'New' Ibiza


Well-Known Member
I will always go to Ibiza, but the changes over the last 10 years are worrying.

Brandon Block mentioned it in his book, but it used to all be about not giving a **** and enjoying yourself, getting in a state and coming back a sweaty mess, the love of the music and partying with like minded people.

It is now more about 'Fashion Whores' who sway from side to side or stand and like to pose, everything the original Acid House explosion was against.

There are still places you can get that original experience, but interested to hear your thoughts?

Evidence. A great video, but the DC10 scenes sum it up for me.
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i dunno think i have to agree they've managed to make dc10 look abit like a fashion show with music than a party. Not my experience of it as i remember
yeah but times are changing.....last few times ive been ive ended up just how brandon block described it lol soon as they stopped 24/7 clubbing it changed a bit for me; still nowhere better tho 8)
The good old days always seem better, but still the best place on the planet. The changes were called for to protect people from themselves.
I totally agree that you cant beat Ibiza, I will always visit (and hopefully one day move there)

I am just worried that this sanitised clubbing experience will dilute what it should really be about. You are now getting your Guetta and SHM fans casting their net further and visiting nights they wouldn't normally.

I really cant stand being in a club when you have a group of people around you either standing, swaying, talking or taking photos.

I propose we have our own 'Full On' areas, the opposite of the VIP areas and only for messed up people.
i tried to get a chant of "coxy" going at about 11am on the terrace at last years space closing but no-one seemed interest so i just carried on anyway... :lol:
I really cant stand being in a club when you have a group of people around you either standing, swaying, talking or taking photos.
you should be used to it by now.....

In my opinion the club scene in Ibiza is a joke now compared to how it was when i started going (only 7 years ago).

All that fake vip Miami wannabe bull****, afters ban, ridiculous prices, overcrowded clubs and a big change for the worse in terms of crowd / music is doing my tits in

It's always going to be a magical island but it's not the place it used to be for clubbing.
I still can go to Ibiza and have as much fun as I can take. The prices are what they are. My tastes in music have shifted over the years, but I can still find a nights I love. I avoid some DJ's not because it is the in thing to do but because I don't get into their music. With all that is on offer even people who don't like house music will enjoy themselves. I have taken friends who had great times despite not liking house music. The past is gone that is why it is called the past.
I have stayed away from the 4 big clubs since 97 and still go back every year and have a better time each year.Sure the old days were great,staying in one night and getting up at 7am have a swim and head off to space for 8am.The buzz in the cafe in the morning when people who have been out all night where having a break before they went off to space was some of the best times ever all sitting there with the locals was a very colourful sight.But it was still expensive then in the big 4 and that will never change:)
I had just as good this time this year (even better!!!) than I have had in previous years! 8)8)

I have been guilty of saying "bla bla not as good as it used to be" but it's still my favourite place!