My list of daytime places to visit, have I missed anything?

McRackin said:
vienna said:
OMG that looks nice!!!....whats the name of the calla? vicente?

dont tell me that you have never been in cala san viciente? 8O

did you go to cala san vicente this time? :P

unfortunataly not,...had a big waterpipeproblem in my house,...and then it was raining, raining raining,...most of the time spent in bars ;)

but next time for shure,....btw: how many calas do ibiza have? 100? or more,... 8O
vienna said:
then it was raining, raining raining,...most of the time spent in bars

bar costa maybe? ;)

vienna said:
how many calas do ibiza have? 100? or more,...

i dont know - i never counted them!! :lol:

how can they count them all? 8O

its impossible because there are lots of little ones that dont appear on maps and are not
counted like aigües margantes or the beautiful moon beach!! 8)

i suppose after coming to ibiza 25 times you know where is moon beach? :twisted:
yes bar costa once,....then I met niki lauda in santa eulalia,...dont know the name of the bar,...then i was hours in cafe sidney, cause it was raining to hard,...and of course in the new place of massimo in Port des torrent!! :D

I ment how many calas which have a name, so you can count them, he, he,... 8)
vienna said:
the new place of massimo in Port des torrent!!

do you mean sa flama? :roll:

vienna said:
I ment how many calas which have a name, so you can count them, he, he,...

all of them have names but only locals know those names!! :idea:

vienna said:
no i dont know moon beach - did i fail the examen now mcteacher?

yes - you need to improve!! :spank:
vienna said:
so where is the moon boots beach?

i have no idea!! :twisted:

(with a bit of luck in the next months you will see sets of pictures of moon beach, es portitxol and other beautiful and
unspoiled places around the island. keep your eyes open 8O )
ahhhh, now i know what you mean, the make hiking tours to it right? :D benirras - moonbeach - benirras....

isla blanca - portixol - isla blanca
i didnt say it is benirras, but there is a hiking tour from benirras to the moon beach, then back to benirras, right,...?

like there is a tour from isla blanca to portixol and back...right? :lol:
I know massimo since years from the kiosko...the bar in port des torrent is nice, but he is to lazy ;) ...dont missunderstand me, but he told me he hates the summer because he had so much people there, ha, ha,....

but its nice, i had been there on sunday whenthe live music played,...but imo kiosko has more athmosphere, but maybe its only me,...

moonbeach: ok, no hiking tours but its near benirras, ok?
port des torrent will become a "chic" place :D

they also will build new exlusive app. up at sa pedrera...

nice!....but i have been to their office in eivissa...guess what the cheapest app. will cost?

the highest one is 475.000.- euro!! not pesetas ;)
vienna said:
the bar in port des torrent is nice

do you remember when it was called pacha playa? ;)


vienna said:
moonbeach: ok, no hiking tours but its near benirras, ok?


vienna said:
have you seen the new designer hotel in port des torrent?

not yet :!:

vienna said:
port des torrent will become a "chic" place

yeah - there is even an erotic club now!! 8O
