'New' Ibiza

In my opinion the club scene in Ibiza is a joke now compared to how it was when i started going (only 7 years ago).

All that fake vip Miami wannabe bull****, afters ban, ridiculous prices, overcrowded clubs and a big change for the worse in terms of crowd / music is doing my tits in

It's always going to be a magical island but it's not the place it used to be for clubbing.

The DJ's/Clubs/music has never exactly excited me in any great way. Don't get me wrong I've had a lot of god night out in Ibiza but that more to do with the company I'm with. My musical tastes are always the DJ's who play in small clubs generally. The last few times I've went to ibiza I haven't even done any clubbing. there's plenty of other things to do.

I love Ibiza the island. Not particularly enamored with Ibiza the clubbing mecca.

I've been every year since 2000 and will miss it as now that i'm down in Oz I won't be able to just pop over in quite the same manner.

Need to find a way that I can make a living and just move there... :rolleyes:
Ibiza like everywhere else has to gear for what people want. Ive been going to ibiza since i was 17 and im 40 now and i still go there, im already planning this years visit. Ive ranted in the past about how the club scene has changed but then again so have i, you could see this happening 5 or 6 years ago. Space was awesome during the home days and early we love but then changed, DC10 seemed to pick up the baton and is slowly going the same way but not quite as much, then came ushuaia which had a great balearic vibe going on a few years ago then it moved... Its nothing new the scene changes but their is a genuine call for want of a better phrase "the guetta crowd and commercial music" and so be it and each to their own. I'll be there again this year again for 10 days with a splash of formentera in between. Theres so much to see and do rather than just clubbing though i do sorley miss 23 hours in space and DC10 monday lunchtime and the random amnesia afterparty down at kanya.. great great memories and ill always owe ibiza that..
Every Generation has it "David Guetta Commercial Crowd" to poke fun at. Im sure when Amnesia was rocking the Island with DJ Alfredos iconic sets, there was a school of thought that pointed a derisory finger at them moaning this is not Ibiza.
The thing that brings me back to Ibiza is that it feels like wedding party with friends from around the world on Saturday, every evening you go out and Sunday morning everyday you wake up (until departure day:cry:).
I agree with Bez on this, I think its got a lot to do with people changing as they get older, tastes develop etc.

Re: the daytime partying - although i hardly went out clubbing last september, there was always something going on day and night, so maybe depends when you go as well? The daytime partying seemed to be back in full force anyway, even if it is only for a week or two at the end of the season.

Also, once something gets popular, its always gonna go the same way, but new things will keep appearing. As long as theres a guetta crowd there will always be an underground.
Im worried about how much this year it seams to have changed already, all over facebook people that used to laugh at the thought of ibiza as it was a "drugged up persons holiday" seams to be getting all excited about ibiza and think there "cool" for all of a sudden wanting to go there :/
Im worried about how much this year it seams to have changed already, all over facebook people that used to laugh at the thought of ibiza as it was a "drugged up persons holiday" seams to be getting all excited about ibiza and think there "cool" for all of a sudden wanting to go there :/

just go in september
I will always go to Ibiza, but the changes over the last 10 years are worrying.

Brandon Block mentioned it in his book, but it used to all be about not giving a **** and enjoying yourself, getting in a state and coming back a sweaty mess, the love of the music and partying with like minded people.

It is now more about 'Fashion Whores' who sway from side to side or stand and like to pose, everything the original Acid House explosion was against.

There are still places you can get that original experience, but interested to hear your thoughts?

Evidence. A great video, but the DC10 scenes sum it up for me.

Think it's just symptomatic of the expansion in popularity of EDM generally to take in a demographic which used to target other soundtracks (Tech House has been the real victim of the vibe-killer crowd).

There are only so many bigger clubs to go to in Ibiza and 'posey party people' want to go to famous, glamorous and expensive places (check !)... or those where their idols are playing and so 'must be cool'. Jamie Jones (stereotypically representing, well, a lot of people know exactly what I mean) is probably largely responsible for the surge in "wannabes" and w*nkers (for want of a better way of putting it) at DC-10, pushing the boundary you refer to. He and others like him just attract them like vampires to a jugular vein.

You find exactly the same thing going on in London. So one is just pushed back to smaller headliners, private parties & small venues in order to find the sort of vibe you're talking about.. and away from anything with the words Crosstown, Visionquest or Hot Natured on the lineup (possibly 'trance' too - haven't been to a trance night in years - nor really any "disco" nights to comment on !). 'Cocoon' has unfortunately fallen victim to the same sort of thing owing to brand power.

It's far easier to find the old 'vibe' in Deep House or Techno territory these days (especially the latter if you want to get properly sweaty).. neither of which are the staple soundtrack of the main Ibiza club nights, Revolution and Cocoon excepted. Some very good reports about Monza tho' so maybe that was a recent exception. One of the reasons why clubbing in Germany and even some places in Holland and France is such a breath of fresh air... the vibe can really still be just like it used to be (maybe even better) at the right parties.

In Ibiza, you've got to move out of Space, Amnesia, Pacha and Privilege to find the old vibe (mostly) and it can be relatively restrained in the smaller venues. Space still had some great moments last year though, looking objectively, with an amazing dancefloor vibe especially in the final hours when numbers thinned out.

DC-10 earlier last Season was still great, with only a few posers and idiots - but for the real abandoned fiesta vibe all the way through I had to look to the mainland :!:
Im worried about how much this year it seams to have changed already, all over facebook people that used to laugh at the thought of ibiza as it was a "drugged up persons holiday" seams to be getting all excited about ibiza and think there "cool" for all of a sudden wanting to go there :/

surely that's a good thing!!
surely that's a good thing!!

Agreed in a way it is better as the more people there the better, but its bringing the idiots! The typical people that you see in local nightclubs trying to look all smart, drink to much a start fighting... I for one dont want to see that every time i go to a club in ibiza