'New' Ibiza

I only ever saw one fight in San Antonio and that was the night England got knocked out of the World Cup by Argentina in '98. I'm more than embarrassed to admit I got into a disagreement with a Scot's lad who, in spite of my attempts to placate him, insisted on trying to goad every English guy he saw. I thought I was doing okay until he spat in my face and called me a c*nt. The arguement didn't last much longer after that and I had to spend the rest of the night bathing my hand in ice. Still think I should've just left well alone though:oops::(:evil:

Great reply on this subject

"""I don't believe in spirituality or mysticism but I do believe in reputations and expectations. Ibiza was fantastic because it had a reputation for being wild, creative, experimental, expressive, exciting, friendly and fun. People expected all of those things when they visited and they would arrive already in the right frame of mind.

What's going wrong is that those traits have been altered to more serious ones, like fashionable, stylish, beautiful, perfect, rich, popular, well connected etc. That means the island's reputation has changed and people tend to arrive with a different mindset and different expectations, which makes their experience that bit more restrained.

I suppose it's about vibe more than spirituality. Ibiza needs to get the vibe right again. At the moment it's coming too much from the head and the pocket when it needs to come from the heart. That doesn't just include flash bars and clubs but also the hippy scene as that does now tend to be too serious, too cliche and with too much emphasis on serious matters like 2012, ascension, etc. It's become a bit religious.

A true hippy revival is what is needed. People need to re-learn how to be a bit spontaneous and natural and just come here to have the best time of their lives."""
^ ^
Yes, a good reply,which I have some sympathy with...I wonder though if it was intentional to not credit the writer?
Definitely... I'm already on the lookout for the next one now the timetable's shifted and prices rocketing Ibiza-stylee ..... gonna be a hard act (and crowd) to follow if this place goes downhill :( !
Definitely... I'm already on the lookout for the next one now the timetable's shifted and prices rocketing Ibiza-stylee ..... gonna be a hard act (and crowd) to follow if this place goes downhill :( !

As long as there is still daytime partying it'll be a cool place to go to. I think that's why 3 of the most talked about / most popular clubs in Europe right now are Row, Fabric and Berghain. The one thing they have in common is daytime partying / marathon sessions.
The connection is people standing about in the first video (New Ibiza or where a lot of nights/days are heading) or people going for it in the second. Which do you prefer?
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During 15 years of Holidaying in Ibiza,I have not witnessed a fight in San Antonio and I would have stayed there a lot as it is one of my favourite places to stay on the Island.

Well I've been goin for 11 years and seen a number of fights in the west end. Granted not seen any in the last 8 years but thats probably because I haven't frequented San An the way I did when I first went.
Well I've been goin for 11 years and seen a number of fights in the west end.

Yeah I've seen a few too. San Antonio often has an edgy atmosphere, and I don't just mean the West End coz I avoid that!

Last year had some lads trying to start trouble while I was sat quietly chatting with my wife, they then threw their bottles of beer at the cars driving past. :spank:
It's no different in Playa d'en Bossa even in the middle of the day. You get occasional disgraceful behaviour and an edgy atmosphere there too, especially in certain "party hotels" - depending on who is staying.

It's pretty rare in most of San An Bay or Calo d'Es Moro to be fair - both feel far safer than any UK town centre to me. It's not a "San An thing" :!:
It's no different in Playa d'en Bossa even in the middle of the day. You get occasional disgraceful behaviour and an edgy atmosphere there too, especially in certain "party hotels" - depending on who is staying.

It's pretty rare in most of San An Bay or Calo d'Es Moro to be fair - both feel far safer than any UK town centre to me. It's not a "San An thing" :!:

From my point of view, San An, and in particular the West End, is full of teenagers and early 20s crowd. They like the cheap beer and the free strip of bars. Its part and parcel. With this, as with anywhere in the world, they will be a certain degree of scuffles, vommiting and al fresco sexual activity... but I personally wouldn't say the vibe in San An was particularly intimidating or aggressive.

On the other hand, I have not seen a fight in Playa D'en Bossa, but last summer there was definitely "something in the air" which did not sit right with me.

It could possibly be that I was out on a bad night, but there was a malevolent foreboding atmosphere that seems to hang in the air.

I would like to stress that this was on the strip, and not Space and/or the beach front bars.

But i didn't like it. Lots of large groups of arrogant males (not all English btw) with attitude.
From my point of view, San An, and in particular the West End, is full of teenagers and early 20s crowd. They like the cheap beer and the free strip of bars. Its part and parcel. With this, as with anywhere in the world, they will be a certain degree of scuffles, vommiting and al fresco sexual activity... but I personally wouldn't say the vibe in San An was particularly intimidating or aggressive.

This ^^^^^ That's what more and more people are going to ibiza for these days, to go to the west end and get pissed and be in bed by 3am! People's perception of ibiza is not as an island to go clubbing to and off your cake but an island to go to and do exacly what you do in magaluf,zante or back home in the uk, get pissed start fights and puke everywhere!

Ive noticed there is a very very small percentage of people staying in San Antonio that are off there boxes, Is the huge goverment clampdown on drugs to blame?! Who knows?

Also I dont know if it was just me or the time i went last year but i noticed the West End was about 3 x as busy as the year before and some of the club nights you could tell were hit by this (Erick morillo was quiet, so too was Cream!)
Also I dont know if it was just me or the time i went last year but i noticed the West End was about 3 x as busy as the year before and some of the club nights you could tell were hit by this (Erick morillo was quiet, so too was Cream!)
Club nights I went to were heaving. Busiest I've seen some of them.
There's always been a West End crowd. That's nothing new.
Club nights I went to were heaving. Busiest I've seen some of them.
There's always been a West End crowd. That's nothing new.

I agree that the west end will always have a crowd, just like the German beer gardens, Big Ben's and Murphy's in PDB has one also. Some stick to what they know when they go abroad. Different strokes for different folks