
its funny... most people in England just assume I'm American without even asking!:)

my initial is to always lump in canadians with yanks, likewise o kiwis with ozzies. however, if i listen hard enough i can tell the difference.
Hola nish :D

Are you going right now? We found very cheap prices in hotel and flight but booking with 5 months in advance.
I wouldn't recomend Liberty, just take the free ferry to Staten Island (the ferry station was amazing btw) and wave on your way. THere's nothing to do in the liberty thing
I also recomend lots to take the tube to Brooklin and get back to Manhattan walking on the Brookling Bridge, the walk is very nice and the view of the skyline is great
I loved the Gugghenheim and the Whitney Museums, unfortunatly the queu was too long at MOMA and it was snowing so we decided to leave it for a next occasion.
Re shopping, I wasn't very impressed with the american style, actually I was really disappointed cos I found everyone wearing very dark and boring clothes (where are all the sex and the city and friend's trendy characters? :eek: :lol: ), but I confess we went mad at Soho cos we found really cool little shops
I also loved the Meat Packing District. When we were there it was a big area full of very decadent wharehouse and few very posh shops. It's supposed to be quite trendy on bars now a days


(I'm very jealous, by the way)
hola everyone :)

good to see (you know what I mean) everyone again :D

Hiya Sil

Was planning on going for a week or so in feb - the prices of the flights are so good at the moment! (£240 direct return from manchester!)

After what everyone has been telling me though im thinking I might be best off waiting till later on in the year when I can go for longer.. Just not sure how much the flights will cost around then?

Will have a look if can get a good deal if booking as far ahead in advance as you did

hola everyone :)

good to see (you know what I mean) everyone again :D

Hiya Sil

Was planning on going for a week or so in feb - the prices of the flights are so good at the moment! (£240 direct return from manchester!)

After what everyone has been telling me though im thinking I might be best off waiting till later on in the year when I can go for longer.. Just not sure how much the flights will cost around then?

Will have a look if can get a good deal if booking as far ahead in advance as you did


Hola nish

My flights very really cheap cos we bought them 5 months in advance, we payed 350€ with the fly back direct from JFK to BCN. If you don't book very early your ibiza tickets you usually pay 150-200€, and that's only a 20 min flight ;)
What's the difference between english and american?

How can I distinguish "who is who" by hearing ?

the difference is purely in accent (and some words), so it depends how good your english is.

you can distinguish americans from english, cos americans are fat, shout a lot, think the world revolves around them and are shocked by european liberalism.
the difference is purely in accent (and some words), so it depends how good your english is.

you can distinguish americans from english, cos americans are fat, shout a lot, think the world revolves around them and are shocked by european liberalism.

Very interesting point of view mate...:lol:
What's the difference between english and american?

How can I distinguish "who is who" by hearing ?

I did consider an answer such as

'By hearing? Well, as it's London, the English won't be saying anything as they don't know you, although you may get a smile here or there from Northeners who have been in the capital for less than 6 months. Americans? They'll be the ones saying '....and large fries please buddy...'

but then I thought that someone might take me seriously and besides, Grego's bound to cover that angle, though perhaps a little less eloquently.

:lol: :p
the difference is purely in accent (and some words), so it depends how good your english is

Asuming that my english is really indecent (but, maybe, a step ahead compared to the "national average"...) I won't never distinguish by hearing...

So the most eccentric will be american....;););)
Asuming that my english is really indecent (but, maybe, a step ahead compared to the "national average"...) I won't never distinguish by hearing...

So the most eccentric will be american....;););)

I usually notice difference between english and american. And this summer I was in serious trouble to understand a german guy speaking in a very poor english. Thanks god Pep has the same poor english level and they understood each other with no problem :lol:
Asuming that my english is really indecent (but, maybe, a step ahead compared to the "national average"...) I won't never distinguish by hearing...

So the most eccentric will be american....;););)

no eccentricity is a classic british trait. loud, brash, rude, etc, etc is the american way!!